The Bilderberg conferences are annual meetings held for the first time on 5/29/1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek Netherlands, organised by jesuit Jozef Retinger with prince Bernhard as chairman (both Knights of Malta). Prince Bernhard was a member of the SS and married queen Juliana of House of Orange. | ![]() |
It is a think tank of elite families. Retinger met with Zionists Chaim Weizmann, Vladimir Zhabotinsky (Jewish Defense Organization),..
Through controlled opposition like Alex Jones, Jim Tucker, Phyllis Schlaffly, Lyndon LaRouche, Nigel Farage, James Corbett, Dan Dicks, Daniel Estulin, Mark Dice, Gaia, JBS, Jesse Ventura, Tony Gosling (RT), the Bilderberg conferences have become a conspiracy cliché and distraction, associated with other think tanks like the CFR and Trilateral Commission and with New World Order theories and the Illuminati.
Jon Ronson used the Bilderberg conferences in Them: Adventures with Extremists and Secret Rulers of the World with Alex Jones and Jim Tucker (The Spotlight of Willis Carto).
Alex Jones interviewed Vivian Kubrick (daughter of EWS director Stanley Kubrick) at the Bilderberg conference.
In 2009 jesuit billionaire Charles Dolan produced the 'documentary' New World Order, through his AMC Networks about Alex Jones and Jim Tucker, protesting at the Bilderberg conference.
From 2009 to 2012 Jesse Ventura hosted Conspiracy Theory on TruTv (AT&T Warner Media) with episodes on Bilderberg, 911,,..
Early members include Herman Abs (IG Farben), Paul van Zeeland (pm of Belgium), Paul-Henri Spaak (NATO, pm of Belgium), Paul Rijkens (Unilever), the Agnelli family, the Wallenberg family,...
- Casimir Yost (Georgetown University of
the jesuits) - Etienne Davignon (Societé Generale,
ERT) - Charlie Rose - David Petraeus (CIA,
jesuit) - George Mitchell (CFR) - Henri de Castries (AXA, Stellantis,
Argus Media, German CFR) - Jorma Ollila (chairman ERT) - Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum)
- Marie-Josee Kravis (Federal Reserve)
- Paolo Scaroni (ERT) - Peter Löscher (Hoechst, Siemens, Merck) - Peter
Thiel - Rene Benko (Austrian billionaire, Sigma) - Robert Kimmit (Facebook)
- Victor Halberstadt (Goldman Sachs,
Misleading books on the Bilderberg Club
Mark Dice 'The Bilderberg Group: Fact and
Daniel Estulin 'The True Story of the Bilderberg'
Jim Tucker (Infowars) 'Jim Tucker's Bilderberg diary'