Daath (Da'at) is the 11th hidden sphere (sepirah) on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life with its 10 spheres ('sepiroth'), which is studied with astrology and Tarot as layers of symbolism. Da'at means 'knowledge' (sexual meaning, gnosis of gnosticism). Kabbalah is the teaching of mysticism of the Saturn cult, the worship of Saturn (the God/Allah/YHVH program). It is located on the Abyss, that separates the Supernal triad (Holy Trinity) from the rest of the tree. Astrologically it associated with Sirius (secret, hidden sun, the Black Sun) or Pluto. The tree is based on sacred geometry and the understanding that the microcosm and macrocosm work the same way. In Luciferianism, the 11th sphere is the door to the 11th step, instead of uniting with 'God', becoming a God. | ![]() |
The central sphere simultaneously represents the atom (Adam), the human soul and the sun. The 22 paths of the tree that connect the sepiroth are associated with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, who also have their own meaning and their corresponding 22 Tarot cards.
Daath is the gateway to the qlippoth (shells, inversions of the qlippoth). In Egypt the underworld was called Duat (duality). God Thoth (=teeth) was associated with mercury. Mummies were mummified with the Opening of the Mouth ceremony. The symbol of Sirius was a star, cup/dome (female) and obelisk (masculine).
In Judaism the six pointed star (union of upward and downward pyramid) became the Star of David (divide). Chassidic judaism is influenced by Kabbala. Kabbalistic jews practice gematria (belief everything in the universe can be reduced to numbers).
The bible is full of kabbalistic symbolism. The phrase Adam 'knew' his wife has a sexual meaning. Daath=death, Binah (Saturn) creates through restriction and decay. It is associated with Lilith.
Da'ath corresponds with the throat chakra (Adam's apple= apple of the Tree of Knowledge). Knowledge=knowing the ledge, the Fool falls from the ledge. The apple associated with Venus (5 pits, Venus forms a pentagram).
The phallus and cup in union led to the symbol of the keyhole. St Peter's basilique in Rome was built in a keyhole shape.
As a symbol of knowledge, it is represented by a closet of bookshelves (secret closet in Rosemary's Baby, Eyes Wide Shut, Matrix Reloaded, Chronicles of Narnia, Interstellar,..)
The empty room in interrogation scenes is a trope in Hollywood movies and series.
The computer (data=Daath) or I-phone, as symbol of Daath, represents an interface to another world (access to porn, temptation to bite from the apple.
Sigmund Freud equated sex drive with death drive in psychoanalysis.
The kabbalistic Tree of Life and other kabbalistic symbols are normalised in pop culture. Kabbalism is taught at the Kabbalah Centre in LA to puppets of the music industry and Hollywood film industry like Madonna, Ashton Kutcher, Ariana Grande, Frankie Grande (gay agenda), Marla Maples (2nd wife of Donald Trump), Mila Kunis, Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, Naomi Campbell, Roseanne Barr, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan,...
Daath symbolism
1947 Black Dahlia ritual. Anne Frank mythology of secret closet with bookshelves.
1961 Psycho Alfred Hitchcock Janet Leigh.
1968 Rosemary's Baby hidden closet
1972 Deep Throat. The Rolling Stones logo. The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
1980 Heaven's Gate cult with keyhole symbol.
1983 Videodrome David Cronenberg.
1990 Pacific Heights (keyhole symbol)
1992 The Shawshank Redemption, escapes through book.
1999 The Matrix Keanu Reeves (band Dogstar) Room 101. The Ninth Gate.
2001 the 911 ritual Statue of Liberty 11 pointed star, Sirus dog.
2003 The Matrix Reloaded Monica Bellucci library as doorway.
Chronicles of Narnia (CS Lewis). Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Clementine works at bookstore.
2008 The Dark Knight Heath Ledger the Fool the Joker Why So Serious?, empty interrogation room
Ab-Soul (TDE, program Hip Hop) Control System. The Number 23. Kinsey (keyhole poster) Liam Neeson as Alfred Kinsey.
Steve Jobs introduces the Apple I-phone.
Jumper library Hayden Christensen
2010 Knowing Nicolas Cage
The Maze Runner the Fool jumping off the ledge. The Neon Demon Nicolas Winding Refn
2014 Interstellar Matthew McConaughey