
Brazil is a country in Latin America, founded in 1822, by declaring its independence from Portugal, with a population of 211 million people and Brasilia as capital. Its largest city is Sao Paulo. It is a member of the United Nations. It is ruled by the Jesuits. It has the 13th largest GDP in the world.


History of Brazil

1549 John III of Portugal (Habsburg) orders missions to conquer Latin America and to convert the native tribes to Christianity.

1553 Manuel de Nobrega becomes first provincial of jesuits in Brazil, appointed by Everard Mercurian.

1554 Spanish jesuit Joseph of Anchieta, related to Ignatius of Loyola, founds Sao Paulo (sacred pole of Draco) and Rio de Janeiro.

1822 Independence from Portugal.

1825 Uruguay declares independence from Brazil.

1831 emperor Pedro II Braganza (Order of the Golden Fleece).

1903 St Ignatius College in Rio de Janeiro (Paulo Coelho).

1934 Arnold Krumm-Heller, in contact with MI6 agent Aleister Crowley, founds a rosicrucian lodge in Brazil.

1940 the jesuits establish the Pontifical Catholic University de Rio de Janeiro and train Alex Behring (3G Capital, Heinz, Inbev), Cecilia Malan (media industry, daughter of Minister of Finance Pedro Malan), Fernanda Abreu,..

1961 Jesuit Joao Goulart as president, Walter Moreira Salles as Secretary of the Treasury. Salles founded Itau Unibanco, was a friend of Mick Jagger and father of Pedro Salles (Group of Fifty), jesuit trained director Walter Salles (On the Road, The Motorcycle Diaries about Che Guevara, Dark Water with Jennifer Connelly). Bossanova music with jesuit Viniciuis de Moraes.

1962 Jim Jones and members of his People's Temple move to Belo Horizonte. Andrija Puharich and Josef Mengele also operate in Brazil.

1965 Roberto Marinho founds TV Globo. Cinema Novo movement with jesuit Carlos Diegues (worked with Sonia Braga, niece of Hollywood actress Alice Braga).

1969 Emilio Médici (Legion of Honour) as president.

1975 Operation Condor: the jesuits of the CIA install military dictatorships in Latin America. First movies of jesuit Arnaldo Jabor.

1984 Max and Igor Cavalera form Sepultura, used in program Metal.

1989 jesuit Cazuza is used to push the gay agenda.

1991 jesuit Marcilio Marques Moreira as Minister of Finance.

1993 constitutional referendum media ritual with jesuit Luiz of Orléans-Braganza.

1994 Real Plan to end hyperinflation with jesuit Gustavo Franco (NOVO, Banco do Brasil).

1995 jesuit Pedro Malan (Central Bank of Brazil) as Minister of Finance.

1999 jesuit Arminio Fraga (CFR, Group of Thirty, Soros Fund Management of George Soros) as president of Central Bank of Brazil.

2002 movie City of God. Brazilian actress Adriana Ferryr dated George Soros.

2005 jesuit Rodrigo Constantino founds Instituto Milennium (the Right Wing Church).

2009 jesuit Eduardo Paes as mayor of Rio de Janeiro.

2011 jesuit Joao Amoedo founds the New Party (NOVO).

2015 jesuit and Zionist Jacques Wagner as Minister of Defense. Jesuit Bianca Comaparato played in dystopian Netflix series 3%. in 20). Jesuit Alessandro Molon played the role of opposition.

2018 jesuit Moreira Franco as Minister of Mines and Energy. assassination media ritual of jesuit Mareille Franco (gay agenda, political puppet of the Left Wing Church, Socialism and Liberty Party).

2019 Jair Bolsonaro and Olavo de Carvalho as Donald Trump like Right Wing villains (Eduardo Bolsonaro met with jesuit Steve Bannon). Jesuit Cecilia Malan was used during the fascist Covid19-ritual.


Joao Goulart (jesuit), Emilio Médici, Ernesto Geisel, Joao Figueiredo, José Sarney, Itamar Franco, Fernande Cardoso (Berggruen Institute, Legion of Honour of Bonaparte's, Club of Rome), Luiz da Silva, Dilma Rousseff, Michel Temer, Jair Bolsonaro, Luis da Silva.

Propaganda outlets

- TV Globe: Marinho family, jesuit Cecilia Malan, jesuit Pedro Bial (married to Fernanda Torrres), jesuit Renata Vasconcellos, jesuit Rodrigo Santoro, jesuit Pedro Bloch

- Piaui: jesuit Joao Moreira Salles

- O Globo: jesuit Rodrgo Constantino, jesuit Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna


the Jesuits
