Aaliyah Dana (=Diana) Houghton was a mind controlled sex slave-singer (Alice in Wonderland programming), used in the music industry (cultural marxist program Hip Hop), the media and the Hollywood film industry to normalise pedophilia and as a role model in the Multiculti and Black Church. In 1994 she married R Kelly as a 15 y old on 8/31 (date of death Diana). She was the niece of Tek (Rawkus Records act Cocoa Brovas). She was educated at the Detroit School of Arts. Her uncle Barry Hankerson who managed Toni Braxton and promoted Barack Obama with The Obama Effect (Katt Williams). She dated Damon Dash (Roc-a-Fella Records of Jay-z). She died in a plane crash on 8/30/20001 like Diana in car crash on 8/31/1997, 12 days before the 911 Twin Towers ritual, after shooting a music video on the Bahamas with Hype Williams (=William the Daemon). |
After her sacrifice ritual she was buried on 8/31/2001 at St Loyola Church in Manhattan of the jesuits (Illuminati rumors as distraction). 2001 was the year of movie Ali with Will Smith (Jada Pinkett Smith also in The Matrix Reloaded). Crowley's religion is based on Liber AL.
In 2019 Madame Tussaud Las Vegas made an Aaliyah doll.
In 2022 R Kelly was convicted for sexual abuse, human trafficking and child pornography.
Astrological chart
born 1/16/1979, date Kate Moss, Susan Sontag, John Carpenter, Sade, Sharon Tate's mother Doris Tate, plane crash of Carole Lombard.
Asc: Aquarius (the Star). Dom: Sagittarius (Art), Capricorn, Virgo - Venus, Uranus, Neptune.
6: Venus in Leo, 10: Neptune and Venus in Sagittarius, 12: Mars conj Sun in Capricorn.
died 8/25/2001, date Ludwig II, d Friedrich Nietzsche, George Wallace, Sean Connery, Tom Skerrit, Wizard of Oz (zarathustra), Gene Simmons (Kiss), d Alfred Kinsey, Tim Burton, Alexander Skarsgard, d Truman Capote, Iowa, d Ted Kennedy, d Neil Armstrong.
Discography and filmography
1994 Age Ain't Nothing But a Number Jive Records
1996 One in a Million Atlantic Records Timbaland Missy Elliott
The Matrix (deleted scenes) role played by Noma Gaye (daughter of Marvin Gaye) Wachowskis Joel Silver
2000 Romeo Must Die Jet Li (Sharon Tate and Bruce Lee) DMX Joel Silver Warner Bros
2001 Aaliyah Virgin Records Timbaland We Need a Resolution (mirror alters, Bruce Lee movie) video with snakes (=Tet)
2002 Queen of the Damned (vampire movie like Sharon Tate, sequel to Interview with a Vampire) Lena Olin