Council on Foreign Relations
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a think tank, founded in 1921 (year after the Paris Peace Conference), as continuation of the League of Nations/UN and Chatham House by Elihu Root, lawyer of the Carnegie family, member of the Pilgrims Society. It has its HQ in Harold Pratt House in New York. Its European counterpart is the European CFR. | ![]() |
Although the CFR has become a conspiracy cliché since the publications of jesuit Carroll Quigley and John Birch Society's Gary Allen (supported by jesuit John George Schmitz, who try to frame it as a anti-christian, communist conspiracy, enforced by psyops like the Jeffrey Epstein ritual), it serves as a stepping stone to world government.
In 1912 Elihu Root was given the Nobel Peace Prize.
The network of Willis Carto of the JBS that focused on the Council on Foreign Relations, became the network of provocateur agent Alex Jones. John G. Schmitz' son, jesuit John P Schmitz became advisor of George HW Bush, his son Joseph Schmitz became advisor of Donald Trump.
Peter Peterson (chairman of Lehman Brothers, Nixon administration, BlackStone group with Stephen Schwarzman S&B, 545 billion in assets, owner of WTC Building 7, Peter Peterson Foundation with Barry Diller) was chairman of the CFR from 1985 to 2007, succeeded by Carla Hills, Robert Rubin and David Rubinstein.
- Abraham Foxman (The New School,
Anti-Defamation League)
- Adam Michnik (Polish Gazeta Wyborcza)
- Alan Blinder (LSE,
Federal Reserve)
- Alan Greenspan (Le Cercle, Federal
Reserve, Mont Pelerin
Society, financial system)
- Allen Parker (Wells Fargo)
- Angelina Jolie
- Anne Finucane (Bank of America)
- Anne-Marie Slaughter (AB, CSIS, TC,
Director of Policy Planning under Barack
Obama, New America with Eric Schmidt of Google,
McDonalds, Citigroup)
- Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State under Biden)
- Anthony Gardner (US ambassador to the EU)
- Armino Fraga (jesuit, Group of
Thirty, Central Bank of Brazil, Soros Fund
Management of George Soros)
- Arthur Goldberg (Zeta Beta Tau,
Office of Strategic Services, Secretary of Labor under JFK,
American Jewish Committee, mentor of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who worked
for Averell Harriman
- Arthur Sulzberger (The New
York Times)
- Averell Harriman (Harriman
bank, S&B, Business Council)
- Bill Clinton (jesuit,
Clinton Foundation, TC)
- Bill Hasseltine (Human Genome Sciences)
- Bob Schieffer (CBS, CSIS)
- Brendan Bechtel (Bechtel Group, nuclear plants, son of Stephen Bechtel
of the Bohemian Club, hired by FEMA
to build houses after Katrina, Alfalfa Club, CSIS)
- Brent Snowcroft (Mormon Church, Atlantic Council, friend of Bush
- Bruce Jackson (Lehman Brothers, PNAC)
- Bruce Paisner (Emmy Awards, Hearst Communications)
- Carla Hills (TC,
CSIS, Coca Cola, Chevron, AOL TimeWarner)
- Caroline Wagner (Rand)
- Carter Ham (jesuit, war in Lybia)
- Charlene Barshefsky (TC,
negotiations with China to be allowed to the
- Charles Cook (jesuit, political analist)
- Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation, IAC)
- Chris Dodd (jesuit, MPAA)
- Chris Lidell (Microsoft, Coronavirus Taskforce of Anthony
- Colin Powell (war Afghanistan, war Iraq)
- Condoleeza Rice (911
ritual, Hoover Institution)
- Craig Kennedy (German Marshall Fund, Atlantik-Brücke,
- Daniel Loeb
- Daniel Pipes (Gatestone
Institute, Hoover Institution,
CPD, Commentary,
advisor of Rudy Gulliani, Collapse of Europe Conference with David
Horowitz, Foreign Policy Research Institute with jesuit Adrian
Basora CFR and
jesuit John Lehman of 911 Commission and Heritage
Foundation, son of Richard Pipes)
- Daniel Tarullo (jesuit, Federal
- Darren Walker (Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation)
- David Cohen (director CIA, sanctions on Russia,
North Korea)
- David Harris (American Jewish Commitee)
- David Petraeus (jesuit, CIA, Atlantic
- David Rubenstein (The
Carlyle Group)
- Deborah Fikes (World Evangelical Alliance)
- Deven Sharma (credit rating agency Standard and Poor's, actor in the
European debt crisis)
- Diana Villiers Negroponte (jesuit, British Steel Corporation)
- Dick Cheney (vice-president during the
911 ritual)
- Donald Zagoria (RAND, National
Security Council)
- Dov Zakheim (Department of Defense, The
Heritage Foundation)
- Douglas Dillon (Rockefeller Foundation,
Secretary of Treasure under JFK)
- Edgar Bronfman (MGM, Warner)
- Elaine Sciolino (The NY Times)
- Eliot Cohen (American
Enterprise Institute, PNAC, TC,
- Elisa Massimino (Massimo family controlling the
jesuits, Center
for American Progress)
- Elizabeth Frawley-Bagley (IMCEC, part of pedophilia cover-up)
- Ellen Hancock (jesuit, Apple,
- Elliott Abrams (LSE,
Harvard, Reagan
administration, Iran-Contra affair,
Bush administration, war Iraq, Trump administration, jesuit school
Georgetown, Gatestone Institute,
Project for the New Amerian Century, married to
the daughter of Midge
Rosenthal Decter)
- Eric Schmidt (Google, Youtube, Business
Roundtable, Berggruen
- Esther Dyson (daughter of Freeman Dyson, Hastings Foundation)
- Ethan Bronner (New York Times,
the 911 ritual)
- Fareed Zakaria (CNN, TC,
Berggruen Institute)
- Fernando Reimers (World Bank, Ford
- Francis Fukuyuma (PNAC, National Endowment for
Democracy, Berggruen Institute)
- Frank Zarb (Lazard, Nasdaq, energy crisis under Gerald
- Franklin Thomas (Ford Foundation, CBS,
- Gayle Smith (ONE Campaign of Bono, CAP,
USA for Africa, the Covid19-scam)
- Gary Knell (jesuit, Disney, National
- George Clooney (Hollywood
actor, friends with Harry and Meghan Markle, wife who works for the
the UN, pushes the gun control
agenda with Scooter Braun, manager of Justin
- George Mitchell (International
Crisis Group, Le Cercle)
- George Rupp (Columbia University)
- George Soros/Gyorgy Schwartz (Open
Society Foundations,
International Crisis Group Quantum Fund, the Good Club, ECFR)
- George Vradenburg (AOL Time Warner, CBS, Fox)
- Ginni Rometty (AI agenda of IBM, company that
played a role in the Holocaust)
- Glen Fukushima (AT&T, Airbus)
- Glenn Hutchins (Center
for American Progress, Brookings, Federal
Reserve NY, advisor of Bill
- Glenn Youngkin (CEO of The
Carlyle Group)
- Greg Maffei (Oracle, Microsoft, Sirius XM, Joe
Rogan Show)
- Haley Barbour (governor Mississippi during Katrina and BP oil spill)
- Harold Brown (Le Cercle, Secretary of
Defense under Jimmy Carter)
- Helene Gayle (Spelman College, CSIS, Coca Cola, Rockefeller Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Helle Thorning-Schmidt
- Herbert Raymond McMaster (Hoover
Institution, Atlantic Council,
National Security advisor of Trump)
- Holly Peterson (ABC, daughter of Peter
- Ian Bremmer (TC, Eurasia
- Irving Kristol (ACCF,
American Enterprise
- Ivo Daalder (jesuit, NATO ambassador)
- Jaimie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase, Business
Roundtable, Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve NY)
- James Baker (Secretary of State under Bush)
- James Dobbins (diplomat, RAND)
- James Steinberg (PNAC,
- James Thompson (RAND)
- James Warburg (family who founded Atlantik-Brücke)
- Jane Hartley (jesuit, Center
for American Progress)
- Janet Napolitano (jesuit, Homeland Security under Obama)
- Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve, AB, Biden
- Janine Zacharia (The Jerusalem Post, The New Republic)
- Jared Cohen (Berggruen Institute,
advisor of Hilary Clinton)
- Jason McManus (Time magazine)
- Javier Solano (TC, ECFR,
Secretary-General of the NATO, Spanish Minister
of Foreign Affairs)
- Jeane Kirkpatrick (jesuit, Le Cercle, CPD,
Committee for the
Free World, PRODEMCA)
- Jeff Hammerbacher (data team Facebook)
- Jeffrey DeLaurentis (jesuit, US ambassador Cuba)
- Jeffrey Gedmin (Atlantic Council,
CPD, Project
for New American Century)
- Jennifer Nuzzo (epidomologist, Covid
- Jessica Ashooh (Reddit)
- Jessica Einhorn (Time Warner, BlackRock,
World Bank)
- Jim Breyer (BlackStone, Facebook)
- Jim DeMint (The Heritage
Foundation, Tea Party Movement)
- Jim Hoagland (Washington Post, Hoover
- Jim Hornthal (Zignal labs big data)
- Jim Sciutto (CNN, Covid-scam)
- Jo Johnson (brother of Boris Johnson,
pm of UK)
- Joe Lieberman (presidential campaign with Al
- Joel Hyatt (RAND, co-founder of
Current tv with Al Gore)
- John Allen (jesuit, general war in Syria)
- John Bellinger (911
- John Deutch (CIA director, Hoover
- John J DeGoia (Knight of Malta,
president of jesuit university Georgetown, World
Econic Forum)
- John Forbes Kerry
- John Lipsky (IMF, AB)
- John McCain (WACL,
jesuit trained children, war Syria)
- John Mearsheimer (controlled
opposition against Israel lobby, Russia
- John V Faraci (International Paper)
- Jon Meacham (Phi Beta Kappa, Time, Newsweek)
- Julissa Reynoso (gender policy of Joe
Biden, supported by Soros)
- Katherine Maher (Wikipedia)
- Kathleen Hicks (CSIS, vaccination agenda)
- Karen House (The Wall Street Journal)
- Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (jesuit university Georgetown, Center
for American Progress)
- Keith Elison (jesuit, Nation of Islam, DNC)
- Ken Wainstein (advisor of George W
- Kneeland Youngblood (Healthcare Reform)
- Larry Mizel (Simon Wiesenthal Center)
- Laura Tyson (National Economic Council, Brookings, Berggruen
Institute, Center
for American Progress)
- Laurence Fink (BlackRock with 8,6
trillion dollar in assets, Business
- Laurene Powell Jobs (Goldman Sachs,
Apple, Disney, widow
of Steve Jobs)
- Lawrence Bender (producer of Tarantino
movies and Climate Church
propaganda 'An Inconvenient Truth', working for Miramax/Disney)
- Lawrence Summers (president Harvard, World
Bank, Berggruen Institute,
International Crisis Group
with George Soros)
- Leana Wen (Planned Parenthood, TED)
- Lee Hamilton (911
- Lee Raymond (Exxon, American
Enterprise Institute, TC)
- Len Blavatnik (Russian
mobster, Warner Music Group, founder of Acces entertainment, Deezer,
working together with Apollo management of the Pallavicini family)
- Leo Hindery (AT&T Corporation, Media
Matters of David Brock)
- Leon Black (Apollo Global Management)
- Leonard Lauder (Rosenthal, Estée Lauder,
44th richest person in the world)
- Linda Rottenberg (Endeavor with Edgar Bronfman Jr, World
Economic Forum, NY Times
Bruce Feiler)
- Linda Wachner (Warnaco Group, Calvin Klein)
- Lloyd Austin (Secretary of Defense under Biden)
- Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs)
- Lois Quam (Center
for American Progress, Global Health Initiative)
- Luciana Borio (Goldman Sachs, Covid19
- Lynn Forester de Rothschild (Henry
Jackson Initiative, husband financial advisor Queen Elizabeth)
- Madeleine Albright (jesuit, Vital Voices with Hilary
Clinton, Melanne Verveer and Diane
von Fürstenberg)
- Marc Benioff (World Economic
Forum, Time Magazine, Bill
Gates' Giving Pledge, cloud computing firm Salesforce, Oracle,
helped announcing the 'Great Reset')
- Marcelle Wahba (Arabian Gulf States Institute of Frank Wisner)
- Margaret Hamburg (Rockefeller and Gates
Foundation, Covid scam)
- Mark Grossman (jesuit, the Cohen Group, war in Kosovo)
- Maurice Greenberg (Federal Reserve
Marsh & McLennan, part of WTC
on 911)
- Marie-Josée Kravis (Federal Reserve
NY, MoMa, Publicis)
- Max Boot (The Wall Street Journal, PNAC)
- Meghan O'Sullivan (jesuit)
- Melanne Verveer (TC, Atlantic
Council, jesuit school Georgetown, Vital Voices Foundation with Hilary Clinton and Diane
von Fürstenberg)
- Mellody Hobson (jesuit, Starbucks, Dreamworks Animation,
Rockefeller Foundation, Disney, wife
of George Lucas, Giving Pledge of Bill Gates)
- Meredith Woo (Open Society
Foundations, The NY Times,
- Michael Bloomberg (mayor NY,
- Michael Blumenthal (Secretary of Treasure under Jimmy
- Michael Green (jesuit, CSIS)
- Michael Lynton (Philips
Exeter, Walt Disney Company, Sony
Pictures Entertainment, Snap Inc, Warner Music Group, RAND)
- Michael O'Hanlon (Brookings, PNAC)
- Michael Ovitz (Disney, Creative
Artists Agency representing all A-list Hollywood
- Michele Barry (Covid19-'expert')
- Michèle Fournoy (CSIS, PNAC,
Aspen Strategy Group)
- Mikhail Fridman (Alfa-bank, Russian Jewish Congress with Moshe Kantor)
- Monica Crowley (Washington Times, Fox News)
- Morton Halperlin (Open
Society Foundations of George
- Nadia Schadlow (Trump
- Nicolas Berggruen (Berggruen
Institute, Council of the Future of Europe)
- Nicholas Brady (NY Edison, Supreme Order of Christ)
- Nina Rosenwald (Committee
on the Present Danger, Gatestone
- Norton Schwartz (US Air Force)
- Oriet Gadiesh (Bain & Company, WEF)
- Patty Stonesifer (Bill Gates
Foundation, Amazon, Rockefeller
Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
- Paul Volcker (Federal
Reserve, TC, Atlantic
Council, Le Cercle, Mont
Pelerin Society, Group of Thirty)
- Paul Wolfowitz (Le
Cercle, PNAC, war in Afghanistan
and Iraq)
- Paula J Dobrianski (jesuit school Georgetown, Victims
of Communism, TC, Atlantic Council,
WEF, Thomson Reuters, Project for the New
American Century, Secretary of Global Affairs under
George HW Bush)
- Penny Pritzker (Secretary of Commerce
under Obama)
- Peter Schwartz (SRI, Global Business Network with 'environmentalist' Stewart Brand)
- Peter Yeo (Better World Campaign, United
Nations Foundation)
- Philip Lader (Morgan Stanley, RAND,
Atlantic Council)
- Raj Shah (Rockefeller Foundation)
- Randall Stephenson (AT&T, president of BSA)
- Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn, Media
Matters for America)
- Rex Tillerson (Exxon Mobile, president of
BSA, Trump administration)
- Richard Allen (National Security Advisor, CPD,
Le Cercle)
- Richard Branson (Virgin)
- Richard Burt (Atlantic Council,
AB, private intelligence firm
Diligence, shareholder Nathaniel Rothschild
and Edward Mathias of The Carlyle
Group, worked for Kissinger's consulting firm, advisor for Rand
- Richard Dreyfuss (Disney actor)
- Richard Haas (president CFR, advisor Colin Powell, war Iraq)
- Richard Parsons (Time Warner music
industry, Citigroup, merged Time Warner with AOL, the company
started by jesuit Wilhelm Meister, the family responsible for the
experiments during the Holocaust through
their chemical company Hoechst)
- Richard Plepler (HBO)
- Richard Ravitch (PRODEMCA)
- Robert Kagan (PNAC, Brookings, The Washington
Post, The NY Times, The New
- Robert Work (Raytheon, Deputy Secretary of Defense)
- Roger Altman (jesuit, Lehman Brothers, Blackstone, TC,
Secretary of Treasure under Carter and Clinton)
- Robert Gates (jesuit, CIA,
Atlantic Council)
- Roger Hertog (Oppenheimer,
AllianceBernstein 581 billion in assets, American
Enterprise Institute)
- Robert Iger (Disney)
- Robert Kimmit (jesuit, AB, TC, Lehman Brothers, Secretary
of Treasure under George W. Bush,
board of Facebook)
- Robert Malley (International
Crisis Group, Soros)
- Robert Menschel (Goldman Sachs)
- Robert Rubin (Goldman Sachs)
- Ruth Porat (Google, BlackStone, Aspen
- Samuel Palmisano (IBM, Exxon)
- Sanford Weill (Citigroup)
- Scooter Libby (PNAC, CSIS, RAND, Hudson
- Stacy Abrams (Center
for American Progress)
- Stan Polovets (Russian oil company TNK-BP, Hoover
- Stephen Adler (Reuters)
- Stephen Friedman (Goldman Sachs,
Intelligence Advisory Board of George
W Bush, Quill and Dagger, Federal
Reserve NY, TC and Brookings)
- Stephen Hadley (Cornell Quill and
Dagger, Atlantic Council, ICG, aide to Wolfowitz,
war Iraq)
- Stephen Schwarzman (S&B, BlackRock, BlackStone Group with Peter
Peterson, Trump administration)
- Steve Odland (Conference Board, General Mills, Business
- Stuart Holliday (jesuit, 'special assistent' to George
- Susan Berresford (Ford, Chase Bank, TC)
- Sylvia Burwell (Gates Foundation)
- Sylvia Matthews (Gates Foundation, Covid19
- Theodor Hesburgh (jesuit, PRODEMCA, Civil
Rights Movement)
- Thomas Friedman (The New York
Times, TC)
- Thomas Glocer (Yale, Merck & Co, Morgan Stanley, Reuters)
- Thomas Pickering (International
Crisis Group, CSIS, TC,
Atlantic Council)
- Thomas Pritzker (Pritzker Realty Group,
Hyatt Hotels)
- Tim Kaine (running mate Hilary
- Timothy Geithner (Warburg Pincus,
Kissinger Associates, Federal Reserve
NY, RAND, Group of Thirty)
- Trevor Neilson (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wikimedia
Foundation, WEF, Global
Philanthropy Group, donor of Extinction
- Vin Weber (PNAC, National Endowment for
- Vivian Schiller (The Guardian, NBC)
- Walter Slocombe (PNAC, Atlantic
- Wayne Lee Berman (BlackStone)
- Warren Beatty
- Wendy Sherman (ICG,
TC, Atlantic
Council, Fannie May Foundation, deputy Secretary of State under
jesuit Joe Biden, married to Bruce Stokes
of Pew Research Foundation)
- Wes Moore (Oprah Winfrey Network,
Robin Hood Foundation of David Solomon-Goldman
Sachs, IAC)
- William Bardel (Eight Schools Association: St Pauls, Philips
Academy, Philips Exeter
- William Dudley (Federal Reserve
NY, Goldman Sachs, Group of Thirty)
- William Draper (Skull and Bones)
- William Lauder (Estée Lauder)
- William Reilly (WWF, BP oil spill)
- William Rhodes (Citigroup, Citibank)
- Yangzong Huang (Global Health Governance, part of Covid
- Zalmay Khalizad (Atlantic
Council, CSIS, Reagan and Bush
administration, RAND, created
Islam fundamentalism)
Early members were: Arthur Schlesinger Jr (OSS, campaign RFK, US branch of CCF), Umberto Agnelli (Fiat, related to Furstenberg), Allen Dulles (CIA, Operation Paperclip), John Dulles, John McCloy (World Bank, financed and released the directors of IG Farben), Walter Lippmann, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Corrigan (Federal Reserve), David Rockefeller, jesuit Joseph O'Hare, jesuit Chuck Hagel (Secretary of Defense, Le Cercle), George Schultz, jesuit Zbigniew Brzezinski, Irving Kristol, jesuit Theodore Hesburgh (Civil Rights Movement of MLK), jesuit Jack Valenti (MPAA), Harrington Salisbury (The NY Times), Skull & Bones-men Archibald Coolidge, Henry Stimson, Charles Seymour, McGeorge Bundy, Robert Taft, Averell Harriman, George H Bush, Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, Winston Lord, John Chafee,..