Dodi Fayed

Dodi Fayed was an Egyptian prince, movie producer and mind controlled actor, used in the media industry to play the role of partner of Diana Spencer, mother of Antichrist William V. After her divorce with Charles, Diana played the role of Babalon, the Liberated Woman. Dodi was the son of Mohammed Al-Fayed, the owner of Harrod's (the Harlot). He was educated at elite school Le Rosey in Switzerland (school of Saxe-Coburgs, Cecil, Rothschilds). He had a relationship with Hollywood actress Brooke Shields.

He produced Hollywood movies:
- Chariots of Fire (with torch symbol of Lucifer, which became the Diana memorial)
- Breaking Glass (=splitting the mind through trauma based mind control)
- The Scarlett Letter (Babalon=the Scarlet Woman)
- Hook by Stephen Spielberg with Disney actor Robin Willliams (Peter Pan programming, going to Neverland=dissociate) Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts and Nathan Crowley as production designer, related to sodomy guru Aleister Crowley.

Jesuit Gloria Allred played the lawyer of Kelly Fisher, after he broke up with her to start a relationship with Diana.

Dodi and Diana were photographed on their boat in the south of France.

He died in the Diana and Dodi car crash ritual in the Alma tunnel near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, a symbolic sexual union between the Beast and Babalon (Jack Parsons and Ron Lafayette Hubbard). When he died in the car crash ritual (born 4/15, Crowley's Paris Working book 415), he was 42 years old, nr of rainbows (dissociation, Alice in Wonderland) like Robert Kennedy.

The movie Titanic with LeonarDodi Caprio and Kate Winslet (Jack and Rose), compared them to Jack Parsons and Marjorie Cameron, linked to Lafayette Ron Hubbard.

The same year Anton Lavey died, Anton Lavey=Levyathan, Beast of the Sea.

His father appeared in Da Ali G Show (Sacha Baron Cohen).

Cas Anvar played Fayed in Diana (2013) with Naomi Watts and Naveen Andrews.

In 2015 Dodi's half-brother Omar Fayed, director of the Ritz Paris, produced The Sunshine Makers about LSD experiments of Ken Kesey and Owsley Stanley.

Astrological chart

born 4/15/1955, day of Roman festival Fordicidia (sacrifice of a pregnant cow), Leonardo da Vinci, death Abraham Lincoln, first MacDonalds, date sinking Titanic, bank robbery Patty Hearst and Donald Defreeze, Valentine Michael Manson (child Charles Manson). 3 days before death Albert Einstein (Robin Williams plays Einstein character in A.I.), 12 days after Thomas Arana, 50 days after Marjorie Cameron gave birth to her child Eve, year Steve Jobs and David Kennedy. 'fayed', dod hebrew for uncle, Fayed like Conrad Veidt joker, 100y after Karl Reuss head oto).

Asc: Taurus, mc: Aquarius. Dom: Cancer (the Chariot, ruled by the moon-Diana, birth) , Aries, Taurus- Saturn (the titan), Uranus, Venus.

1: Mars in Gemini, Uranus, Jupiter in Cancer, 7: Saturn in Scorpio, Lilith in Sagitt, 9: moon in Capricorn, 11: Venus in Pisces, 12: Mercury and Sun in Aries.

died 8/31/1997.

Diana Spencer

Brooke Shields
