Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is a jesuit trained mind controlled political puppet of the Left Wing Church that played the role of 42nd US president from 1993. He was born in 1946, the year of the Babalon Workings of John 'Jack' Parsons. Hilary Clinton, who plays his wife, was named after Marjorie Cameron (Hilarion). He is related to Hollywood actor Brad Pitt. He was a member of the Trilateral Commission.

He was educated at jesuit school Georgetown, Oxford (Rhodes Scholarship) and Yale and graduated as Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Beta Sigma.

He was made president in 1993 (funding from the Pritzkers, Morgan Freeman, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg of Disney, Mansoor Ijaz CFR..). At his inauguration, Maya Angelou (part of fake Civil Rights Movement of MLK) read a poem. She also wrote the poems of the 1993 movie Poetic Justice with Tupac Shakur (the Black Church).

His administration consisted of:

Robert Rubin (Goldman Sachs, CFR, Lawrence Summers as deputy), William Perry (CFR), Warren Christopher (Hollywood High School, Bohemian Club), Stuart Eizenstat (Zeta Beta Tau), Al Gore and jesuits John Podesta (later founded the Center for American Progress), Bill Lindsey, Dee Dee Myers, Edward Montgomery, Les Aspin, Ernest Moniz, Madeleine Albright, Alice Rivlin (Federal Reserve), Leon Panetta, Christine Varney (CFR), Roger Altman (BlackStone, CFR), Nancy Soderberg (CFR, United Nations), Virginia Apuzzo (gay-transgender agenda).

His initials BC=23. There was a lot of Sirius 23 symbolism in the events of 1993: father of Michael Jordan (23) died aug 23 during the Dog Days with license plate uncoo23, River Phoenix died age 23, the music industry created the Wu Tang Clan with W symbol. Hell's Kitchen in NY is also known as Clinton.

He was present at the opening ceremony of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum with Chaim Weizmann and the Dalai Lama. He played a role in the Oslo accords with Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak.

The main media stunt during his presidency were the Waco Texas David Koresh (Sirius) ritual, war in Bosnia and the 1997 Monica Lewinski media ritual (educated at LSE of the Fabian Society, year Diana had an affair with Dodi Fayed, the Pluto in Sagittarius era) with lawyer jesuit Robert Bennett.

Levinski went to Beverly Hills High School (Barry Diller, Richard Dreyfuss, Jamie Lee Curtis, Roger Corman, Nicholas Cage).

She played the role of the Whore of Babylon, born july 23 (Neptunalia, Clinton has Neptune in Libra) like Crowley's wife Rose Kelly. It was announced with the movie Wag the Dog with Robert de Niro. John Travolta, who danced with Diana Spencer at the White House, played Clinton in Primary Colors.

He was replaced in 2001 by Right Wing puppet George W Bush.

His vice-president Al Gore (Apple, Google) founded the Climate Church in 2007. As a puppet of the UN, he and his Clinton Foundation (jesuit Bill Lindsey) could profit of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

The board of the Clinton Foundation consists of Chelsea Clinton, Frank Giustra (gold mining company Goldcorp, Lionsgate Entertainment, produced Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911), Cheryl Lyn Flor (married to Haim Saban), Rolando Gonzalez-Buntler (jesuit), Eric Goosby (Joe Biden's Covid19 Advisory Board), Hadeel Ibrahim (Refugees International with George Soros), Lisa Jackson (Apple), Bruce Lindsey (jesuit), Donna Shalala (CCNY, UnitedHealth).

Chelsea Clinton is married to Marc Mezvinsky, who works for TGP Capitol of David Bonderman (University High School, Phi Beta Kappa, WWF).

He is a friend of Susie Russell and Doug Tompkins (Esprit, The North Face, donor of Democratic Party), who also held fundraisers of Media Matters of David Brock and George Soros.

He is friend of Donald Trump but played the Left Wing - Right Wing game during the election ritual. Alex Jones accused him of being a rapist (Pizzagate psyop with John Podesta), to promote Trump in a campaign for the Right Wing Church.

He spoke at a TED Conference about the rebuilding of Rwanda.

Clinton was used in the Jeffrey Epstein psyop by jesuit controlled opposition Anonymous to give false hope there would be indictments of pedophiles and satanists.

Astrological chart

born on 8/19, date of Al Gore's wife Tipper Gore and of Elizabeth Stuart (wedding Frederick V and Elizabeth) on the 33d parallel (Hope, Arkansas), to become the 42nd US president.

Dom: Libra (Adjustment), Leo, Taurus - Venus (feminine, sexuality, music), Neptune, Mars.

1: Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in Libra, 3: Lilith in Sagittarius, 8: Moon in Taurus, 9: Uranus in Gemini, 10: Sun, Saturn, Mercury in Leo, 12: Virgo.

Hilary Clinton

Al Gore
