Hannah Arendt

Johannah Arendt was a German jewish OSS/CIA/Mossad agent and Zionist, used as a puppet of the Left Wing Church (the NY Intellectuals). She is a descendant of Max Arendt, politician in Königsberg. He was a friend of Zionist Kurt Blumenfeld of the World Zionist Organisation, who became Arendt's mentor. He was also involved in the Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (Martin Mendelssohn).

She was educated at Marburg University by Martin Heidegger and at Heidelberg University by Karl Jaspers (CIA propaganda office American Congress for Cultural Freedom, friend of Max Weber). Marburg University was also the school of Leo Strauss (German Zionist Federation).

She married atheist Günther Anders of the Frankfurt School, also related to Max Arendt, son of William Stern (coined the term IQ), student of Edmund Husserl and cousin of Walter Benjamin (Frankfurt School). He wrote on the effects of mass media and technology.

In 1939 she met Heinrich Blücher in Paris and married him in 1940.

In 1941 they were transferred through Varian Fry's Emergency Rescue Committee to New York and taught at The New School of Columbia University. She also taught at the University of Chicago (Rockefellers who funded the nazi's), Princeton and Northwestern University.

In 1948 she was used to write propaganda in the NY Times with Albert Einstein and Sidney Hook (Congress for Cultural Freedom) about the visit of Menachem Begin to the US.

She published in the Menorah Journal (with Zionist Horace Kallen of ACLU, Lionel Trilling and Elliot Cohen of Commentary), The New Yorker (Dorothy Rothschild, Truman Capote), Commentary of the American Jewish Committee and Der Monat of Sidney Hook's Congress for Cultural Freedom. She worked for Schocken Books, which published Franz Kafka and Eli Wiesel.

She is a Libra and was used to write propaganda during the staged trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 (616 nr of Antichrist, year of birth Diana Spencer) for The New Yorker, coining the phrase 'Banality of Evil'. Adolf Eichmann worked for the Central Agency for Jewish Immigration in a building owned by the Rothschilds and was supposedly hunted by Simon Wiesenthal and captured by the Mossad in Argentina (Knight of Malta Juan Peron).

The trial took place in Jerusalem, a few months before Stanley Milgram's experiment at Stanford, aimed at proving everyone is a potential desk murderer. It was broadcast by Capital Cities Communications (CC=33), founded by Lowell Thomas (publisher of British agent TE Lawrence), later bought by ABC Disney.

She was interviewed by Joachim Fest, biographer of Adolf Hitler.

She was part of the Yaddo artist community (Spencer Trask, Peabody's) like other CIA agents Robert Lowell, Dorothy Parker Rotschild, Delmore Schwartz, Lionel Trilling, Philip Roth, Sylvia Plath, Langston Hughes (Harlem Renaissance), Jonathan Fanzen, Aaron Copland, Truman Capote, Raymond Carver, Mario Puzo, David Foster Wallace, Saul Bellow,..

She was a friend of Gershom Sholem (Frankfurt School, book on Sabbatai Zvi) and Alfred Kazin (CCNY, NY Intellectuals), father of Michael Kazin, editor of Dissent (jesuit Michael Harrington), in which she also published.

Her exchange of letters with Scholem was published by Encounter of CIA agents Stephen Spender and Irving Kristol.

Mary McCarthy (ACCF) finished her last book The Life of the Mind. McCarthy wrote The Group to push the gay agenda in 1963, made into a movie of United Artists by Sidney Lumet (Columbia University, Actors Studio) in 1966 with Candice Bergen (house of Sharon Tate), Shirley Knight and Joane Pettet (friend of Tate, met with Tate the evening of the 911 Sharon Tate ritual). It was set in Greenwich Village. McCarthy was the sister of Kevin McCarthy (Actors Studio, Invasion of the Body Snatchers) and married to Freudian and Marxist Edmund Wilson (The New Republic, The New Yorker). She wrote for Partisan Review of Sidney Hook, The New Republic,..

In 2012 the film Hannah Arendt was released, directed by Margarethe von Trotta (New German Cinema, also film about marxist Rosa Luxemburg) with Barbara Sukowa.

Richard Bernstein (pragmatism, Civil Rights Movement, classmate of Susan Sontag, The New School) wrote Why Read Hannah Arendt Now? in 2018.

Michiko Kakutani (The NY Times) wrote The Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump, using quotes of Arendt to paint Donald Trump as villain.

Astrological chart

born 10/14/1906, date Usher, Roger Moore, Dwight Eisenhower (Nuremberg trial).

Asc: Cancer, mc: Pisces. Dom: Cancer (the Chariot, ruled by moon=Hannah), Virgo, Pisces - Jupiter, Moon, Neptune.

Houses 1, 4, 6. 1: Jupiter and Neptune in Cancer, 4: Mars and Moon in Virgo, 6: Venus in Sagittarius. 5: Sun in Libra, Mercury in Scorpio.

died 12/4/1975, date Jay-z, Jeff Bridges, d Frank Zappa.


1929 Love and Saint Augustine
1951 The Origins of Totalitarianism focus on the Dreyfus affair in France (year after Adorno's the Authoritarian Personality, promoted by Norman Podhoretz, son of Midge Decter)
1957 Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewess
1958 The Human Condition University of Chicago
1961 Between Past and Future The Viking Press of George Oppenheimer (screenwriter of Hollywood studio MGM, publisher of Saul Bellow, Roald Dahl, Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
1963 Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (The New Yorker, Viking Press)
1963 On Revolution (about American and French Revolution)
1968 Men in Dark Times (portraits of Walter Benjamin, Karl Jaspers, pope John XXIII, Rosa Luxemburg)
1972 Crises of the Republic published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch (also publisher of Mary McCarthy) focus on Pentagon Papers of the NY Times

the Left Wing Church

NY Intellectuals
