Isis was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian mythology, identified with dog star Sirius, a star that represents the feminine energy of the Milkyway galaxy, while her husband Osiris represents the masculine energy of Orion. The Aryans (Irish) worshiped Orion as the Green Man, seen as a warrior with sword or hunter. Osiris was a Dying God, God of the Underworld with 42 judges (24 nr of Jupiter). During spring he was reborn as his son Horus. As mother of Horus, she merged with the more ancient cult of Hathor, feminine counterpart of Ra. | ![]() |
As part of a 3 part takeover, the divine feminine energy of Sirius and mother Earth was inverted by the Saturn cult into worship and sacrifice to Saturn (rings of ice) and the moon with sacred geometry symbolism and witchcraft. As a creator goddess who created everything, Isis is associated with phi (1,618=ISIS) and golden ratio.
As a fertility goddess she played a dual role, Isis represented balance, lion headed Sekmet was destructive. She demanded blood sacrifice as lady in red to appease her. The cup of Isis=the chal-ice, Holy Grail Cup. The moon was placed in orbit of the earth to control the female menstrual cycle. The Tyet (knot of Isis) represents the uterus producing menstrual blood.
During the Dog Days, hottest day of summer, she was worshiped as the veiled widow.
Her sister Nephthys Lady of the Horizon represented the setting sun at the horizon. They stood next to Osiris as judge of the underworld at the Weighing of the Heart ceremony with Thoth as scribe.
The 3 pyramids of Gizeh are a mirror image of the three stars of the belt of Orion. The pyramid shafts were aligned with Orion and Sirius as they served as a stargate, sexual union of the male and female. The yearly death-rebirth cycle of the sun, was synchronized with the death-rebirth cycle of the Divine Feminine and Masculine Sirius and Orion and the inundation cycle of the Nile as the River of Life.
The first card of the Tarot, the Fool represents Orion and Sirius, at the beginning of the annual cycle (the Hero's Journey). Isis is the High Priestess -her veil is physical (phi-Isis) reality veiling the subconscious/inner world- and the Empress with blue lilly.
According to his mythology, Osiris was cut in pieces by his brother Set (Saturn) and Isis went to the underworld to re-member the pieces, including his phallus.
The meeting of Osiris as a judge in the underworld, was recreated in initiation rituals. Bulls (oxes) that embodied Osiris and Taurus (the Bull of Heaven) were sacrificed.
In Phoenicia/Canaan Isis was worshiped as Ishtar (8 pointed star of Venus and its 8 year cycle) and Ashera through sacrifice (sacred Ra -fire and ice). In Babylon Ishtar was worshiped in a fertility cult (easter eggs, rabbits) through sacred prostitution (Whore of Babylon).
Isis is the queen of ice, associated with diamonds (gemstone of Venus).
In Greece, the cult of Osiris became the cult of Dionysus (dio Isis, phallic worship, rituals of dismembering) and Isis became Artemis-Diana-Hera-Demeter. The mystery of Isis going to the underworld became the Eleusinian Mysteries about the abduction of Persephone.
Paris was built on the meridian, the bar of Isis, aligned with Virgo. Police represents the pole of Isis, balance between blue and red. The cult of Isis continued in the Roman Empire (Romus and Remulus raised by a wolf=the dog/wolf star). She was honored as sea goddess at festival Navigium Isidis in march (spring equinox).
In Christianity Isis (Virgo)/ Arya became Maria (Virgin Mary). Jesus Christ represented the Fisher King, while the sun was in Pisces (Isis, Vesica Pisces fish symbol).
The crescest moon is worshipped in is(is)lam with the lunar calendar. In Christianity and Islam women were veiled to mimic Isis the Black Widow and treated like dogs. The Kabba in Islam has golden ratio proportions.
The Catholic Church built the St Peter's basilica in Rome with the dome as the cup of Isis and obelisk as phallus of Osiris-Baal (male and feminine in union).
Britain has the 8 pointed star in its flag, the Union Jack.
In freemasonry the death-rebirth mystery of Osiris and Dionysus became the murder mystery of Hiram Abiff (Hiram was Phoenician King of Tyre on the 33d parallel). The masonic pillars represent Osiris and Isis. Sirius the Blazing or Eastern Star is the end goal of the masonic journey. The jesuit logo IHS means Isis Horus Set. Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa represents Amon El Isa (Isis).
The Dollar sign $ = the doll Osiris resurrected by Isis, the foundation of the mo(o)ney system. The Statue of Liberty is Isis released from the underworld.
Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society wrote Isis Unveiled. The Ordo Templi Orientis worships the Eastern Star with vesica pisces logo. Moina Mathers (wife of Samuel McGregor Mathers of HOGD) performed the Rites of Isis. Kenneth Grant founded the New Isis Lodge.
Theosophist Frank Baum wrote the Wizard of Oz (Osiris) with the Good Witch and Wicked Witch as White and Black Isis. Alice in Wonderland of Lewis Carroll represents (Al/El) Isis going to the underworld. The white and red queen represent ice and fire, winter (Capricorn - Queen of Disks) and summer (Cancer - Queen of Hearts), the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch.
The United Nations (UN: Egyptian name of the sun) has the 8 pointed star in its logo.
Jackie Kennedy played the role of Isis (Chanel: vesica pisces symbol) in the JFK ritual and role of black widow at the funeral of JFK as Osiris.
Playboy and its white rabbit logo is a modern fertility cult of Isis/Ishtar.
Apple created the Lisa (Isis) computer to replace the organic feminine with the digital. Taiwanese technology company Asus represents Isis.
The Diana ritual (Isis=moon goddess Diana) represented Isis going to the underworld (torch symbol as her memorial).
Rihanna has a tattoo of Isis under her breasts.
The war in Syria (=Sirius, the Isis ritual) with jesuit John Allen was modern day worship of Isis.