Le Cercle
Le Cercle is a network founded in 1952, by Jean Violet, with the circle of Antoine Pinay and Konrad Adenauer as a European counterpart of the Council on Foreign Relations and continuation of the League of Nations/UN and Chatham House of the Cecils. |
Most actors were political puppets of the Right Wing Church. 1952 was the year of founding of NSA.
- Alain Juppé (pm France)
- Alan Greenspan (Federal Reserve, CFR,
TC, Atlantic
Council, Mont Pelerin
Society, Group of Thirty)
- Alberto Giovanetti (Opus Dei, secretary of pope Pius XII)
- Alexandre de Marenches (Order of
Malta, Safari Club)
- Alvaro Gomez (jesuit, son of president Colombia)
- Andrew Cavendish (Cecil bloc)
- Anthony Cavendish (Clermont Set)
- Antoine Pinay
- Anton Scalia (jesuit)
- Ardeshir Zamedi (Minister of Foreign Affairs Iran)
- Aristide Brunello (BND of Reinhard Gehlen)
- Armand de Decker (Senate Belgium)
- Audna England (Free Africa Foundation)
- Benazir Bhutto (pm Pakistan)
- Benjamin Netanyahu (pm Israel, friend of Mitt Romney)
- Benoit de Bonvoisin
- Bernhard Worms (CDU Germany)
- Brian Crozier (Reuters, The Economist, BBC, Victims of Communism,
Information Research Department like George
- Chet Nagle (jesuit, CPD)
- Chuck Hagel (jesuit, CSIS, Secretary of
Defense in Obama administration)
- David Rockefeller (TC)
- Donald Rumsfeld (CFW,
- Edwin Feulner (The
Heritage Foundation, Victims
of Communism, CFW)
- Giulio Andreotti (pm Italy, Order
of Malta)
- Gerd Schulte-Hillen (AB)
- Harold Brown (CFR,
Secretary of Defense under Carter)
- Henry Jackson
- Henry Kissinger (CCNY,
- Iain Elliott (Institute for European Defense and Strategic Studies)
- Indira Gandhi (pm India)
- Jean-Claude Godin (mayor of Marseille, Order
of Malta)
- Jeane Kirkpatrick (jesuit, CFR, CPD,
Committee for
the Free World)
- Jeffrey Gaynor (The
Heritage Foundation, CPD)
- John Bolton (Order of Malta,
National Security advisor of Donald Trump)
- John Browne (CFR,
Morgan Stanley, Chatham House)
- John Carbough (arms trade, CFR)
- John Vorster (pm and president of South
- Julian Amery (Congress
for Cultural Freedom)
- Jurgen Warnke (Minister of Economic Cooperation in the 80's)
- Konrad Adenauer (Order of Malta,
friend of president of Italy Antonio Segni of
Operation Gladio)
- Laura Jordan Dietrich (Order of
Malta, lobbyist for Philip Morris)
- Lee Edwards (Victims of
Communism, The
Heritage Foundation, biographer of William
F Buckley Jr)
- Louis Freeh (director FBI, BSA)
- Margaret Thatcher (pm of UK)
- Michael Ancram (Order of Malta)
- Michael Blumenthal (US Secretary of the Treasury, CFR,
- Monika Hohlmeier (European Parliament)
- Nelson Rockefeller (MK
Ultra commission)
- Nicholas Elliott (MI6, Institute for Study of
- Otto von Habsburg (Order
of Malta, Roman Empire, Mont
Pelerin Society)
- Paul Volcker (Federal Reserve NY,
CFR, Atlantic
Council, TC)
- Paul Weyrich (The Heritage
Foundation, founded Moral Majority with Jerry
Falwell, ties to Unification
- Paul Wolfowitz (CFR,
TC, Quill
and Dagger, World Bank, war Iraq)
- Peter Peterson (CFR,
Blackstone with Stephen Schwarzman
- Philippe de Weck (UBS)
- Philip Vander Elst (Center of Policy Studies)
- Pik Botha (Foreign Minister of South
- Richard Allen (CPD,
CFW, Order
of Malta)
- Richard Armitage
- Richard Nixon
- Richard Perle (LSE,
Committee for the
Free World)
- Reinhard Gehlen (Order of Malta,
secret service Germany, Gehlen network of
Otto Skorzeny WACL)
- Robert Close (WACL)
- Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (British
Empire, family that created the League of Nations/United
Nations, Ditchley Foundation, the Other Club)
- Ronald Grierson (European
Commission, Pilgrims Society,
TC, Bain & Company,
General Electric, SG Warburg)
- Wayne Lee Berman (CFR,
Blackstone, friend of John McCain WACL)
- William Colby (CIA, Order
of Malta, CSIS)
- William P Clarke (jesuit, National Security advisor)
- William Wilson (friend of Ronald
Reagan, US ambassador to the Vatican)
- Winston Churchill II
- Yegor Gaidar (pm Russia, advised by Jeffrey
- Zbigniew Brzezinski (jesuit,
TC, Victims
of Communism)