Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve is a bank, used as the central bank of the US, created through the Federal Reserve Act by Woodrow Wilson (Cosmos Club) and Carter Glass in 1913. It is the main institution in a system of 12 Federal Reserve system and the global financial system, used to create a Ponzi scheme of debt slavery. |
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- History of the
Federal Reserve
- Federal Reserve as conspiracy cliché
- Federal Reserve NY
- Governors
History of the Federal Reserve
It was formed after the financial panic of 1907 by US Congress. According to its mythology a meeting of the Jeckyll Island Club took place, which consisted of:
- Marshall Field (Commercial Club of
Chicago with Julius Rosenwald)
- JP Morgan
- John Stewart Kennedy (Century Club)
- Nelson Aldrich (mason, descendant of John Winthrop, daughter married
John Davison Rockefeller)
- Henry Pomeroy Davison
- Thomas Lamont (Philips
Exeter, JP Morgan, later supporter of Mussolini
and member of CFR,
father of Corliss Lamont, friend of Julian Huxley UN,
grandson worked for Time)
- Frank Vanderlip (Citibank, Cosmos Club)
- Abram Piatt Andrew (Lawrenceville School, board of Princeton)
- Joseph Pullitzer (Pullitzer Prize)
- Cornelius Vanderbilt
- John Foster Dulles (brother of Allen
Henry Davison worked for JP Morgan, International Red Cross and Citibank, was the father of Trubee Davison S&B, director at CIA and Henry Pomeroy Davison Jr, director at Time magazine, married to the daughter of James Stillman (Citibank). His daughter Alice married Artemus Lamb Gates (Hotchkiss, S&B, NY Trust Company, Union Pacific, Time). His daughter Frances married the son of Charles Cheney (JP Morgan).
Walter Teagle, director of Federal Reserve, worked for Standard Oil, was accused of funding nazi company IG Farben.
Paul Warburg was a descendant of the Venetian jewish family del Banco who moved to Warburg Germany.
Federal Reserve as conspiracy cliché
In conspiracy theories about the JFK ritual, JFK is sometimes presented as a good guy, trying to abolish the Federal Reserve. 1913 was the year after the Titanic ritual (ship supposedly owned by JP Morgan).
Examples of controlled oppositon which spreads disinfo about the Federal Reserve as a private bank of a jewish cabal of Rothschild bankers are: Eustace Mullins (friend of Ezra Pound, The Spotlight of Willis Carto of John Birch Society, worked for jesuit Joseph McCarthy), Edward Griffin ('The Creature from Jeckyll Island', John Birch Society like Archibald Roosevelt, Anarchoculpo), Emmanuel Josephson ('The Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Rockefellers') and Ron Paul (American Free Press of Willlis Carto, Anarchopulco).
Federal Reserve Bank NY
The Federal Reserve Bank of NY is located at 33 Liberty Street (nr of Scottish Rite). It was used for the meeting of mafia bosses in The Godfather.
Its 1st chairman was Pierre Jay (S&B). It 1st governor Benjamin Strong worked for JP Morgan company Bankers Trust. George Leslie Harrison (Harvard, S&B) was advisor of Secretary of War Henry Stimson (S&B). Lee Bollinger, chairman of the Fed NY, is president of Columbia University. William Woodin served in the FDR administration. Marie-Josée Kravis (CFR, TC, WEF, Bilderberg) of Fed Res NY, served on the board of Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, Hudson Institute, MoMa and Publicis.
Other Federal Reserve NY bankers are William McDonough (jesuit), William Dudley (CFR, Goldman Sachs, Group of Thirty), Paul Volcker (TC), Gerald Corrigan (jesuit, Goldman Sachs), Peter Peterson (CFR), Timothy Geithner (Warburg Pincus, CFR, TC, IMF, Group of Thirty).
Executive vice president was jesuit Terence Checki. Anthony Solomon was member of the TC. Director Edward L. Hennessey Jr was a Knight of Malta. John Key was pm of New Zealand. Glenn Hutchins was member of the CFR, Center for American Progress, Brookings, and advisor of Bill Clinton. Stephen Friedman worked for Goldman Sachs, was on the Intelligence Advisory Board of George W Bush and was member of Quill and Dagger, CFR, TC and Brookings. Jaimie Dimon worked for JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, is a member of the Business Roundtable.
Jerry Speyer was a member of Zeta Beta Tau and CFR, worked for Tishman and Speyer.
Maurice Greenberg was chairman of American International Group, member of CFR, TC, CSIS and Manhattan Institute. His company Marsh & McLennan had its office in the WTC during the 911 ritual. The current president of Federal Reserve NY is John Williams (LSE).
Neel Kashkari (Goldman Sachs, gay agenda) worked for Federal Reserve Minneapolis and was presented as saviour during the debt crisis of 2007.
Ted Field, descendant of Marshall Field of the Jeckyll Island Club, founded Interscope Records (Dr Dre, Eminem,..).
- Frederic Delano (Harvard,
Cosmos Club, Commercial Club of Chicago with Marshall Field and Julius Rosenwald,
uncle of US president Franklin
Delano Roosevelt)
- Paul Warburg (married to Nina Loeb, Max
Warburg represented Germany at the Paris Peace Conference, was member of
- William Harding
- Adolph Miller (Harvard),
- Charles Hamlin (Harvard)
- Albert Strauss
- Henry Moehlenpah
- Edmund Platt (Harvard)
- Daniel Crissinger
- Eugene Meyer (The Washington Post, Lazard Frères,
War Finance Corporation, World Bank
Group, his wife was a friend of John Dewey.
He was the father of Katharine Graham, married to Phil Graham of
Georgetown Set, and photographer Florence Meyer, a friend of surrealist
Man Ray. She photographed Charlie
Chaplin, Judy Garland, Thomas
Mann and Constantin Brâncusi. Eugene Meyer was the brother of Florence
Meyer Blumenthal, married to George Blumenthal, also Lazard Frères)
- Eugene Black (World Bank)
- Jake Vardaman
- Lawrence Clayton (Harvard, grandson of
William Clayton of the Mormon Church)
- Thomas McCabe (Lend-Lease Program with Joseph
- Bill Martin (son of Bill Martin Sr, who co-wrote Federal Reserve Act)
- Arthur Burns (TC, Mont
Pelerin Society, US ambassador to Germany)
- Sherman Maisel (Harvard)
- Andrew Brimmer (TC,
classmate of Emmitt Douglas of NAACP)
- Henry Wallich (Harvard, Newsweek)
- Stephen Gardner (Girard Bank, later bought by Mellon)
- George William Miller (Club of Rome, Secretary of Treasury under Jimmy
- Emmett J Rice (CCNY,
father of Susan Rice, National Security Advisor of Barack
Obama, Director of Domestic Policy Council under Joe
- Frederick Schultz
- Paul Volcker (Harvard, LSE of Fabian
Society, CFR,
TC, Atlantic
Council, Le Cercle, Group of
Thirty, Economic Recovery Advisory Board under Barack
- Alan Greenspan (NYU, Federal
Reserve, CFR,
TC, Atlantic
Council, Le Cercle, Mont
Pelerin Society, Group of Thirty, Brown Brothers Harriman, Capital
Cities/ABC, JP Morgan)
- John LaWare (Harvard)
- David Mullins (Long Term Capitol Management of John Meriwethers of
Salomon Brothers)
- Larry Lindsey (Harvard, Phi
Beta Kappa, American
Enterprise Institute)
- Susan Philips (Brookings)
- Alan Blinder (LSE,
CFR, The
NY Times, Cosmos Club, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal)
- Janet Yellen (Harvard, LSE,
Phi Beta Kappa, Brookings, Atlantik-Brücke,
mentored by Joseph Stiglitz of World Bank)
- Laurence Meyer (CSIS)
- Alice Rivlin (jesuit, Harvard,
TC, Brookings)
- Edward Gramlich (Brookings)
- Roger Ferguson (jesuit, Group of
Thirty, Alphabet Inc - Google)
- Mark Olson
- Susan Bies
- Ben Bernanke (Harvard, Princeton, MIT,
Phi Beta Kappa, LSE)
- Kevin Warsh (Harvard, Morgan Stanley, Hoover
Institution, worked with Donald
Trump, married Ronald Lauder's daughter Jane Lauder, of Estée Lauder, related to Rosenthal)
- Randall Kroszner (Harvard, American
Enterprise Institute, IMF, LSE)
- Rick Mishkin (IMF, World Bank, Stan
Fisher as advisor)
- Elizabeth Duke (Wells Fargo)
- Dan Tarullo (jesuit, Harvard,
National Security Council, CFR,
Center of American
- Janet Yellen
- Sarah Bloom Raskin
- Jerome Powell (jesuit, The
Carlyle Group, Dillon Read & Co)
- Jeremy Stein (Harvard)
- Stan Fisher (Bank of Israel, World
Bank, LSE,
MIT, University of Chicago, advisor of Bernanke and jesuit Mario Draghi)
- Lael Brainard (Harvard, Brookings, Under
Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs under Barack
- Randy Quarles (The Carlyle Group,
Mormon Church)
- Richard Clarida (Harvard)