Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was a British mathematician, physicist, metaphysical philosopher, alchemist and freemason, used as agent of the Science Church to invent the mechanical model of the universe. He was educated at Trinity College Cambridge. In 1687 he published Principia Mathematica, in which he formulated the laws of motion (law of inertia, F=ma, equal and opposite) and universal gravitation (science of falling). The book was seen as mathematical proof of Robert Boyle's mechanical philosophy  and gave rise to classical mechanics and the modern materialistic worldview. He was supported by Edmond Halley (Royal Society, friend of Charles II Stuart). Like Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz he helped developing infinitesimal calculus, based on the work of jesuit René Descartes.

In the Bible Isaac is the son of progenitor Abraham.

In 1666 he performed a ritual of  diffracting white light in 7 colors as archetypal Lightbringer through a prism and reassembling it.

In 1671 he finished Method of Fluxions.

From 1672 he was a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1703 became its president. The Royal Society was a Stuart-Hanoverian controlled continuation of Boyle's rosicrucian Invisible College.

In 1704 he published Opticks on light and the eye (fractal of the universe).

His assistant John Theophilus Desaguliers was 3d grandmaster of the Grand Lodge in London. He was a friend of mason William Stukely (study of Stonehenge).

After a visit of Francesco Algorotti (friend of Frederick the Great), jesuit trained Voltaire wrote Elements of the Philosophy of Newton with his partner Emilie du Châtelet and spread the famous story of Isaac Newton receiving inspiration after a falling apple (Vesica Pisces, apple of Venus-Lucifer). He was influenced by Johannes Kepler.

He met with John Locke to discuss the alchemical work of Robert Boyle. Boyle was a friend of George Starkey who revealed the philosopher's stone of alchemy is monoatomic gold, used for levitation (anti-gravity field).

His coat of arms contained a cross of 2 bones (Saturnian skull and bones emblem). After his death Chronology of the Antients was published, with  chapters dedicated to Greek, Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian civilization and the Temple of Solomon.

From 1772 Joseph-Louis Lagrange formulated mathematical equations for Newton's mechanical model in Mécanique Analytique, using the work of Euler and Pierre-Simon Laplace.

It was reformulated by William Rowan Hamilton.

William Blake made a drawing of Newton as the Great Architect. Alexander Pope wrote a verse in which he compared Newton to God.

John Maynard Keynes acquired many of Newton's writings on alchemy.

In 1919 the Royal Society promoted Albert Einstein as innovative genius who overthrew the world view of Newton with his Relativity theory, start of quantum mechanics (the atom as mechanical device).

He and Robert Boyle were used in Pierre Plantard's Priory of Sion hoax.

The dispersive prism was used on the cover of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. The apple and rainbow motive was used for Steve Jobs' Apple.

born 12/25/1642.

died 3/20/1725.

the Science Church

Albert Einstein
