André Breton

André Robert Breton was a French writer and communist, used in research on trauma based mind control and the media industry and the art scene, to promote the art trend Surrealism. He studied medicine and during the WW1 ritual he worked at a neurological ward in Nantes and under Joseph Babinski, a student of JM Charcot who also trained Sigmund Freud and William James, at La Pitié in Paris, near La Salpêtrière. His friend Jaques Vaché died of an opium overdose. He published Litterature in 1919 with Louis Aragon (Dadaism, Communist Party), Robert Desnos and Philip Soupault.

The Bretons are related to the Goldmans (Goldman Sachs).

He published the Surrealist Manifesto in 1924, based on the theories of Freud (psychoanalysis) and Marx (Dialectics), 4 days after the Bureau of Surrealist Research of Antonin Artaud. Artaud influenced Salvador Dali and Samuel Beckett.

Breton led a group of surrealists Louis Aragon, Paul Elouard (French Resistance, partner of Gala, later partner of Dali), Robert Desnos (automatic writing), Jacques-André Boffard (also worked at a hospital), Man Ray,..

The automatic writing technique was developed by hypnotist JM Charcot. The madness theme was used to create a cult of Dionysus in Paris. Surrealism was aimed at uniting the Freudian Pleasure Principle and Reality Principle in one superreality, the Surreal.

William James (TS, SPR), fellow student of Babinski, trained Gertrude Stein, patron of Pablo Picasso.

The surrealists worked with Georges Bataille (secret society Acéphale) and considered Marquis de Sade, Lewis Carroll (SPR, Alice in Wonderland) and Arthur Rimbaud as surrealists.

They published La Révolution Surréaliste which glorified death, murder, suicide and violence and attacked Christianity (death of God, announced by Nietzsche).

They were closely associated with Dadaism (Tristan Tzara, Francis Picabia, linked to OTO center Monte Verità in Switzerland).

In 1934 he married Jacqueline Lamba, a friend of Dora Maar (partner of Pablo Picasso) and Frida Kahlo, with Peggy Guggenheim as patron. She later married David Hare of surrealist magazine VVV (vav: 6, 666).

In 1938 Breton organized an exhibition with Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali and in 1942 an exhibition at Yale University (S&B), founded by the Russells. He worked with Roland Penrose, brother of psychoanalist Lionel Penrose.

In Mexico he met communist Leon Trotsky. He organized the first exhibitions of Frida Kahlo in NY and Paris.

Breton, Claude Lévi-Strauss, André Masson, Marcel Duchamps, Jacqueline Lamba, Benjamin Péret, Jacques Hérold were all transferred to Varian Fry's Emergency Rescue Committee.

In Haiti, he promoted Vodou.

In the 60's he became a member of the New Left (the Left Wing Church) in France with jesuit JP Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.

Surrealist Jacques Prévert supported Angela Davis (Black Panther Party, student of Herbert Marcuse). His poems were used by Joan Baez (Greenwich Village, Civil Rights Movement).

Stephen Fry played Breton in Surrealismo: the Trial of Salvador Dali.

Astrological chart

born 2/19/1896, date Copernicus, John Frankenheimer, Andrija Puharich, Benicio Del Toro, Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things), prince Andrew, Merle Oberon, Ray Winstone, d Harper Lee, Shutter Island.

Asc: Libra, mc: Cancer. Dom: Capricorn (the Devil), Libra, Taurus - Venus (art), Mars, Jupiter.

Houses 4, 3, 7. 4: Venus in Capricorn, 3: Mars in Capricorn, 7: Moon in Taurus. 2: Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio, 8: Neptune and Pluto in Gemini.

died 9/28/1966, date Ed Sullivan, Brigitte Bardot (surrealist Rothschild parties), Naomi Watts, death Elia Kazan, 2 months before surrealist Truman Capote Black and White ball.


1920 The Magnetic Fields
1924 Surrealist Manifesto
1924 A Corpse
1928 Nadja (picture of Henri Claude of La Salpêtrière)
1930 The Second Manifesto of Surrealism
1930 Slow Down, Men at Work (with René Char, friend of Albert Camus and Picasso)
1933 The Automatic Message
1938 For an Independent Revolutionary Art (with Diego Rivera, resident of Chelsea Hotel)
1947 Ode to Charles Fourier (socialism)
1959 Constellations (with Juan Miro)

the Art scene

Pablo Picasso
