Kenneth Grant

Kenneth Grant was a British Thelemite, a follower and secretary of MI6 occultist Aleister Crowley, who initiated him into his Ordo Templi Orientis.  Crowley was trained to play an Antichrist figure. When he died in 1947 Grant took over the OTO in Britain and Karl Germer in the US. From 1949 he helped publishing the work of Austin Osman Spare in the art scene. He experimented with Hindu tantra sex as follower of Indian guru Ramana Maharshi (influenced by Swami Vivekananda).

Other followers of Ramana Maharshi were rosicrucian Mouni Sadhu, yoga guru Paramahansa Yogananda (student of Sri Yukteswar Giri, next to Crowley on Sgt Pepper's), MI6 agent William Somerset Maugham, who based The Magician on Crowley, Theosophist Paul Brunton, Maurice Frydman (ashram of Mahatmi Gandhi), Ethel Merston (student of George Gurdjieff, worked with Theosophists) and Mercedes Acosta (gay-lesbian agenda).

Mercedes de Acosta was a classmate of Dorothy Parker Rothschild and had lesbian relationships with Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Tamara Karsavina (Ballets Russes), Eva le Gallienne (played Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland) and Crowley's muse Isadora Duncan.

Grant saw the atom bombs of the Manhattan Project as the opening of a dimensional portal. After the bombs extraterrestrials were brought in public consciousness with stories of UFO sightings, science fiction stories and movies.

In 1954 he founded the New Isis Lodge in London, mixed Crowley's Thelema with the theme extraterrestrials and the works of HP Lovecraft (imagination and image-making faculty as most important in magic, used in the Hollywood programming of subconscious).

He influenced The Temple of Set of Michael Aquino and Thomas Karlsson's Dragon Rouge. He collaborated with writer Richard Cavendish (Cecil bloc).

He co-edited The Confessions of Aleister Crowley with John Symonds (friend of Stephen Spender).

In 1972 he wrote The Magical Revival. It was praised by Colin Wilson.

In 1977 he wrote Nightside of Eden (Typhonian trilogy), with formula's to explore the dark subconscious with the Qlippoth, the 'shells', the inversions of the spheres of the kabbalistic Tree of Life.

The same year the Simon Necronomicon was published with elements of Crowley and Lovecraft, allegedly written by Peter Levenda, with rituals of sacrifice as worship to the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian gods.

In 2002 he published The Ninth Arch' (=Roman Polanski's the Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp, raven symbol). He called the Self 'the Mauve Zone' (purple is used as hypnotic trigger to dissocciate). Polanski made Bitter Moon with Hugh Grant.

In 2013 Peter Levenda published The Dark Lord: H. P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic. Levenda also wrote a book with Tom DeLonge (UFO psyop with Hall Puthoff of Stargate Project, Blink 182 with Travis Barker).

Geordie Rose of DWave compared quantum computing to summoning the Lovecraftian Old Ones.

Silicon Valley writer Curtis Yarvin used Lovecraft in his Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations. Peter Thiel (gay agenda) invested in his startup Urbit.

born 5/23/1924, date  d John Nash.

died 1/15/2011.

Aleister Crowley

Ordo Templi Orientis
