Liz Crokin

Liz Crokin is a media actress and provocateur agent, used in the media industry to make propaganda in the Right Wing Church and as controlled opposition against the Multiculti Agenda, to promote jesuit Donald Trump as Christ like Saviour in the Pizzagate and Qanon psyop, to eventually normalise social media censorship.

She was educated at the New Trier High School (Chris Cox of Facebook, Christie Hefner of Playboy, John Donahue of Ebay, Ann-Margret, Adam Baldwin, Bruce Dern, Charlton Heston, Rock Hudson, Rahm Emmanuel, Virginia Madsen, Mark Romanek, Michael Shannon, Rainn Wilson, Archibald MacLeish, jesuit Donald Rumsfeld) in Illinois.

She promoted political puppet George W Bush. She worked for Bill O'Reilly (Fox News).

She published in Chicago Tribune and Townhall (untill 2005 owned by The Heritage Foundation of jesuit Ed Feulner) with Eric and Lara Trump and Donald Trump Jr as contributor. Her employer at American Media Inc was Dylan Howard.

She played a role in the Pizzagate psyop and claimed Chrissy Teigen (wife of John Legend) was connected to it, after she posted a picture on Twitter of her daughter dressed as Alice in Wonderland.

She spread disinfo about MK Ultra and Jeffrey Epstein.

She played a role in the Qanon psyop by claiming JFK Jr was Q. She was promoted by Marjorie Taylor Greene (Freedom Caucus, conference with Nick Fuentes).

She played the role of controlled opposition in the Covid19-ritual (putting the blame on China).

Right Wing Watch of jesuit Tony Podesta's People for the American Way plays the role of antagonist.

born 2/8/1977.

the Right Wing Church

Capitol attack 2021
