Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council is an American - European think tank, founded in 1961, related to the NATO and military contractors. It has its headquarter in Washington DC.

Chairmen: Jesuit James Jones (National Security advisor under Barack Obama), David McCormick (Bridgewater Associates, 160 billion in assets), Frederick Kempe, John Rogers (Goldman Sachs, Ronald Reagan, wife Roberta Lehr worked in the Clinton administration)


- Alexander Kwasniewski (former president of Poland, Club de Madrid)
- Ana Palacio (ECFR, CFR, Spanish ex Minister of Foreign Affairs, UN, jesuit university Georgetown, Institut Montagne)
- Anders Aslund (CFR, Peterson Institute for International Economics)
- Ashton Carter (Secretary of Defense, TC, CFR)
- Brent Snowcroft (Mormon Church)
- Carl Bildt (ECFR, UN, WHO)
- Chris Dodd (jesuit, MPAA of Hollywood)
- Condoleeza Rice (CFR)
- David Aaron (CFR)
- David Petraeus (jesuit, CIA)
- Dennis Blair (Director National Intelligence)
- Douglas Lute (US ambassador to NATO, CFR)
- Elizabeth Linder (jesuit, Facebook, Ditchley, Chatham House, Atlantik-Brücke)
- Ernest Moniz (jesuit, Clinton and Obama administration)
- George Robertson (former general of NATO)
- Gregory Hayes (Raytheon, Business Roundtable)
- Hans Binnendijk (CFR, NATO, RAND)
- Helle Thorning-Schmidt (ex-pm of Denmark, European Parliament, ECFR, Gates Foundation, International Crisis Group, Berggruen Institute)
- Helmut Kohl (chancellor of Germany, Atlantik-Brücke)
- Henry Kissinger (CSIS, Atlantik-Brücke)
- Jacob Wallenberg (CFR, ERT, TC)
- James Baker (CFR)
- James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence)
- James Smith (Thomson Reuters biggest agency in the media industry, WEF)
- James Woolsey (CIA, CSIS)
- Jessica Ashooh (Reddit)
- Jim Smith (Pfizer, propaganda office Thomson Reuters)
- Joel Rayburn (CFR, US Envoy for Syria)
- Jose Maria Aznar (war Iraq with George W Bush)
- Josef Ackerman (Deutsche Bank, Atlantik-Brücke, TC, Group of Thirty)
- Josef Nye (National Intelligence Council, Ditchley Foundation, Hoover Institution, TC, CSIS)
- Kevin Rudd (former pm of Australia, Asia Society, Chatham House, Berggruen Institute, CSIS)
- Kiron Skinner (Trump administration)
- Lawrence Summers (Harvard, World Bank, Berggruen Institute, Clinton and Obama administration)
- Leon Panetta (jesuit, CIA)
- Madeleine Albright (jesuit, CFR, friend of Hilary Clinton and Diane von Fürstenberg)
- Majid Jafar (WEF, Crescent Petroleum)
- Marilyn Hewson (Dupont, Lockheed Martin)
- Mario Greco (GEDI Gruppo Editoriale, Italian media)
- Marjorie Scardino (Pearson publisher, The Economist, Nokia, Oxfam, Twitter, married to Alan Scardino of The Guardian)
- Michael Hayden (CIA)
- Myron Brilliant (CFR, AB)
- Paula J Dobrianski (CFR, TC, Victims of Communism, WEF, Secretary of Global Affairs under George HW Bush)
- Philip Odeen (Northrop Grumman)
- Philip Breedlove (NATO)
- Richard Burt (Diligence, CFR, AB, CSIS)
- Robert Gates (jesuit, CIA)
- Robert Zoellick (World Bank, TC, Goldman Sachs, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
- Ron Ritchie (Club of Rome)
- Rupert Murdoch (News Corp media industry, papal Order of St Gregory, son of Keith Murdoch LSE of Fabian Society)
- Sam Nunn (CFR, CSIS, Hoover Institution)
- Shaukat Aziz (ex pm of Pakistan, Berggruen Institute)
- Stephen Schwarzman (S&B, BlackStone with Peter Peterson, Trump administration, Berggruen Institute, WEF, married to Christine Mularchuk Hearst)
- Susan Eisenhower (granddaughter of Dwight Eisenhower, mother of Laura Eisenhower)
- Tom Enders (AB, German CFR, Airbus)
- Thomas Pickering (CIA, CSIS, Ditchley, CFR)
- Victor Pinchuk (Peterson Institute for International Economics, friend of Elton John, donor of the Clinton Foundation, married to the daughter of former Ukrainian president)
- Wesley Clark (CSIS, CFR, NATO)
- William Taft IV (Reagan era, S&B family)
- Wolfgang Ischinger (ECFR, AB)
- Zalmay Khalilzad (CFR, UN ambassador, RAND, CSIS)

Council on Foreign Relations

Foundations and think tanks
