Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs is an investment bank, founded by German Ashkenazi jew Marcus Goldman in 1869. It has a large influence in the financial system, on US politics, Wall Street and the policy of the European Union. |
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The Goldman family got richer through the Wall Street crash, was close to Julius Rosenwald of Bear Stairns, grandfather of Nina Rosenwald (CFR).
Henry Goldman was married to Babette Kaufman and funded the Stern-Gerlach experiment. Julius Goldman married the daughter of Samuel Adler (Reform Judaism).
Julius Sachs created the Sachs Collegiate Institute (Dwight School, alumni Walter Lippmann, Roy Lichtenstein, Henry Morgenthau Jr of Harry Truman administration, Truman Capote, Vanessa Trump and Paris Hilton).
Goldman Sachs has its hq in the GS tower in New Jersey (=New Jerusalem). Peter Sutherland was chairman from 1995 to 2007.
It is one of the Dow Jones index companies like Amazon, Apple, Chevron, Disney, McDonald's, Merck, Microsoft, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Salesforce, Verizon, Visa, Walmart,..
- Abby Cohen (Brookings Institute)
- Alexander Dibelius (advisor Angela
- Anthony Scaramucci (Donald Trump
- Antonio Borges (=Borghese, TC,
IMF, Bank of Portugal)
- Ashwin Navin (BitTorrent Inc)
- Bing Song (Berggruen Institute)
- Dambisa Moyo (World Bank, Berggruen
- Daniel Och (hedge fund Och-Ziff Capital Management, Endeavor, Robin Hood
- David Blood (Generation Investment Management, the
Climate Church with Al Gore)
- David Solomon (Bear Stearns, Robin Hood Foundation of Wes Moore)
- David Tepper (Carolina Panthers, Appaloosa Management)
- Divesh Makan (Iconiq Capital with clients Mark
Zuckerberg, Sean Parker of Facebook,
Mike Krieger of Instagram, Sean Rad of
Tinder, Justin Timberlake, Will
Smith, Tom Hanks)
- Elisha Wiesel (son of Eli Wiesel)
- Eric Asbrink (Minister of Finance of Sweden)
- Eric Mindlich
(Eton Park Capitol Management,
Center for American Progress)
- Erin Burnett (CNN, NBC
show The Apprentice with jesuit Donald
- Fred Hu
- Friso of Orange-Nassau (son of Dame
of Malta Queen Beatrix, married to Mabel Wisse-Smit of Open
Society Foundations)
- Gary Cohn (IBM, advisor of Donald
- Gary Gensler
- Geofri Boisi (Order of Malta, TC)
- George Herbert Walker IV (2nd cousin of George
W Bush)
- Gerald Corrigan (jesuit, Federal
Reserve NY)
- Greg Penner (jesuit, Walmart, Walton
- Guillermo de la Dehesa (Secretary of State of Spain,
Banco Santander, Group of Thirty)
- Henry Fowler (US Secretary of the Treasury in the Lyndon Johnson
- Henry Paulson (US Secretary of the Treasury in George W Bush
- Jamie Dimon (protegé of Sanford Weil, Federal
Reserve NY)
- Jim Cramer (NBC)
- Jim O'Neill (Chatham House)
- John Rogers (Atlantic Council, Ronald Reagan, wife Roberta Lehr
worked in the Clinton administration)
- John Thornton (Brookings Institution)
- José Manuel Barroso (jesuit,
European Commission, Atlantic
Council, Chatham House, pm of Portugal,
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization after the Covid19-ritual)
- Joshua Bolten (Stanford,
George W Bush administration, president of Business
- Lakshi Mittal (jesuit, steel company ArcelorMittal)
- Laurene Powell Jobs (CFR,
Apple, Disney, widow
of Steve Jobs)
- Lewis Lehrman (George W Bush
- Lloyd Blankfein (gay agenda of Human Rights Campaign, Robin Hood
Foundation with Doug Morris of Universal, Steven Cohen of Point72, Gwyneth
Paltrow, Wes Moore,
funded by George Soros)
- Lucas Papademos (pm of Greece)
- Luciana Borio (CFR,
- Malcolm Turnbull (pm of Australia)
- Marc Tucker
- Mario Draghi (jesuit, European Central Bank, pm Italy)
- Massimo Tononi (Minister of Finance Italy)
- Mario Monti (pm Italy)
- Mark Carney (Bank of England)
- Mark Patterson (Secretary of State in Barack
Obama administration)
- Michael Blumenthal (US Secretary of the Treasury in Jimmy Carter
- Michael Fascitelli (Milwaulkee Bucks, Cadre with
Jared Kushner)
- Michael Hintze (Australian billionaire and hedge fund manager)
- Nadia Schadlow (CFR,
Donald Trump administration,
National Endowment for Democracy)
- Neil Kashkari (Federal Reserve
Minneapolis, gay agenda, debt crisis of 2007)
- Peter Oppenheimer (jesuit, CFO of
- Peter Sutherland (jesuit,
TC, immigration agenda of UN)
- Petros Christodoulou (debt crisis of 2007)
- Phil Murphy (DNC, Covid19 scam)
- Rahm Emmanuel (mayor of Chicago, Clinton
and Obama administration, brother of
Ari Emmanuel of Endeavor and Ezekiel Emmanuel of the Covid19-scam)
- Richard Gilder (George W Bush
- Richard Rainwater (classmate of Disney's
largest shareholder Sid Bass, company with Barry
- Richard Sharp (chairman of BBC)
- Rishi Sunak (government UK)
- Robert Menschel (CFR)
- Robert Rubin (Bill Clinton
- Robert Zoellick (CFR,
World Bank, Atlantic
Council, George W Bush
- Romani Prodi (pm Italy, ERT)
- Ryan Williams (Cadre with Jared
Kushner, funded by George Soros)
- Scott Mead (Philips Academy)
- Sean Hinton (Open Society
Foundations, Rio Tinto)
- Stephen Friedman (Quill and Dagger, CFR,
TC, Brookings, Federal
Reserve NY, advisor of George W
- Steve Bannon (jesuit, CPD,
Breitbart News, Donald
Trump administration)
- Steven Mnuchin (S&B, Donald
Trump administration)
- Steven Grossman (Israel lobby AIPAC)
- Steven Price (Townsquare Media, funds CFR,
Commentary and AEI)
- Suzanne Nora Johnson (Pfizer, culprit in the
- Tito Mboweni (government South Africa)
- Victoria Hull (wife of Richard Sharp, chairman of BBC)
- Viktor Halberstadt (IMCEC coverup of pedophilia with Dennis DeConcini
of Victims of Communism)
- William Dudley (Federal Reserve
NY, CFR, Group of
David Solomon was an Alpha Delta Phi like John D Rockefeller Jr, Walter Teagle (Standard Oil), Edgar Monsanto, David Packard (HP), Gerals Zomow (Eastman Kodak), Macdonald Carey (Days of Our Lives), Grant Tinker (NBC), Fredric March, John Perry Barlow, Colin Angle (iRobot), Daniel Coit Gilman, Henry Luce, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt.
Their influence is obvious so GS is an easy target for fake opposition (Max Keiser of Russia Today, or Donald Trump in his election campaign). Because Marcus Goldman was an Ashkenazi jew from Bavaria, GS is often used to revive the Illuminati hoax (world monopoly in hands of Nouveau Riche bankers and industrialists).