Fritz Springmeier
Fritz Springmeier (Victor Earl Schoof) is an actor and disinfo agent, used to play the role of controlled opposition with Alex Jones, a cartoon character of crazy conspiracy theorist, that promotes the Illuminati hoax (masonic conspiracy against Christianity) and spreads disinfo about mind control and elite families. | ![]() |
He wrote:
- The Watchtower and the Masons (1990)
about the connections between the Jehova's Witnesses cult of Charles Taze Russell
and freemasonry
- Be Wise As Sperpents (1991), claims Abraham
Lincoln, JFK and Grace
Kelly were victims of the Illuminati, promotes Fletcher Prouty of
Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby.
- The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind
Controlled Slave (1995) with Cisco Wheeler (son of Earle Wheeler,
assistant of jesuit Lyndon Johnson)
One Eye Pyramid cover
- Bloodlines of the Illuminati (1998) disinfo on Astors,
Disney, Rothschilds,
Rockefellers, Kennedy,
Li, Onassis, Russell, Bundy, Collins, Van
Duyn and Merovingians. In Volume 2 he mixes the Bohemian Grove, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of
Rome, the Jason Group, MI6, the OTO
groups, the Pilgrim Society with
insignificant or fictional distractions like the Jason Society, ACL, the
Council of 9, the Council of 13 or the Grand Druid Council, the Ordo
Saturni, MJ-12, the Mothers of Darkness, the Prieure de Sion (hoax
started by Pierre Plantard), the Process Church (CIA front), the
Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power.
- Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula (2010)
He promotes disinfo agents Michelle Smith (Michelle Remembers) and Cathy O'Brien and is promoted by Vigilant Citizen (also Christians vs Illuminati narrative). He worked with Infowars of Alex Jones, Buzzsaw (Sean Stone), Queen of Hearts Show, Free Your Mind conferences, FreemanTV, We Are Change, Richie Allen Show (David Icke),..
He spread disinfo about CERN and participated in the 5G psyop.
born 9/24/1955.