Lionel Penrose
Lionel Penrose was a British psychiatrist, psychoanalist, Quaker (Protestant Church), geneticist and from 1945 professor of eugenics at the Galton Laboratory of University College London. He was a member of the Royal Society. He was educated at Cambridge as Cambridge Apostle (pedophilia religion with Aldous Huxley, John Keynes, Ludwig Wittgenstein) and University of Vienna. He worked at St Thomas Hospital of NHS in London. He did research on schizophrenia and intellectual disability like Down Syndrome. |
He was a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society with Ernest Jones, William Mackenzie, John Bowlby, Donald Winicott, Melanie Klein, John Rickman, James Strachey, Edward Glover, Cyril Burt, Charles Rycroft (Maudsley), Rosine Perelberg (Maudsley), Joan Riviere (uncle worked for SPR), Thomas Walker Mitchell, Anna Freud,..
His brother Roland Prenrose was used in the modernist art scene with Peggy Guggenheim, Max Ernst and Pablo Picasso. He organized the London International Surrealist Exhibition (based on theories of Freud) with André Breton and founded the Institute of Contemporary Art with Herbert Read (Eranos).
His son Roger Penrose became a theoretical physicist and professor at Cambridge University, used as media actor in the media industry and in the Science Church, to popularize the concept of 'black holes' (based on Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity) and the Big Bang. He was educated at University College London and Cambridge. He is a member of the Royal Society and was awarded by the Wolf Foundation and Albert Einstein Society. He worked with Stephen Hawking (also Cambridge), who in 1974 introduced the concept of Hawking radiation and with Stuart Hammeroff (New Age movie What the Bleep Do We Know?!).
He is related to mathematician Max Newman (also Royal Society), who worked on the Colossus computer.
His son Jonathan Penrose was a chess player.
born 6/11/1898.
died 5/12/1972.