American Civil Liberties Union

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was a fake anti-establishment organization, founded in 1920. It was closely associated with the NAACP and propaganda offices Congress for Cultural Freedom and American Committee for Cultural Freedom, founded in 1950.

It was founded by Crystal Eastman, Jane Addams, Felix Frankfurter, Helen Keller (Socialist Party), Roger Nash Baldwin, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (feminist, Communist Party USA, Industrial Workers of the World), Clarence Darrow, John Hayes Holmes (NAACP), Albert DeSilver (Skull & Bones), Morris Ernst (President's Committee on Civil Rights of Harry Truman with FDR Jr), Norman Thomas (Socialist Party of America), Arthur Garfield Hays (The New Republic of Walter Lippmann), Walter Nelles.

Felix Frankfurter was educated at CCNY (member of Phi Beta Kappa like John Dewey, Elihu Root, Henry Stimson, Alfred Kinsey, John Foster Dulles, Susan Sontag, FF Coppola, Louis Brandeis, WEB Du Bois, Angela Davis, Jimmy Carter) and Harvard and worked for the American Jewish Congress and under Henry Stimson (S&B). As a Zionist he worked with Louis Brandeis to push Woodrow Wilson to accept the Balfour Declaration (promise of the state Israel).

Roger Nash Baldwin and Elmer Rice (Greenwich Village) later became a member of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom. Walter Nelles was trained at Philips Exeter and Harvard and a member of the League for Industrial Democracy of Sidney Hook, the successor of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society of Walter Lippmann, Jack London, Clarence Darrow and Upton Sinclair (CCNY).

Crystal Eastman, resident of Greenwich Village and trained at NYU, was the sister of Max Eastman of American Committee for Cultural Freedom, fellow student of Walter Lippmann. Their parents were friends of Mark Twain. With Max Eastman she founded The Liberator, a publication of the Communist Party of America, with Edmund Wilson and John Dos Passos (both members of the Dewey Commission). Dos Passos was trained at Choate Rosemary Hall school, a friend of Ernest Hemingway, member of the ACCF, Young Americans for Freedom of Knight of Malta William F Buckley Jr, and campaigned for Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon.

Jane Addams (Nobel Peace Prize, Chicago Board of Education, eugenics, lesbian agenda) was an agent of the Feminist Church with Max Weber's wife  Marianne Weber and marxist Florence Kelly (Cornell, Upton Sinclair's Intercollegiate Socialist Society, NAACP).

Harold L. Ickes of the ACLU and NAACP served in the Truman administration.

Zionist Horace Kallen of the ACLU was a professor at The New School, member of the SPR and Zionist Organisation of America. He was hired by Woodrow Wilson to teach at Princeton and founded the Menorah Journal, wich published Hannah Arendt.

In 1932 Corliss Lamont became director of the ACLU, a friend of Julian Huxley (UN) and son of Thomas Lamont (JP Morgan, Federal Reserve).

The ACLU defended jesuit James Joyce and his book Ulysses, Allen Ginsberg after his poem Howl and Elia Kazan (ACCF) after the controversy with Knight of Malta Francis Spellman about his movie Baby Doll. It worked with the National Organization for Women (Betty Friedan, Feminist Church) and through William Kunstler with the Youth International Party of Abbie Hoffman and Paul Krassner. Raymond Wise defended William Perl (CCNY), friend of Julius Rosenberg (Roy Cohn of JBS as lawyer).

Mildred Jeffrey (Civil Rights Movement, ACLU, campaigns of JFK and RFK) co-founded the National Women's Political Caucus with Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem.

It pushed the gay agenda with Harry Hay (OTO) and Daughters of Bilitis, later sponsored by George Soros' Open Society Foundations.

The ACLU gave an award to Paul Krassner. Board member Bernardine Dohrn was member of the Weather Underground.

It was supported by Adele, John Legend, Sia and jesuit Chris Sacca.

ACLU of California promoted the fake Black Lives Matter movement (Opal Tometi worked for the ACLU).

From 2021 Deborah Archer (NYU) was elected president of the ACLU, with Anthony Romero (gay agenda, Rockefeller Foundation).

Congress for Cultural Freedom

