CERN is a project of the Saturn cult (horned god Cernunnos=Pan, goat of Capricorn, the torus field), with 666 logo, founded in 1954, funded by 27 countries, which played a role in the creation of internet and the research on quantum mechanics. It created a particle accelerator in Meyrin (Merlin) Geneva Switzerland (coat of arms with key symbol to create a dimensional portal, opening of the Abyss of Revelation 9:11). | ![]() |
After the IAS of Robert Oppenheimer created the atom bomb (creating energy from matter, Manhattan Project), the CERN project is the next big step, to create matter from energy.
It was built on a site associated with the worship of Apollo. Computers originated in the dark art of geomancy, interpretation of signs in sand. The jesuits introduced Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to the Chinese I Ching (divination system with octagon symbol), after which he developed computation theory.
The concept of Boltzmann machines was based on the Ars Magna of Ramon Lull and John Dee's Enochian cryptography. Jesuit Buckminster Fuller developed the concept of Bucky balls.
Saturn is the god of time and manipulation of time. Particle accelerators are used to generate oppressive forces in the atmosphere which condense the vibrations of matter, to increase gravitational pressure in the lower atmosphere and to speed up the rate of time, known as gravitational time dilation. The word gravity derives from the Latin word 'gravis' which means heavy. CERN has a statue of Shiva (=Apollyon the Destroyer).
CERN is used as cliché and topic for sensational disinfo in the Conspiracy Church (Alex Jones, Fritz Springmeier, Simon Parkes, American Media Group, Megadeath, Anthony Patch,, often linked to weather manipulation theories about HAARP and the Mandela effect.
History of CERN
1931 building of the first cyclotron 'particle accelerator'.
1945 Trinity Test in New Mexico ('I have become Death' quote of Robert Oppenheimer), nuclear bomb ritual on aug 9 in Japan.
1946 Babalon Workings of Jack Parsons in Death Valley.
1947 founding of Brookhaven National Laboratory (Saturnian hexagon logo) near NY.
1952 BNL uses its first particle accelerator, the Cosmotron.
1954 founding of CERN
with Guy van Dardel Wallenberg (niece
married to UN General Kofi Annan), Felix Bloch (jewish, Stanford) as first Director-General.
1955 'proving' of the existence of antiproton
(antimatter) at the University of California Berkeley (isolation of plutonium). Antimatter,
created by radioactive decay, is used to attract demons.
1957 François de Rose (Trilateral Commission) as president of the CERN Council.
1958 BNL creates the first video game.
1960 John Stewart Bell (Stanford Research Institute).
1965 a group of researchers led by Antonino Zichichi reports production of nuclei of antideuterium at the Proton Synchrotron of CERN, confirmed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory, colliding gold particles and light energy (phoenix and star).
1967 founding of Fermilab (named after Enrico Fermi) near Chicago, affiliated with the University of Chicago, in the shape of an 8 at the 88th parallel. Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam include the Higgs mechanism in the Standard Model, which gives rise to masses of elementary particles.
1968 founding of the European Physical Society.
1973 discovery of neutral
weak currents caused by Z bosons.
1980 Tim Berners-Lee (MIT) starts working at CERN, the largest internet node in Europe at the time.
1989 Berners-Lee introduces Hypertext Transfer Protocol, start of the worldwide web (early internet, symbol of 8-legged spider). the ALEPH particle detector experiment (first Hebrew letter, story by Luis Borges about omniscience).
1992 forming of the ATLAS Collaboration (Greek god associated with the Atlantis civilization) with more than 2000 physicists from 180 institutions (like BNL), to build a large particle accelerator. The Rockefeller Center also contains a statue of Atlas.
1993 forming of the ALICE Collaboration (A Large Ion Collider Experiment, Isis/Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole symbolism) to collide heavy ions (high frequencies). The octagon is a symbol of Saturn (father Time) and Venus with its 8 year cycle (Ishtar gate in Babylon, hypercube tesseract of John Dee).
1994 Savas Dimopoulos (Stanford, Columbia, University of Chicago).
1998 start of building of the Large Hadron Collider.
2000 BNL starts using the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.
2002 the Athena Experiment research on antimatter (antihydrogen, superconductivity), followed by the Aegis Experiment.
2007 liquid helium leak in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that damages the electromagnets.
2008 first experiments
with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) where 'particle' beams travel at the
speed of light to collide in accelerator ring with strong magnetic field
maintained by superconducting electromagnets, kept at an extremely low
temperature like the conditions of outer space.
2009 Fabiola Gianotti as leader of the ATLAS Collaboration. Sergio Bertolucci (quote 'Something might come through 'dimensional doors' at LHC. And out of this door might come something or we might send something through it') as director.
CERN is used as cliché in the Conspiracy Church (Alex Jones, Fritz Springmeier, Simon Parkes, American Media Group).
Quadrant like John
Dee's table of 4 tablets corresponding with 4 elements.
2010 experiments to confirm the Higgs boson in
alliance with the Tevatron of Fermilab.
2012 (hyped in the New Age as end of Mayan calendar) the media announces the discovery of the Higgs Boson (named the God Particle by Leon Lederman). Peter Higgs who predicted the discovery of the Higgs Boson, played the role of doctor Rotwang from Fritz Lang's Metropolis (archetype of Lucifer, seducing with forbidden knowledge, Hollywood trope of the mad scientist). Fabiola Gianotti is promoted in Time and The Guardian.
Tim Berners-Lee is celebrated in the Summer Olympics ritual in London with 8 pointed star symbolism.
Cloud Atlas movie with Halle Berry and Tom Hanks as CERN physicist Hugo Weaving Wachowskis (The Matrix). New Age documentary Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds with reference to the God particle and cymatics (Hans Jenny).
2013 Particle Fever film with Fabiola Gianotti, David Kaplan (Johns Hopkins University), Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton), Savas Dimopoulos.
2014 Interstellar movie (Nathan Crowley, Kip Thorne) about dimensional portals through the tesseract.
2015 creation of 'antimatter' (antihydrogen counterpart of hydrogen, Black Sun power).
2016 Gotthard tunnel ritual with Baphomet symbolism.
Fabiola Gianotti (Aspen Institute) as Director-General. White Rabbit Project.
AWAKE experiment 10m plasma cell developed
by the Max Planck Institute for Physics 30 m linear particle
accelerator, linked to a Saturnian ring.
Claims of first observation of gravity waves. Hugh Everett introduced the many-worlds-interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Elon Musk founds Neuralink (implantable brain-machine interfaces) and Neurolace in San Francisco.
Through Internet Of Things, facial recognition sensors, everyone becomes a node with a IP adress, biometric digital ID and avatar, connected to the blockchain, ruled through silicon in the hope to reach a Singularity and become God like through nanobots in 2030. Nikola Tesla's 369 vortex math is seen as the key to the Singularity, expressed in the shape of the tetrahedron (in film Oblivion the tet).
Silicon technology of Silicon Valley mimics the pineal gland, a quartz that vibrates like sand (the pineal and sand is associated with Saturn, with time). The touchscreens of Iphones mimic the dark art of geomancy. In kabbalism the Abyss is pictured as a desert of sand that has to be crossed to reach 5D.
CERN in popular culture
(predictive programming of a new race humanity 2.0 )
Fritz Lang's Metropolis (creation of
false Eve, prophecy of Book of
Revelation), Contact, Hellraiser, Stargate, Super 8 (train
collision), Avatar of James Cameron
(The Abyss), Terminator 3, Spiderman 3 (sandman), Iron Man (artificial
heart), The Avengers (tesseract), Prometheus,
Angels and Demons (antimatter bomb is stolen from CERN), Cloud Atlas,
Dark Knight Rises (Lazarus pit, nuclear bomb in stadium like Angels and
Demons and Oz the Great and Wonderful, linked to the James
Holmes Phoenix ritual with references to John
Dee), Looper, Thor Ragnarok, Resident Evil (Milla
Jovovich as Alice), Hot Tub Time Machine, Elysium (reference to Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th
symphony), Transcendence (immortality through technology), Hellboy,
Dark, Lucy, Ex Machina, X-men, Fantastic Four, Rise of Planet of the
Apes (company GenSys, recreate the days of Genesis, of genetic
experiments in Atlantis), Oblivion, Stranger
Things (Upside Down realm),.....
Most modern electronics are radiating neuro-bio hacking software like
GENESIS, BRIAN, and NEURON which are "neurological and biological
simulators" and are programs designed to hack into the human brain and
biology through electronic emissions and wireless frequencies. GENESIS
or General Neural Simulation System was developed by Jesuit James Bower.