John McCloy
John Jay McCloy was an assistant of Secretary of War Henry Stimson (Skull and Bones), president of the World Bank from 1947 to 1949 and chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1954 to 1969. He was educated at Amherst College (member of Beta Theta Pi like William Perry, John Warner, Charles Wilson, Adam West, Steven Bechtel, Alan Ladd Jr, jesuit Jay Chandrasekhar, Ken Kesey) and Harvard. His wife worked for the American Red Cross and the Bellevue Hospital. | ![]() |
He was a member of the Georgetown Set with John Foster Dulles, Jesus James Angleton, Katherine Graham, David Bruce, Frank Wisner,..
He was a member of the Wise Men club of Dean Acheson (Scroll and Key, World Bank), Dean Lovett (S&B), Chip Bohlen and Averell Harriman (S&B). He worked for the OSS (CIA) and the National Security Council.
He worked with companies of Nazi Germany like IG Farben. From 1946 he was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
He was chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank (with swastika logo, merged with JP Morgan) from 1953 to 1960.
He was also a member of the Atlantic Institute with George Catlin, George Baring (Bank of England), Theodor Achilles (Beta Theta Pi, CFR), Olivier Giscard d'Etaing (brother of Valéry Giscard d'Etaing). His friend Eric Warburg founded Atlantik-Brücke.
He secured the release of Otto Ambros (IG Farben) who was transferred through Operation Paperclip and became an advisor of WR Grace, Dow Chemical, the Chemical Corps and Knight of Malta Konrad Adenauer (Le Cercle, chancellor of West Germany).
From 1958 to 1965 he was chairman of the Ford Foundation of Henry Ford (who helped spreading the Protocols of Elders of Zion). The foundation funded Saul Bellow (NY Intellectuals), James Baldwin (gay agenda), Robert Lowell, jesuit Margaret Mead and jesuit Marshall McLuhan.
He was an advisor to JFK, jesuit Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
He was a member of the Warren Commission (end phase of the JFK ritual) with mason Earl Warren, Richard Russell Jr (died at Walter Reed Medical Center of Project Bluebird), Knights of Malta Allen Dulles and Gerald Ford. It focused on the stay of Lee Harvey Lee Oswald in Russia to insinuate a communist conspiracy. In a media ritual the commission handed its report to jesuit Lyndon Johnson.
Because of his sinister role as globalist in the CFR, Operation Paperclip and the Warren Commission and connections to the Rockefeller Foundation (all conspiracy cliché's), he is often used as villain in the Conspiracy Church.
born 3/31/1895, date Ewan McGregor, d Brandon Lee, Patrick McGee, Al Gore.
died 3/11/1989, date Rupert Murdoch, Jimmy Iovine.