George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw was an Irish freemason and propaganda writer of the Fabian Society, used to push the eugenics agenda, the gay-pedophilia agenda with Oscar Wilde and to play the role of anti-war activist during the WW1 and WW2 ritual. He helped founding the London School of Economics. He married Fabian Charlotte Payne-Townsend (Payne=S&B family). Like HG Wells, Oscar Wilde and Robert Cecil, he contributed to Saturday Review. | ![]() |
He worked for The Pall Mall Gazette (Friedrich Engels, Stephen Spender, later sold to William Astor).
In 1913 the Fabian Society published The New Age magazine (start of the New Age Church) with contributions of Shaw, HG Wells, Ezra Pound, Dimitrije Mitrinovic (mentor of Alan Watts) and introduced the ideas of Sigmund Freud.
He was a member of the British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology (gay-transgender agenda) of eugenicist Havelock Ellis (The Psychology of Sex, Fabian front The Fellowship of the New Life) with Magnus Hirschfeld, Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood), Stella Browne (Abortion Law Reform Association), catholic priest Montague Summers (friend of MI6 agents Aleister Crowley and Dennis Wheatley, books on witchcraft), Edward Carpenter (Socialist League), George Cecil Ives (friend of Oscar Wilde), Laurence Hausman (Humanists UK), neurologist and psychoanalist Ernest Jones (friend and biographer of Sigmund Freud). Ellis gave peyote (mescaline) to WB Yeats of the HOGD.
During the WW1 and WW2 ritual, he was used in the media as anti-war pacifist with Fabian C.E.M. Joad and Bertrand Russell, while HG Wells and William Archer (friend of Shaw) worked at war propaganda office Wellington House with Alfred Harmsworth, Rudyard Kipling, Edward Bernays, Arnold Bennett and jesuit AC Doyle (HOGD).
He was a friend of economist John Maynard Keynes.
In 1920 he visited jesuit Joseph Stalin in Russia with Fabian HG Wells and Nancy Astor (Milner Group of Alfred Milner, Cliveden Set). Stalin would use the Fabian scorched earth technique on the army of Adolf Hitler.
In 1931 he visited Mahatma Gandhi at Kingsley Hall.
In 1939 he visited an event of the World League for Sexual Reform (sex change operations and eugenics as topic) with Bertrand Russell, Magnus Hirschfeld (gay scene in Berlin with Christopher Isherwood) and Sigmund Freud (sexual 'liberation' and the destruction of the nuclear family, social control through psychology and the use of addictive and psycho-tropic drugs, one-world government and population control).
His publisher Max Reinhardt (LSE, publisher of Graham Greene) was married to Margaret Leighton, who performed in Shaw's play Arms and the Man and later married Laurence Harvey.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature.
He influenced Eugene O'Neill.
Astrological chart
born 7/26/1856, date Sandra Bullock, Carl Jung, Mick Jagger, Stanley Kubrick, Kevin Spacey, Helen Mirren, Aldous Huxley.
Asc: Gemini, mc: Aquarius. Dom: Leo (Lust), Taurus, Gemini - Sun, Venus, Neptune.
Houses 3, 12, 11. 3: Sun, Venus in Leo, 12: Uranus and Moon in Taurus, 11: Jupiter in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces. 1: Saturn in Cancer, 2: Mercury in Cancer, 5: Mars in Libra.
died 2/11/1950, date Jennifer Aniston, Alex Jones.
1894 Arms and the Man
1897 The Devil's Disciple
1898 Candida
1898 The Perfect Wagnerite marxist analysis of Richard Wagner's Ring cycle
1902 Man and Superman
1905 Major Barbara
1912 Pygmalion based on Ancient Greek myth of sculpture
coming to life, premiere with Beatrice Tanner (married to George
Cornwallis West, previously married to the mother of Winston
1919 Heartbreak House
1920 Back to Methuselah
1923 Saint Joan (Joan of Arc)
George Bernard Shaw in popular culture
1938 Pygmalion MGM
produced by Gabriel Pascal Leslie Howard Wendy Hiller Cathleen Nesbitt
Anthony Quayle (Special Operations Executive) Moyna MacGill (TS,
mother of Angela Lansbury) The Rank Organisation
1945 Caesar and Cleopatra Vivian Leigh (Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind) as Cleopatra Flora Robson Michael
Rennie Valentine Dyall Eagle-Lion Films (Arthur Rank) UA
1955 Broadway play My Fair Lady Julie Andrews Rex
Harrison Stanley Holloway Cathleen Nesbitt based on Pygmalion
1957 Saint Joan Jean Seberg Otto Preminger
1964 My Fair Lady Audrey
Hepburn (Christian Science)
and Veronika Rothschild (Cliveden Set),
based on Shaw's Pygmalion, inspiration for Truman
Capote's Black and White ball in 1966 for Katharine Graham.
1967 The Beatles album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
with other MI6 agents Aleister
Crowley, Aldous Huxley, HG
Wells, Carl Jung,...