Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam) was a British occultist, rosicrucian and pedophile, an agent of the Cecils and Lord Chancellor from 1617 to 1624. He prepared the rosicrucian wedding of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart, which resulted in the birth of Moonchild George I Brunswick-Lüneburg. His father Nicholas Bacon was Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. His mother was the daughter of humanist and Knight of the Bath Anthony Cooke, father of William Cecil's wife Mildred Cooke. He was educated at Cambridge. He was married to Alice Barnham.

His brother Anthony Bacon worked for spymaster Francis Walsingham and Queen Elizabeth I. He was accused of pedophilia but protected by Henry IV Bourbon. He was a friend of French writer Michel de Montaigne, Thomas Gresham of the Royal Exchange (whose daughter married Bacon's half-brother Nathaniel Bacon) and Antonio Perez.

His rival Edward Coke became Attorney General. King James I ordered him to translate the Bible into English (Martin Luther had translated the Bible into German). His writings contained emblems with AA (Apollo Athena, cult of Athena and her spear=Shake spear).

The Jesuits plotted against James I, to bring Catholic Stuarts to power (Henry Garnett, questioned by Robert Cecil). 

He played a role in the preparation of founding of the Royal Society in 1660.

In 1626 his work New Atlantis was published (announced the university system in the US, the dream of rebuilding Atlantis, Athena and her spear became the emblem of Virginia VA). It was similar to the Utopian island described in Description of the Republic of Christianopolis of rosicrucian Johann Valentin Andreae.

Jesuit Voltaire gave him the reputation of 'father of the scientific method'.

In 1857 Delia Bacon spread the theory the works of William Shakespeare were written by Bacon and Walter Raleigh. It was later repeated by masons Friedrich Nietzsche, Mark Twain, Ignatius Donnelly and William Comyns Beaumont, who also wrote a book on Atlantis (considered pseudoscience by the scientific establishment).

Ross Jackson wrote The Companion to the Shaker of the Speare the Francis Bacon story. Andrew Long wrote Bacon, Shakespeare and the Great Unknown. Peter Dawkins wrote Bacon's Shakespeare. He was the subject of movie Anonymous (2011, Was Shakespeare a Fraud?). The movies of Kevin Bacon contain references to Francis Bacon.

Astrological chart

born 1/22/1561, date Karl Germer (OTO), death Joker Heath Ledger, Lord Byron, Jim Jarmush, Logic, Linda Blair, John Hurt, d Ann Miller, d Lyndon Johnson, d Bérenger Sauniere, Conrad Veidt, Irving Kristol, Piper Laurie, wedding Donald Trump.

Asc: Aquarius, mc: Sagittarius. Dom: Aquarius (the Star), Sagittarius, Aries - Mars, Uranus, Mercury.

Houses, 1, 10, 2. 1: Sun in Aquarius, Venus conj Pluto in Pisces, 10: Mars in Sagittarius, 2: Jupiter and Moon in Aries.

died 4/9/1626, date d Francois Rabelais (Do What Thou Wilt), Lea Hirsig, Stephen Paddock, Hugh Hefner, marriage Charles and Camilla, Elle Fanning, Paul Krassner.


1595 The Honorable Order of Knights of the Helmet
1597 Essays, Colors of Good and Evil
1605 The Advancement and Proficience of Learning Divine and Human
1609 Wisdom of the Ancients
1620 Novum Organurm (New Method)
1622 History on the Reign of King Henry VII
1625 Essays
1627 New Atlantis


Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart
