
Dialectics (dialectic method) is a philosophical concept of dialogue based on reason, the rational mind to find an answer to a question, popularized with the invented texts of fictional author Plato and the character Socrates. It represents the diffraction of light into blue, white and red and reassembling it again. It was revived in Germany by Johann Gottlieb Fichte (German idealism and nationalism, University of Jena and Berlin) developed the idea of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, and by Georg Friedrich Hegel and the Young Hegelians like Friedrich Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach and Karl Marx. The dielectric (term invented by William Whewell and Michael Faraday) represents rest-inertia, magnetism motion.

The Roman Empire already used a divide-and-conquer tactic.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte was educated at Schulpforta like Friedrich Nietzsche and the teacher of Novalis, Friedrich Scheling and Friedrich Hölderlin. He helped spreading atheism and played the antagonist of Napoleon. He founded Humboldt University of Berlin with Wilhelm von Humboldt, brother of Alexander von Humboldt. Like Johann Wolfgang Goethe (member of the Illuminati) he was a member of the masonic lodge Modestia cum Libertate.

George Friedrich Hegel was a roommate of Friedrich Hölderlin and Friedrich Schelling (9th symphony with Beethoven who had Illuminati-member as teacher) and also connected to the University of Jena and Berlin and the University of Leipzig. He promoted the French Revolution. In 1807 he published Phenomenology of the Spirit, in 1812 Science of Logic and in 1821 Elements of the Philosophy of Right. He saw the Thirty Years' War as part of the Dialectic evolution process. Hegel and Fichte were influenced by Immanuel Kant.

The teachings of 2 opposite forces goes back to the diffraction of light in opposites (Johann=John the ion field of the heart),  kabbalism, the 2 pillars Boaz and Joachin of the kabbalistic Tree of Life.


Karl Marx, a jesuit trained freemason (York rite) of the Saturn cult, trained at Humboldt University, was used to promote the program Communism (a slave religion developed by the Jesuits in Paraguay). He played a role in the Pluto in Taurus era (transformation of religion) with Charles Darwin (humans are monkeys), Friedrich Nietzsche ('God is Dead') and Sigmund Freud (man as a purely instinctual animal).

Max Horkheimer (United Jewish Appeal) and Theodor Adorno (Frankfurt School) wrote Dialectics of the Enlightenment in 1944 and Negative Dialectics in 1966. Gyorgy Lucaks wrote History and Class Consciousness. Marxist Bertolt Brecht called his modern form of theater epic theatre or dialectical theatre. He was funded by Edward James (S&B family Forbes).

Karl Liebknecht (Humboldt University), Rosa Luxemburg and Dadaist George Grosz (program Modernism) founded the marxist Spartacus (nickname of Adam Weishaupt) League. Liebknecht's father, Wilhelm Liebknecht was a friend of Karl Marx and founder of the Socialist Democratic Party (SPD) of Germany. They published Die Rote Fahne with Julian Gomperz (later Frankfurt School).

Karl Popper (LSE of Fabian Society) gave a critique of Dialectics in Open Society and Its Enemies.

Dialectics was used to create controlled opposition and a political puppet show with Left Wing vs Right Wing actors representing red (fire, masculine) and blue (water, feminine) in political debates with mass media tactics of manipulation (creating a narrow spectrum of opinions, creating the illusion of choice, Coca Cola vs Pepsi, Microsoft vs Apple, Columbia vs Warner, cultural marxist programs Rock vs Techno, New Age vs skeptics,..).

In 1960 jesuit JP Sartre wrote Critique of Dialectical Reason.

In 1968 a Dialectics of Liberation conference was held with RD Laing, Herbert Marcuse, Allen Ginsberg and Stokely Carmichael. Bertell Ollman taught dialectical methodology at New York University.

The dialectic method is used in media hoaxes for the problem-reaction-solution trick. Examples of problem-reaction-solution tricks are: false flag attack to start a war (Gleiwitz incident of Adolf Hitler, the 911 ritual of George W Bush), funding both sides of the war to create a UN superstate (the WW1 and WW2 ritual), self created virus to force vaccination (the Covid19-ritual)..

Through David Icke Hegelian Dialectics became a cliché in the Conspiracy Church (fi The Hegelian Dialectic album of Prodigy in program Hip Hop, who also popularized references to the Illuminati).

Karl Marx

the Left Wing Church

