Francis Ford Coppola
Francis Ford
Coppola is an Italian-American
mind controlled movie director
of the Saturn cult, used in
the Holywood film industry, to
glorify the mafia. Francis= jesuit pope
Francis Roman Emperor. He was trained by Roger
Corman to be one of the 'New Hollywood' directors like George
Lucas and Kenneth Anger
assigned to make Luciferian
propaganda. His daughter is director Sophia Coppola, his son Roman Coppola 4/22 (plays Santino), his nephew is Nicolas Cage. His sister Talia Shire (Adrian Bilboa in Rocky) married Jack Schwartzman. |
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Their son is actor Jason Schwartzman (Marie Antoinette, Darjeeling Unlimited).
He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
He made a 30-minute commercial for jesuit Jerry Brown, the governor of California, who lived in Laurel Canyon and was a friend of cult leader Jim Jones (the subject of Dead Kennedies song California Uber Alles, who also made Holiday in Cambodia about the Pol Pot regime, inspiration for Apocalypse Now).
Sofia Coppola married Spike Jonze.
Matthew Goode played Francis Ford Coppola in The Offer with Giovanni Ribisi as Joe Columbo.
Astrological chart
born 4/7/1939, date King Kong, Russell Crowe, year Wizard of Oz and start WW2 (Hitler the Emperor), Aries the Emperor.
Dominants: Capricorn (the Devil), Aries (the emperor), Scorpio (death) - Mars, Saturn, Pluto (underworld).
Houses 3, 1, 2. 3: Mercury, Saturn and Sun in Aries, 1: Mars in Capricorn, 2: Lilith in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces.
1963 Dementia 13 Justin Caleb produced by
Roger Corman William Campbell Luana
Anders Eithne Dune (Abbey Theatre)
1966 You're a Big Boy Now Elizabeth Hartman Karen
1968 Finnian's Rainbow Fred Astaire Petula Clarke (screenplay by Yip
Harburg CCNY who wrote Over
the Rainbow and other songs of Wizard
of Oz)
1969 The Rain People Robert Duvall
James Caan (subject of documentary Fillmmaker of George
1970 Patton
1972 The Godfather
Marlon Brando Al
Pacino Diane Keaton Robert
Duvall book by Mario Puzo (The
New School, CCNY)
1974 The Conversation Gene Hackman Harrison
1974 The Great Gatsby Mia Farrow,
Robert Redford (8/18 like Roman
Polanski) Karen Black
1974 The Godfather II
Al Pacino Marlon
Brando Robert de Niro
1979 Apocalypse Now,
Beast from book of Revelation,
the Roman Empire, Harrison Ford Martin Sheen Robert
Duvall Laurence Fishburne
Marlon Brando. Hearts of Darkness
documentary by jesuit George
1982 One from the Heart (Columbia) Natassja
Kinski (girlfriend of Roman
Polanski, mother Antichrist in To the Devil A Daughter) Harry
Dean Stanton (d 9/15 like prince Harry)
Rebecca de Mornay, jesuit Raul Julia, year Diana Queen of Hearts gives
birth to Antichrist William V.
1983 The Outsiders Tom Cruise (with
Rebecca de Mornay in Risky Business) Emilio Estevez (Martin
Sheen) Matt Dillon Patrick Swayze Diane Lane.
1983 Rumble Fish (year 13 nun fish) Mickey Rourke
Dennis Hopper Nicolas Cage
1984 The Cotton Club (cc=33), Harlem mob dutch Schultz sunset strip, Orion pictures, also about Lucky
Luciano. Laurence Fishburne,
Richard Gere (aug 31 date death Diana) Diane Lane Nicolas
1986 Captain Eo Michael Jackson Anjelica Huston George
1986 Peggy Sue got Married (keyhole Daath, about time travel through masonic ritual) Nicolas
Cage John Carradine (OTO) Jim Carrey Maureen O'Sullivan (mother Mia Farrow)
1987 Gardens of Stone Sgt. Maj. "Goody" Nelson James
Earl Jones James Caan Anjelica
1988 Tucker The Man and His Dream Jeff
Bridges Martin Landau Christian
Slater based on Preston Tucker, similar to Howard
Hughes (=Jack Parsons)
1989 New York Stories (Twin Towers) Woody
Allen Martin Scorcese Rosanna
Arquette Mia Farrow Adrien
Brody Nick Nolte Talia Shire Steve Buscemi Debbie
Harry Larry David Kirsten Dunst
1990 Godfather III
Sophia Coppola Andy Garcia,
murder at Massimo Theatre
1992 Bram Stoker's Dracula (Pluto: vampires), Bram
Stoker member of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn, Battenberg Vlad Dracula parasitic
bloodline, Gary Oldman Keanu
Reeves Monica Bellucci Winona
Ryder Anthony Hopkins
Tatiana von Fürstenberg (Diane
von Fürstenberg)
1996 Jack (Jack Parsons)
the Fool Robin Williams Jennifer
Lopez Bill Cosby Fran Drescher Disney
1997 The Rainmaker Matt Damon Danny
DeVito Virginia Madsen
2007 Youth Without Youth (red rose) Tim Roth
Bruno Ganz based on novella of Mircea Eliade
2009 Tetro glasses
2011 Twixt (twister to Oz, clocks
Alice in Wonderland) Elle Fanning
(sister of Dakota, also Aries as dominant) Ben Chaplin as pedophile Edgar Allan Poe
Bruce Dern Val Kilmer Tom
2012 On the Road (producer) Kirsten
Dunst Garrett Hedlund Viggo
2015 Distant Vision