David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller was a media actor of the elite family  Rockefeller (Scottish Rite masons of Aryan, Scottish-Irish descent), used to play an Antichrist figure (Christ=House of David), like David Kennedy.  Like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers are used in the Conspiracy Church (David Icke) to spread disinfo and mythology about the Illuminati. He was educated at Lincoln School, University of Chicago, Harvard and by Friedrich Hayek (Mont Pelerin Society) at the London School of Economics of the Fabian Society. He was a member of the Pilgrims Society and Bernhard Lippe's 1001 Club. He attended the meetings of Le Cercle. He worked with John McCloy (World Bank, chairman Ford Foundation) at Chase Manhattan bank, which had a swastika logo and funded the nazi's and later became JP Morgan Chase. In 1970 he replaced McCloy as chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Radio City Music Hall  (Rockefeller Center) was used in Rosemary's Baby.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded IG Farben and CIA mind control project MK Ultra, a continuation of the nazi experiments in concentration camps in American universities. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation funded the jesuit university in Congo (Lovanium, part of Belgian university KULeuven).

The Twin Towers, two masonic pillars Boaz and Joachin, represented as the brothers David and Nelson (JFK and RFK, William and Harry).

Gary Allen (John Birch Society) published None Dare to Call it Conspiracy, a bestseller that focuses on the CFR and Rockefeller family.

In the 70's, as vice-president of Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta Shriner), Nelson Rockefeller worked with Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State under Nixon) and Carla Hills (CFR). He was selected to lead the commission that 'investigates' MK Ultra with Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan and is made vice-president of Knight of Malta Gerald Ford.

In 1973 he co-founded the Trilateral Commission with jesuit Tadashi Yamamoto and jesuit Zbigniew Brzezinski.

He met with Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro.

His wife Margaret founded the American Farmland Trust with William Reilly (president of the WWF, co-founded by Godfrey Rockefeller) and Patrick Noonan (National Geographic Society, daughter died in Lockerbie ritual).

Jesuit Wilhelm Meister of the Hoecht company, responsible for the concentration camps, founds CVC, wich turns into America Online (AOL with one eye pyramid logo) with jesuit Jim Kimsey as CEO. David Rockefeller's friend Richard Parsons of Time Warner (CFR), merged AOL and TimeWarner into AOL Time Warner Inc. Ted Field, producer of Disney movies, descendant of Marshall Field who founded University of Chicago with John Rockefeller, founded Interscope records with Jimmy Iovine. Richard Parsons became chairman of Citigroup in 2009. Rockefeller center is used in movie Home Alone.

In the internet age, CIA trolls on Youtube linked Jay-z of Roc-a-fella records, to Rockefeller and the Illuminati and they became the favorite target of controlled opposition (Alex Jones, David Icke, Luke Rudkowski, jesuit Benjamin Fulford,..) as the ultimate rulers. Jay Rockefeller went to elite school Philips Exeter Academy, like Dan Brown who promoted the Illimunati hoax with a Hollywood blockbuster.

His daughters Peggy Rockefeller (CFR) and Ariana both are still involved with the UN. Justin Rockefeller (son of Jay and Sharon) works at data company Addepar of Joe Lonsdale (Palantir), part of Population Council and the gay-transder agenda through the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network.  Rockefeller Foundation is led by Judith Rudin (CFR, Comcast, Citigroup, BlackRock), from 2017 by Rajiv Shah (Gates Foundation, CFR and TC). His son Richard Rockefeller worked for Doctors Without Borders, Rockefeller University and Rockefeller Brothers Fund and died in a plane crash in 2014.

Astrological chart

born 6/12/1915, date Rosemary's Baby (Antichrist William was born 6/21), Jozef Retinger, Anne Frank, George HW Bush, Jordan Peterson, OJ Simpson murders, Samuel Arkoff, d Gregory Peck.

Dom: Gemini (the Lovers), Cancer, Taurus - Uranus, Mercury, Jupiter.

Uranus in Aquarius, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Cancer.

died 3/20/2017, date Chester Bennington (also died in 2017).

the Illuminati hoax

