
Krishna is a god (pineal gland worship, worship of the God matrix) in the Indian Saturn cult Hinduism, seen as the 8th Avatar of Vishnu the Preserver. Like black god Osiris and (Jesus) Christ, he represents black light (Krishna is Sanskrit for black, word charisma), the black sun, the black moon. He is mentioned in the most important Hindu texts like the Veda's, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras. His consort is Rukmini ('radiant'), an avatar of Lakshmi.

Vishnu is worshiped in Vaishnavism, Shiva in Shaivism and Krishna in cults like Hare Krishna, formed by CIA provocateur agent Swami Prabhubada in 1966, who translated the Bhagavad Gita.

Around 3000 bc the Aryans (Draco-Orion Empire) with blue blood (higher percentage of copper) and reptilian DNA (mythical Naga's) created a caste society with the Aryan Brahmin class on top like in Egypt (one eye pyramid concept of central power), practice of yoga and use of sacred geometry, the Aryan swastika symbol and Ohm symbol.

Like the cult of Baal, Hindu's worship God in the form of phallic worship as lingam of Shiva.

Brahman represents an ultimate reality (higher dimensions) like the supernal triad in kabbalism and the world of idea's and archetypes in Platonism.

The Veda's (like Latin video, I see) were taught in an oral tradition of mantra's and memory techniques.

The Hindu's were prosecuted by Portugese colonists. In the 1600s the Veda's were translated and introduced in Europe by the jesuits.

The British East India Company conquered India through the opium trade (the Russell and Taft families who founded Yale and S&B) and Theosophical Society and Fabian Society during the Great Game.

 Alexander Hamilton (EIC) and Charles Wilkins (Royal Society) worked for The Asiatic Society. Alexander Hamilton taught Sanskrit to Friedrich Schlegel (Out of India theory), whose brother August Schlegel translated the Bhagavad Gita. Arthur Schopenhauer and Max Müller (friend of Felix Mendelssohn) popularized Hinduism.

The Theosophists studied the dissociation techniques of yoga and taught the techniques to actors in Hollywood (Jidda Krishnamurti).

Freemason and Theosophist Swami Vivekananda helped establishing the nationalist movement in India and the Vedanta Society and spreading Hinduism in the west. Indian yogi Swami Prabhavanda founded the Vedanta Society of Southern California and worked with Gerald Heard and Aldous Huxley.

Aleister Crowley incorporated Tantra in his Thelema religion. Kenneth Grant (sex magic cult OTO) was a follower of Ramana Maharshi (influenced by Swami Vivekananda).

Robert Oppenheimer (Manhattan Project) learned Sanskrit from Arthur Ryder (PBK, American Oriental Society) at University of California Berkeley.

CERN has a statue of Shiva the Destroyer (Apollyon of Book of Revelation).

Andrija Puharich worked with a Hindu mystic who claimed to channel an entity called the Nine.

CIA assets The Beatles, Allen Ginsberg and Grateful Dead promoted Prabhupada and his Hare Krishna cult who opened a temple in CIA project Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco.  He was also promoted by pm Narendra Modi.

In 1967 CIA agent Richard Alpert went to India to be trained in yoga by Neem Karoli Baba with Baghavan Das (worked with Mike D of the Beastie Boys) and Larry Brilliant. Brilliant was a close friend of Steve Jobs and worked for the WHO, Google, Skoll Foundation and The Well with Stewart Brand. Alpert and Karoli Baba worked with Daniel Goleman (The NY Times, WEF, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Mind and Life Institute with Dalai Lama), Krishna Das (worked with Blue Oyster Cult, Sting, Rick Rubin, Steely Dan) and Dada Mukerjee, a classmate of Fabian Society puppet Jawaharlal Nehru.

Ray Cappo of Straight Edge band Youth of Today (CBGB's scene of Hilly Kristal) and Revelation Records promoted Hare Krishna through his band Shelter and 108.

The cult was also promoted by Russell Brand, Annie Lennox, Boy George (gay agenda), hardcore band Cro-Mags, Vic DiCara (Inside Out with Zach De La Rocha of Rage Against the Machine), Keith Gordon Ham (promoter of LSD) and Alfred Ford, related to Henry Ford.

Zoe Saldana played in Avatar and mother of the Antichrist in Rosemary's Baby.


