Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders is a Dutch provocateur agent and media actor used in the media and Dutch politics (party PVV) as political puppet of the Right Wing Church and as controlled opposition against the Multiculti Agenda. |
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He was mentored by Frits Bolkenstein, trained in Israel and replaced Pim Fortuyn as Dutch demagogue with anti-islam rethorique. In 2004 he founded the PVV (Party for Freedom).
He collaborated with other Right Wing Church actors Marine Le Pen, Pamela Geller (Stop Islamization of America, Breitbart, Rebel News), Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Malcolm Pearson (Ukip), Vlaams Belang, Matteo Salvini (Lega Nord), PEGIDA, Sputnik tv, Russia Today,..
During a staged trial Tommy Robinson protested in Amsterdam.
In 2010 he was part of the government of Mark Rutte.
He is a member of the Gatestone Institute of Zionist Nina Rosenwald (CFR) with Alan Dershowitz and Rebekah Mercer (pro-Trump). The Gatestone Institute is closely associated with David Horowitz, Richard Shillman, Robert Mercer, Alex Jones and Rebel News.
He appeared in Pamela Geller's Can't We Talk About This with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ezra Levant, Bat Ye'or, Robert Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulis,.. (Southern Law Poverty Center as antagonist).
He is used as a villain in leftist publications The Guardian and The NY Times.
He played a role in the Isis ritual.
born 9/6/1963.