Fabian Society
The Fabian Society is a club, founded in 1884 by the Massimo family, who control the Jesuits, named after their ancestor Fabius Maximus. Its logo is a wolf in sheep's clothing, the method Fabius Maximus used against Hannibal, who attacked the Roman Empire. |
Wolves are associated with solar god Apollo. Ignatius of Loyola was named Lopez (of the wolf).
The Fabius Maximus method, the scorched earth policy of avoiding confrontation, was used by the Russians against jesuit Napoleon (Mikhael Kutuzov was called the Russian Fabius), by Sam Houston in the fake Texas Revolution and in the WW1 and WW2 ritual (jesuit Stalin against Hitler, with an exact copy of Napoleon's strategy 129 years earlier).
1883 Thomas Davidson founds the Fellowship of New Life with Havelock Ellis (transgender and eugenics agenda), Edith Lees (gay-lesbian agenda), Edward Carpenter (gay agenda), Henry Stephen Salt (friend of Mahatma Gandhi), Ramsay McDonald (later pm of UK).
1884 the Fabian Society is founded in Britain by 9 members on january 4, to use the wolf in sheep's clothing tactic on the population to enslave them with a new breed of populist freedom fighters: the founding of the Left Wing Church, very closely associated with the occultists of the Society for Psychical Research and the Luciferian Theosophical Society, the New Age Church.
- Edith Nesbit (Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn with jesuit
AC Doyle and Aleister
Crowley, controlled by the Cecils).
- Frank Podmore (member of the
Society for Psychical Research, founded in 1882 with George Wyld
of the Theosophical Society
and Henri Bergson, brother of Moina
Mathers, wife of Samuel Mathers of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn)
- Edward Pease (Quaker)
- William Clarke
- Hubert Bland
- Perceval Chubb
- Frederick Kedell
- HH Champion
- Rosamund Dale Owen (rose Venus Lucifer)
Edward Carpenter starts writing about 'gay rights', the start of a slow and subtle indoctrination with the Luciferian sodomy religion (the Gay and Transgender Church). The wolf symbol is also on the coat of arms of the Massimo related Ossorio family, related to wolf god Apollo.
Mason John Ruskin develops the philosophy of environmentalism, the Green Church. Mason Sydney Webb founds the British Socialist Party, upholds an image of being for the people and against poverty.
1885 Annie Besant joins the FS.
1886 Charlotte Wilson founds Freedom Press with Peter Kropotkin, publishing Errico Malatesta, Emma Goldman, Mikhail Bakunin,..
1895 Graham Wallas founds the London School of Economics. He is the teacher of Walter Lippmann at Harvard. HG Wells writes New World Order (a phrase often associated with the jesuit hoax the Illuminati) and War of the Worlds. George Bernard Shaw pushes the gay agenda with Oscar Wilde.
1902 Sidney and Beatrice
Webb found the Coefficients with members:
- Bertrand Russell (CCF)
- HG Wells (FS, Wellington House)
- politician Edward Grey (New Liberalism)
- Leo Amery (Milner Group, father of nazi
John Amery and Julian Amery CCF)
- Alfred Milner (Milner Group,
Secretary of State for the Colonies)
- Henry Birchenough (Victoria League of Violet Milner-Cecil)
- Leopold Maxse (National Review)
- William Hewins (director of the LSE)
- Richard Haldane (Secretary of State of War)
- Halford Mackinder (director of the LSE)
- James Louis Garvin (The Observer with George
- William Pember Reeves (National Bank of New Zealand, director of the LSE)
- Clinton Edwards Dawkins (JP Morgan & Co, related to atheist Richard
They all worked towards sexual 'liberation' and the destruction of the nuclear family, social control through the means of psychology and the use of addictive and psycho-tropic drugs, one-world government and population control.
Emmeline Plankurst (the Feminist Church) is used to create fake protests with the Women's Social and Political Union and war propaganda.
During the WW1 and WW2 ritual, C.E.M. Joad of the FS, is in the media used as 'pacifist' with Bertrand Russell and George Bernard Shaw (problem-reaction-solution), while HG Wells and William Archer (friend of Shaw) make war propaganda at propaganda bureau Wellington House with Alfred Harmsworth, married to Mary Milner.
Oliver Lodge of the FS leads the Society for Psychical Research, with Everard Feilding as secretary, the boss of Aleister Crowley and plays a role in the development of radio and the channeling trend.
Beatrice Webb's sister is Georgina Potter, the mother of Richard Meinertzhagen (military intelligence), with Charles Darwin as family friend. Through Katherine Beatrice Meinertzhagen, Beatrice Webb is related to Victor Rothschild.
1905 Public Service vs Private Expenditure Oliver Lodge Sidney Webb.
1907 Fabians publish The New Age magazine (start of the New Age Church) with writings of Ezra Pound, Filippo Marinetti, Arnold Bennett (HOGD), Florence Farr (HOGD), PD Ouspensky, Katherine Mansfield, GB Shaw, HG Wells, Dimitrije Mitrinovic (mentor of Alan Watts), Theosophist Beatrice Hastings and introduces the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Its editor Alfred Orage was married to Jean Walker of the Theosophical Society and a friend of Aleister Crowley and George Gurdjieff.
George Bernard Shaw writes Pygmalion, based on Ancient Greek myth
of sculpture coming to life. Graham Wallas teaches Walter
Lippmann at Harvard.
British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology with Magnus Hirschfeld (World League for Sexual Reform with Bertrand Russell), Havelock Ellis, Margaret Sanger, Stella Browne (Abortion Law Reform Association), catholic priest Montague Summers (friend of MI6 agents Aleister Crowley and Dennis Wheatley, books on witchcraft), Edward Carpenter (Socialist League), George Cecil Ives (friend of Oscar Wilde), Laurence Hausman (Humanists UK), neurologist and psychoanalist Ernest Jones (friend and biographer of Sigmund Freud) and GB Shaw.
1919 Paris Peace Conference with Alfred Milner.
1920 Edward Pease's son Michael Pease marries Helen Wedgwood (Darwin).
1923 The Frankfurt School is founded with Fabians Karl Krosch and Kurt Albert Verlach (LSE). Fabian Harold Laski of the Frankfurt School also publishes in The New Realist of Gerald Heard.
1924 Laski's wife Frida Kerry (both supporters of eugenics) founds the Worker's Birth Control Group with Dora Russell (the 2nd wife of Bertrand Russell), Fabian Dorothy Jewson and Leah L'Estrange Malone (secretary of Henry Cavendish=Cecil).
George Bernard Shaw and HG Wells meet with Joseph Stalin.
1929 Ramsay McDonald of the FS becomes prime minister of the UK, with JR Clynes of Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs (World Empire of the Cecils).
CEM Joad becomes Director of Propaganda of the New Party of Fabian Oswald Mosley. He is also a member of the Ghost Club with Julian Huxley (United Nations) and members of the HOGD.
Sidney Hook visits Germany and works with Fabian Karl Krosch.
1931 The New Statesman publishes George Orwell, a student of Aldous Huxley. Oswald Mosley changes the name of his New Party to the British Union of Fascists, makes fascist propaganda with Wellington House (Lord Rothermere, owner of Daily Mirror and Daily Mail).
1938 CBS broadcasts War of the Worlds media psyop of Orson Welles.
1940 Hugh Dalton of the FS (Labour Party with the Venus rose symbol, celebrated at 1 may, like the nazi's and communists) leads the Special Operations Executive, British secret service, controlled by the Cecils since the 16th century.
Joseph Stalin defeats Adolf Hitler with the scorched earth tactic of Fabius Maximus.
1945 Clement Attlee (London School of Economics) is made pm of the UK.
1947 After an 'independence' ritual with Annie Besant (Fabian and Theosophical Society, Lucifer magazine with Rudolf Steiner) and Mahatma Ghandi, FS puppet Jawaharlal Nehru (India League with Bertrand Russell) is made president of India, as poster boy for the new style of imperialism, with friendly and religious looking non-white slavemasters, instead of the old approach of religious absolutism of the jesuits.
Communist Che Gevuarah (archetype Horus, friend of jesuit Fidel Castro) uses the guerilla warfare tactic of Fabius Maximus.
Edward Pease's granddaughter marries Andrew Huxley, conducting neuroscientific research.
1964 My Fair Lady with Audrey Hepburn and Veronika Rothschild, based on Shaw's Pygmalion.
1967 George Bernard Shaw and HG Wells are put on The Beatles Sgt Pepper album cover with Crowley.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan trained at the London School of Economics, writes the Negro Family: The Case for National Action (left vs right), becomes US Ambassador to the UN and counselor of president Richard Nixon. Mick Jagger also trained at the LSE, is used to make Crowleyan satanism trendy in the music industry (girlfriend Marianne Faithfull in movies of Kenneth Anger, His Satanic Majesty's Request imitation of Sgt Peppers cover).
The New Statesman publishes Gore Vidal (Philips Exeter Academy, gay agenda).
1977 David Owen (assistant of William Sargant) as Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs.
1997 FS puppet Tony Blair plays the role of socialist saviour with Luciferian rose symbol (wife Chérie Booth educated at the London School of Economics, her sister Lauren Booth worked for the New Statesman), leading up to the death Diana Spencer. Michel Ablaq founds the socialist Baath party in Iraq with Saddam Hussein with jesuit trained sons, who plays the Babylonian villain for George HW and George W Bush.
George Soros, an agent of the Bohemian Schwarzenbergs, trained at the London School of Economics, funds the fake Black Liberation movement Black Lives Matter (the Black Church). His Open Society Foundations uses 'factcheckers' to censor social media (the wolf in sheep's clothing tactic).
Jemima Goldsmith (friend of Diana) and the New Statesman promotes Russell Brand as an anti-establishment activist, used as controlled opposition during the Covid19 prison experiment.
Catherine Ashton, married to Paul Kellner (journalist working for BBC and the New Statesman), is made vice-president of the European Commission. Ursula von der Leyen, trained at the LSE is made president of the European Commission and Margaritis Schinas also trained at the LSE made vice-president.
2003 Christopher Hitchens (New Statesman) promotes the Iraq war.
2002 Philippe Rushton, trained at the LSE leads the Pioneer Fund, a eugenics society with nazi ideology.