
Alchemy is the study and use of chemical substances like mercury, used by the Saturn cult as a psychological weapon, a tool to flood the pineal gland, manipulate the 7 chakra's and plug people into the God matrix (to corrupt and take over the human soul). It was the foundation of modern chemistry.

- History of alchemy
- Alchemical concepts: the Philosopher's Stone
- 7 Hermetic principles
- Alchemical stages
- Alchemical symbols

History of alchemy

Hermetic knowledge has its origin in Atlantis, spread to Europe, Sumer (cult of Enki) and Egypt, called Khem the black land, where the use of mercury led to the cult of Thoth. The pharao's consumed mfktz, superconductive monoatomic gold (also used for levitation, cult of Atum Ra) in cone shaped bread.  The Phoenicians worshiped the phoenix (red gold).

The Levites built the cult Judaism around the use of monoatomic gold (manna, the philosopher's stone). The Melchizidek priesthood prepared the bread with manna.

Greek scientists developed theories of the 4 elements. In Greece the cult of Thoth became the cult of Hermes.

During the Roman Empire, it was developed in Alexandria.

The killing of the Christ stands for killing of the heart, takeover of the soul.

Zosimos of Panopolis taught that metallurgy was taught by the Fallen Angels.

800 It was further developed by the Arabs like Jabir ibn Hayyan during the Islamic Golden Age in Turkey and Iraq. They translate texts like the Emerald Tablet of Thoth with famous Hermetic saying As Above So Below (macrocosm and microcosm work the same way) and explanation how everything is an emanation from the One (life energy) and yang and yin polarity (sun and moon, fire and water).

From the start alchemical/hermetic writings contained strange symbolic and allegorical language to conceal its true meaning for the uninitiated. The double-headed eagle represents the end of the Great Work.

Works attributed to Jabir ibn Hayyin (Geber, possible origin of word gibberish) like Summa Perfectiones about aqua regia (royal water, mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid that could dissolve gold and platinum) and aqua fortis circulated in Europe.

1213 Roman de la Rose. House of Castile (Dominicans) and Franciscans (Roger Bacon, Bonadventura of Iseo) study alchemy.

1330 Petrus Bonus Precious Pearl.

1416 Nicolas Flamel states in his testament the stone is perfectly prepared gold.

1450 start of printing revolution.

1471 The Compound of Alchemy of George Ripley, based on work of Ramon Llull.

1474 Alchemy is rediscovered by the Medici's in Italy. Their agent Marsilio Ficino invents author Plato, writes Platonic Theology, Plato's text Timaeus (theory of Platonic solids).

1477 Thomas Norton (student of George Ripley, in service of Edward IV =House of York) The Ordinal of Alchemy.

1529 techniques to make gunpowder in the war industry.

1556 Georgius Agricola De Re Metallica (art of mining, mineralogy, geology).

1599 Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (German texts about chemistry, fox as symbol of aqua regia).

Paracelsus introduced the concept of a homunculus (little man, offspring of the alchemical wedding) and the 3 principles of salt (female), sulphur (fire) and mercury (androgynous). He was the teacher of Heinrich Kunrath. He introduces mercury poisoning as a cure for syphilis.

1600 Michael Sendivogius works for Sigismund III Vasa, in alliance with the jesuits.

1610 Ben Johnson play The Alchemist.

1611 William Shakespeare The Tempest Prospero based on John Dee Ariel as the spirit Mercurius. Opus Majus of Franciscan Roger Bacon (study of gun powder with mercury) influenced John Dee.

1612 alchemical works attributed to Nicolas Flamel.

1613 Alchemical wedding of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart in London, wedding song of Michael Maier and performance of The Tempest.

1615 Atalanta Fugiens of Michael Maier.

1616 Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (Rosicrucianism).

Johann Kunckel, working for the House of Wettin, experiments with mercury as explosive, by adding mercury fulminate to aqua fortis (nitric acid).

1618 Thirty Years' War ends Golden Age of alchemy.

1650 Samuel Hartlib corresponds with George Starkey (Eireinaeus Philalethes) and Thomas Vaughan (Robert Moray as patron, who was a spy of Cardinal Richelieu). Vaughan translates the rosicrucian manifesto Fama Fraternitas in English.

Elias Ashmole (Royal Society) translates Fasciculus Chemicus, a translation of an alchemical work of John Dee's son Artur Dee. Arthur Dee was the physician of Michael I Romanov of Russia and based his work on Petrus Bonus, Ramon Lull and Michael Maier.

1654 George Starkey The Marrow of Alchemy.

1661 Robert Boyle (Oxford, Royal Society, also in contact with George Starkey) The Sceptical Chymist, start of modern chemistry.

1667 George Starkey Secrets Reveal'd reveals monoatomic gold is the philosopher's stone.

1669 Hennig Brand isolates phosphorus.

1677 Liber Mutus.

1678 Johann Joachim Becher conducts research on mines for Prince Rupert (work Physica Subterranea on mineralogy).

Isaac Newton published on alchemy and the Temple of Solomon.

1685 Charles II dies of mercury poisoning.

1700 Augustus II of Poland (Order of the Golden Fleece) imprisons alchemist Johann Böttger and forces him to make gold. He eventually helps discovering how to make porcelain as hard as the Chinese porcelain (called white gold).

1790 Illuminati member Karl von Eckartshausen writes The Cloud upon the Sanctuary.

1831 Victor Hugo The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Quasimodo, Esmeralda (emerald tablets) and alchemist Claude Frolio (studying Nicolas Flamel) as characters.

1867 Alfred Noble develops dynamite. rise of the pharmaceutical industry as modern alchemy.

1887 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

1916 HP Lovecraft The Alchemist.

1926 AE Waite The Secret Tradition of Alchemy.

1948 chemical experiments at Edgewood Arsenal with nazi scientist of Operation Paperclip.

1950s drug experiments of Project Bluebird, Artichoke and MK Ultra.

1954 Samael Aun Weor Treatise on Sexual Alchemy.

Pop stars have to sacrifice a loved one or family member (Killing of the King ritual, JFK, Martin Luther King, King of Pop,..) as modern blood sacrifice.

1967 Priory of Sion hoax of Pierre Plantard to spread disinfo and confusion about the alchemist tradition of Robert Boyle, Robert Fludd, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo,..

1968 Carl Jung publishes Psychology and Alchemy (dreams of Wolfgang Pauli) and 2 essays on Paracelsus. He helps spreading the modern interpretation of alchemy, an allegorical teaching of spiritual concepts (leading to confusion why founders of modern science like Isaac Newton had spent time occupying themselves with pseudo-science).

1969 Colin Wilson The Philosopher's Stone. Louis Pauwels spreads confusion about mythical alchemist Fulcanelli (mentioned in a song of Frank Zappa).

1973 Alejandro Jodorowsky The Holy Mountain.

1988 jesuit trained Paul Coelho (worked with Kobe Bryant) The Alchemist, Melchizidek as guide.

2001 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Daniel Radcliffe Emma Watson.

2011 wedding of William and Catherine (alchemical wedding of the Red King).

The transgender agenda represents the Rebis figure, the end of the Great Work.

Jim Self (Gaia, program Ascension), James Arthur Ray (The Secret of Rhonda Byrne) and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Alzheimer's Disease caused by Mercury) used to popularize alchemy in the New Age Church.

Alchemical concepts

Laboratory and psychological alchemy use the same concepts but alchemy is mainly physical. To the alchemists the material world consisted of a prima matera, a prime chaotic matter, formed in 4 elements water, fire, air earth. The elements can be transmuted because of the elements they have in common.

The Latin phrase 'solve et coagula', means to dissolve and recombine, separate the pure from the impure. Base metals (basic undeveloped consciousness) have to be transmutated into noble metals, the process of turning lead (by fighting everything that is impure, by purging it and breaking it down in its quintessence) into gold (incorruptable), following the framework of kabbalistic Tree of Life with its various levels of consciousness.

In alchemical logic base metals have to be transmuted into the noble metals silver and gold. The ecliptic path is the cycle of evolution of consciousness. The places where the ecliptic and galactic planes intersect and create a quadrant, are the Silver and Golden gate, Orion-Taurus and Scorpio-Ophiuchus, now slightly more in Gemini and Sagittarius.

It is the task of the initiate to make the divided self (Osiris cut up by Set), the two opposing forces of Sun and Moon, yang and yin, whole again, to create a Temple of Sol-o-Mon.
The Magnum Opus in spiritual alchemy is to dissolve the current limited sense of oneself, to be completely reborn as the true, eternal self. The whole, when purified and integrated is the Holy Grail or Philosopher's stone.

- Philosopher's stone

Philosofia: lovers of gnostic goddess Sofia. Hermeticists believe in the unity of nature as expressed by the idea of the prima materia, a life energy from which 4 elements and all bodies were formed and into which they might again be dissolved and the existence of a potent transmuting agent, capable of promoting the change of one kind of material into another, known as the 'philosopher's stone'. All metals , found in bowels of rocky hills, have a seed by which they are increased (seminal quality). Nature creates cycles to purify matter, to break it down in lighter, freer particles and life energy to create new forms.

It was described by Marsilio Ficino in the Book of the Chemical Art.

Paracelsus called the primal substance alkahest.

In Kabbalism the stone is associated with Yesod ('Foundation', associated with the moon and sexual organs).

In the work of Basil Valentine the philosopher's stone is depicting as squaring the circle with the male and female, yin and yang (squaring, dividing in 4 parts, corresponding to 4 elements). The Twelve Keys correspond to the 12 zodiac signs. The White Stone (female, passive, decomposition, White Queen) transmutes any metal into silver, the Red Stone (male, active, growth, Red King or Queen) transmutes any metal into gold. The stone develops higher degrees of perfection through evaporation and condensation.

Elias Ashmole (early freemasonry) linked the stone to Adam (Per Adam= A Red Map, the philosophical egg, the atom, Egyptian primordial god Atum). The motive of the rejected cornerstone and working on the stone is also a motive in freemasonry. JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

7 Hermetic principles

Alchemy is a cult of the pineal gland to take over the 7 chakra's and 'bodies' (7 steps to 'enlightenment') corresponding to 7 hermetic principles:
1 Mentalism. All is one, all is spirit/mind, matter is just spirit in lower density. everything happens as result of mental state, idea. Everything is connected (the concept of internet). In Hinduism and Hermeticism (teachings of Hermes=Mercury) thoughts and emotions exist in space, have shape, duration.

2 Correspondence, planes of existence are connected, As Above So Below, the outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Thoughts and images from conscious and subconscious manifest in the outer world, we recreate what we focus on (in the New Age religion this Law of Attraction is distorted into: don't focus on the negative or you'll feed it, always be positive, run away from negative, The Secret of Rhonda Byrne etc)
3 Vibration. Nothing rests, everything moves vibrates (spirit energy in motion), the teaching of Heraclitus 'everything flows', one never steps in the same river. One changes mental state by power of Will=change of vibration.
4 Polarity. Everything is dual, opposites are same in nature but different in degree, heat and cold are same thing, different degree. Love is hate, fear is courage.
5 Rhythm. Everything happens according to a cycle of rise and fall, the tide of sea, swing left to right, a rhythm between opposites, chaos and order.
6 Causality. Everything happens for a reason, the law of karma. This insight leads to being the cause, the one who acts, the master instead of victim affected.
7 Gender. Everything is male and female, water and fire, yin and yang, proton and electron.
The start and endpoint of mercury, the Fool on his fool's journey, completion of the circle. transmutation of sexual energy, the fire serpent of the Kundalini energy to achieve gnosis, grail, philosophers stone, gnostic G inside square and compass, squared circle.

The chakra body is seen as a ladder of 7 steps to enlightenment:
1-calcination: detachment of ego, material possessions, humbling
2-dissolution: letting go of control, prejudice, personal hangups
3-seperation: rediscover the essence, letting go of restraints
4-conjunction: empowering of the new, refined self, unity between opposites
5-fermentation: reenergize, out of souls blackness, discover yellow ferment, the better part of the foul soul, display of brilliant colors and visions, deep meditation and dreaming
6-distillation: letting go of sentimentality and insecurities, increase in purity, realization of purpose
7-coagulation: gaining of confidence, beyond all things, 2nd body of golden light, out of crown chakra, philosophers stone ( circle squared).

The Tetractys of Pythagoras shows how the Monad divides itself in Dyad, light and dark, sun and moon, heaven and mundus. The letters of YHVH in the tetractys add up to 72.

From these 2 principles comes a triad, the 3 alchemical principles (introduced by Paracelsus) sulphur, salt and mercury.

The opposing forces are united in the trinity of sulfur (soul, male), mercury (spirit- consciousness, androgynous), salt (body, container, female). Mercury is a psychopomp that seperates the soul from the body, to later unite them again. The worst adversaries and ordeals are the best chances to wake up, an easy life leads to stagnation. (friction between blue and red, horus set water fire) dissolve the animal ego to crystallize the soul (conscious work and voluntary suffering).

Sulphur is two things, it is at its highest level the sacred fire or the Kundalini, the fiery power of the Divine Mother, the sexual fire, libido, the dormant power that needs to be awakened and developed, and arsenified sulphur, sexual fire or sexual drive polarised through lust, that only works through the mind, through its conditionings and concepts based on sensations and the senses. The arsenified or conditioned fire in us only works when the concepts of our mind are pleased and these concepts are based on sensations, we can not activate that fire using the heart but using the mind with the fantasy of sensations etc. Semen contains phosphor, spermatic waters, the Emerald tablets. We have the raw mercury and the sexual fire or sex drive that later needs to be transformed into the sacred fire of the Divine Mother Kundalini. A part of that sexual fire that we have is conditioned in lust and a smaller part is free. The Alchemist controls the conditioned fire and uses the free fire to create Mercury and later frees more and more fire that joins with the real Sulphur if the Alchemist has it already awakened. We have the raw mercury, the raw sexual energy or the seminal entity, though we need to voluntarily fabricate the mercury which is the transmuted raw sexual energy. We also do not have the mercury which has been fecundated by the real sulphur which creates things such as the solar bodies. This third type of Mercury is what crystallises into our inner worlds as new creations.

From these 3 principles come the 4 elements, corresponding to 4 kabalistic worlds and letters for God: YHVH. 4 worlds of kabbala, 4 elements of fire-water-air-earth (plasma, liquid, gas, solid), 4 alchemical stages: nigredo albedo, citrinitas and rubedo, blackening, whitening, yellowing and reddening. transmutation through red and white elixir.

It is the task of the alchemist to break down the chaotic unity of the triangle into 4 elements (a square) and than combine them into higher unity (a squared circle), creating a Quintessence (a 5th element spirit), Water, Azoth, Astral Ether. The union of red sulphur male active principle and white mercury, the female, passive principle creates Rebis, an androgynous being, the hermaphrodite. Spirit, the 5th element or quintessence, has the quality of fire (Hebrew letter Shin), glue but at the same time seperates the elements. yhvsh became Yeshua/Jesus.

Alchemical stages

The Great Work is divided into 4 alchemical stages.
The starting point is primera matera, chaos out of which refined substance or 'gold' is produced. spirit hidden in darkness, divine spark buried in matter. The primera matera carries projections of the subconscious.
1 Nigredo (blackening, ruled by Saturn the Black Sun, symbolized by the crow) 40 days (40 mem the hanged man) seperation of soul from the body, eliminating energies that block growth. Breaking down of personality in its most basic form, death desolution, depression, blacker than black, putrefaction, calcination, mortification (in Christianity repression and denial of natural instincts) sacrifice of old self, crucifiction.
Melancolia, encounter with the Shadow. There is a blessing in the curse, wisdom found in ignorance: the part we repress contains the mystery, symbolised by a rat, turtle, black toad or serpent. The stone rejected by the builders is used as cornerstone (also lapis exilis, stone that supposedly fell off Lucifers crown, symbol is venus symbol inverted).
The Hermit descends to ascend to conquer the dragon (ego, reptilian mind), in the ninth sphere yesod, 9=tet, serpent,find vitriol (visit interior of the earth) and take all the forces of the serpent (hermetic science phosphor in sperm)-soul reborn out of 9th sphere=pregnancy of 9 months.
night sea journey, first dark night. dangerous, toxic aspect, causing insanity if not approached with the highest regard-like when peacock eats poison, its plumage becomes brighter. stage of peacock's tail, like white light broken down in different colors through prism. euphoric. appearance of inner anima (eve) or animus (tarzan), marriage with our inner earthly nature. example: The Crow with Brandon Lee.
2 Albedo (whitening) aurora morning star rising moon in dark night. source of all existence, the One. soul mate anima or animus. becoming conscious of our soul nature, who am i?. slightly withdrawing from life, further purification. 2nd alchemical marriage with the anima as moon woman (Helen of Troy) or animus (movie star, captain), Eros, 2nd rebirth of the lunar child. The self now identifies with its soul nature.

Venus is symbolized by the dove or swan. A person is comprised of three separate components: body, soul and spirit. The body is material and the soul spiritual. Spirit is a kind of bridge that connects the two. The dove is a common symbol of the Holy Spirit (Binah) in Christianity, in comparison to God the Father (soul, Kether) and God the Son (body, Chokmah). The bird offers a third rose, attracting both lovers together and acting as a kind of mediator between their contrasting natures.
In Rosicrucianism, crucifying the body, so the perfected rose can bloom, no longer need for human body.
3 Citrinitas (yellowing) dawning of the solar consciousness, symbolized by wise old man. light no longer reflecting and lunar but direct, pervading. the Original light. Divine intellect, distinct from human intellect. It begins with "yellow death, a dying away of the "lunar light" to the point of complete darkness, a "black light," a light so bright we cannot see it as our inner sight is veiled and it appears as darkness. death of the sense of self as being a separate individual. a
complete dying of the dualistic state of mind that perceives subject and object as separate. the anima as Divine virgin (Dante's Beatrice), animus as guru. culmination rebirth in a revelatory light. leaving the alchemist free in a state of Pure Spirit, Pure Intelligence, beyond space, time and form but without a consciousness of body or mind.
4 Rubedo (reddening, symbol of the Phoenix) dawn sunri Red Death iosis merging of ego and self, self manifested in wholeness, discovers true nature, destiny, union of opposites, of yin and yang. Dark unconscious no longer repressed but integrated into new whole. Union of the self and the all, ego and non-ego. The completes this process of soul development. The Phoenix builds its nest which at the same time is its funeral pyre, and then setting it alight cremates itself. But it arises anew from the ashes transformed.  experience of spiritualization. He has integrated his being so much, that he is no longer dependent upon his physical body as a foundation for his being. He now stands upon the sureness of the spiritual - he has in this sense attained the Philosopher's Stone, the Spiritual core of his being (Shosanna in Inglourious Basterds) androgynous unicorn white horse with phallus. self transcendence, emancipation of his will, a state of non-doing, symbolized by androgynous Baphomet. The ruby slippers of Dorothy and Yellow Brick Road in Wizard of Oz represent the rubedo stage and alchemical gold.

The anima becomes the Mother of God, or Consort of God, the object of mystic love. The corresponding animus figures are Illuminated Ones - Christ, Buddha, the Saints, etc. God consciousness, in being born into the world of the earth, realizes its Godlike nature consciously - as an enlightened, transcendental individual and in a state of oneness with the Cosmic whole. putting the complex mysticism of stage three in daily practice.
The alchemical principal of 'solve et coagula' or dissolve and coagulate, is used at each stage of the process. The form the soul is caught in (the self) must first be dissolved in order to free the soul so that it can rise (in consciousness) to experience a purer and subtler form, which can then be re-coagulated and experienced as the new self.
The dragon, storm god slaying a primordial multiheaded dragon. Mushussu in Mesopotamia, depicted on the Ishtar gate in Babylon, Ra slaying Apep in Egypt (who resides in underworld), Vritra in Rigveda, Zeus slaying Typhon, Apollo slaying Python, Hercules slaying Hydra in Greek mythology, Jörmungandr in Norse mythology, Baal slaying Lotanu (Leviathan in the bible) legend of Beowulf, St George slaying a dragon (constellation Draco, conquering of 4 elements and enchain them).

Alchemical symbols

The symbols in alchemy are deliberately cryptic as a jargon intended to be understood by alchemists (the art of alchemy developed simultaneously with crypography).

Black crow (corvus niger close to Virgo, exaltation of Saturn, rules Nigredo) black raven signifies beginning of the great work of soul alchemy.

Red lion: male active principle, rose colored blood.
White eagle: feminine passive principle, invisible universal semen, Gluten of the Eagle, Virgin's milk (beginning of Clockwork Orange, Inglourious Basterds,..), the Seed, the Sperm of the world, root of the world. visceous slimy, revealed through inner voice.
Swan: whitening albedo.

Green lion devouring the sun: green, liquid sulfate called 'vitriol' purifies matter, leaving behind the gold within the matter. Pure vitriol is an acid that eats through practically anything, except gold.  V.I.T.R.I.O.L.= latin sentence meaning Visit the Interior of the Earth, Which by Rectifying, you will find the Occult Stone, depicted on Art card 14. It also describes the process of photosynthesis whereby plants use the rays of the sun to grow. white and red. red vitriol: passion that reddens everything. We enter into the world of passion through Da'ath, the doors of eroticism, in order to fight battles with tempting demons in the underworld, dominate the beast and eventually steal the fire, the cups of the spinal column from the devil. Each cup stolen from the underworld shines with immaculate whiteness in its corresponding vertebra of the medulla. The whiteness of the Vitriol whitens all of the red bodies.
The initiate descends to the Abyss many times, and ascends again, to search for the Red and Green Lions (this process is illustrated in Snow White, where the seven dwarves work in a mine to find diamonds). The green lion is our internal angel, our innermost (in Thelema the Holy Guardian Angel, projection in Wizard of Oz).
Carnal passion is the door to enter into the abyss.

The teachings of Hermes Trismigestus (Thrice Great) concern three births corresponding to 3 signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Ophiuchus. Azoth primera matera fire water (elixir of life, universal solvent universal medicine, androgynous mercury symbol, related to Ein Soph, 3 rings, infinite substance divine origin that created all matter, in negative form Abbadon, Azazel, Cernunnos) + 9 (3x3, Ophiuchus the Snakeholder, Enki, Hermes thrice great) physical body first birth, mastering ego in heart 2nd birth, mastery over mind 3d birth (3d eye, 3 glands light and dark, creator and destroyer), free from 3 poisons anger, attachment, ignorance. 13th sign represents the 13th cranial nerve.
Alchemical Theme: Unification, Wound Healing (Asclepius son of Apollo, raised by Sagittarius Chiron).

Ten is the all-inclusive structure of the four dimensional Universe, which also represents maintaining the domination and order contained within the structure. Ten also represents the "Matrix" of that construct which hypnotizes and keeps one locked in the illusion of the third dimensional world. The Sacred Decad geometry is held within the Ophiuchus constellation transmission (13=4) which represent the organization of dimension and space in the Cosmos:
the first row represents zero-dimensions (a point)
the second row represents one-dimension (a line of two points)
the third row represents two-dimensions (a plane defined by a triangle of three points)
the fourth row represents three-dimensions (a tetrahedron defined by four points)
Ophiuchus the man is the God that has returned, and he represents mastery over his mind (third birth). He is fully liberated and commands his energy.
The 5 platonic solids depict the 5th element aether as a dodecahedron.

The philosophical egg is on the Lovers card (Mercury ruling Gemini).

The Great Work is like ourobouros, a serpent biting its tail, no beginning or end, forever ongoing.

Books on alchemy

Arthur Edward Waite (HOGD) The Secret Tradition in Alchemy
Arthur Greenberg From Alchemy to Chemistry in Picture and Story
The Book of Aquarius (anonymous) 
Nigel Hamilton Four Stages of Alchemy
Richard Morris The Last Sorcerers The Path from Alchemy to Periodic Table
Sean Martin Alchemy and Alchemists
Stanton Marlon The Black Sun the Alchemy and the Art of Darkness


Tree of Life
