Albert Camus

Albert Camus was a French philosopher and propaganda writer, used in the media industry to introduce the doctrine of nihilism/existentialism in the Left Wing Church with Jean-Paul Sartre. He was raised in Algeria and educated at the University of Algiers (Antichrist Aleister Crowley performed sodomy rituals in the desert of Algeria). His teacher Jean Grenier wrote for Nouvelle Revue Française of André Gide. His books were published by Gide's Gallimard. From 1935 he was a member of the French Communist Party. Like Sartre, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Jean-Paul Sartre, Raymond Aron and André Malraux (who both later worked for CIA front Congress for Cultural Freedom) contributed to his French Resistance publication Combat.

Malraux became minister of information under jesuit Charles de Gaulle.

He was a friend of William Barrett (NY Intellectuals). His friend René Char (French Resistance, friend of Georges Bataille, Martin Heidegger and Pablo Picasso) worked with André Breton.

He died in a car crash like Jayne Mansfield, Grace Kelly, Diana,..

Combat and Sarte played a role in the fake may 68 protests. Sartre was a central figure in the New Left with Michel Foucault and André Breton.

Astrological chart

born 11/7/1913, date Marie Curie, Joni Mitchell, Leon Trotsky, Stanley Ann Dunham, David Guetta, d Leonard Cohen, Jean Shrimpton.

Dom: Cancer (the Chariot), Aquarius, Gemini - Pluto, Mercury, Saturn.

10: Pluto and Mars in Cancer.

died 1/4/1960, date Christopher Isherwood, year before birth Diana.


1942 The Stranger

1942 The Myth of Sisyphus

1947 The Plague

1951 The Rebel

1956 The Fall

the Left Wing Church

