The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an institute of the education system in Cambridge Massachusetts (also city of Harvard University), founded by William Barton Rogers in 1861 after the start of the American Civil War ritual of the war industry. It plays an important role in the Science Church, control through the internet and the technology agenda of the Transhumanist Church. It conducted research on radiation through MIT Radiation Laboratory and participated in MK Ultra mind control research with LSD. |
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Barton Rogers was a professor at William and Mary College (House of Orange, Phi Beta Kappa) in Virginia, which trained Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe and John Tyler. He and his brother Henry Darwin Rogers were members of the APS of Benjamin Franklin (Industrial Revolution of the Lunar Society).
It was funded by George Eastman (Eastman Kodak).
- Alan Blinder (Federal Reserve)
- Albert Boaz (father of Joan Baez)
- Alfred Sloan (Delta Upsilon, General Motors)
- Austan Goolsbee (S&B)
- Ben Bernanke (Federal
- Benjamin
Netanyahu (pm Israel)
- Bertram Raphael (Augmentation Research Center)
- Carlo Ratti (Senseable City Lab, WEF)
- Charles Draper (Apollo
missions, S&B)
- Charles Koch
- Cynthia
Breazeal (social robots, consultant on Spielberg's
- Emma Rothschild
- Georges Lemaitre (Big Bang Theory, Solvay conferences)
- George Schultz
- jesuit Guy Consolmangno
- jesuit Ignacio Arriaga
- Irénée Dupont
- James Abrahamson (NASA, Strategic Defense Initiative)
- James Woods (Theta Delta Chi)
- John Deutch (CIA)
- John Forbes
- Joseph Stiglitz
- Kofi Anan (United Nations)
- Lawrence Summers (president Harvard)
Les Aspin (Book and Snake, CFR, Secretary of Defense)
- Lucas Papademos (pm Greece)
- Mao Chi-kuo (pm China)
- jesuit Mario Draghi (Massimo
Institute, European Central Bank)
- Marvin Minsky
- Michael Oppenheimer
- Noam Chomsky
- Norbert Wiener (Macy
- Omar Razzaz (pm Jordan)
- Paul Krugman (economist)
- Rafael Reif
- jesuit Rahul Sarkeshpar
- Ray Kurzweil
- Robert Langer (Moderna)
- Samuel Goudsmit (quantum mechanics)
- Samuel Parsons Mulliken (father of Nobel Prize laureate Robert Mulliken)
- Stanley Fisher (Federal Reserve, IMF, Bank of Israel)
- Steven Ostra (studied the radar scattering properties of the rings of Saturn using the Arecibo Observatory of NSF)
- Susan Hockfield (jesuit, Pfizer)
- Thomas Coleman du Pont
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Tony Podesta
- Vannevar Bush (Project
MIT School of Architecture and Planning played a role in implementing program Modernism.
In 1914 Alfred Sloan of car corporation General Motors (controlled by the Duponts) founded MIT Sloan School of Management. He was a member of the American Liberty League with Jouett Shouse (anti-Prohibition movement), Elihu Root (CFR) and Knight of Malta JJ Raskob, funded by Pierre and Irénée Dupont.
Kurt Lewin founded a research center for group dynamics at MIT.
President Karl Taylor Compton was member of the Cosmos Club.
From 1931 Vannevar Bush was the first dean of MIT School of Engineering.
In 1940 MIT Radiation Lab conducted research on microwave radar with the British Empire (MI6). John C Slater, teacher of eugenicist William Shockley, worked at MIT Radiation Laboratory to develop radars. Alfred Lee Loomis, member of the Society of the Cincinatti and first cousin of Henry Stimson (S&B) worked on EEG techniques of measuring brain waves.
Percy Spencer (Royal Navy, Raytheon, MIT Radiation Laboratory) invented the microwave oven ('deadening' of water).
Norbert Wiener of MIT worked with Michael Arbib of Stanford, developed cybernetics, which was discussed at the Macy Conferences with Kurt Lewin, John von Neumann, Margaret Mead and influenced Dianetics of Ron Hubbard (Scientology, Babalon Workings).
In 1948 Donald Wills Douglas, trained at MIT founded RAND Corporation with MIT alumni Barry Posen (CFR), AI researcher Hubert Dreyfus, John von Neumann, Margaret Mead, Zalmay Khalilzad and John Forbes Nash.
Vannevar Bush used the staff of Manhattan Project to work in Project Artichoke.
In 1951 the US Air Force created MIT Lincoln Laboratory. It conducted experiments at White Sands Missile Range in Socorro New Mexico (site of testing first atom bomb Trinity).
Huston Smith of MIT participated in the psilocybin experiments of Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert.
Jerome Weisner (MIT Radiation Lab) and Nicholas Negroponte founded MIT Media Lab (digital mind control) in 1985.
Ron Howard made A Beautiful Mind in which John Forbes Nash undergoes electroshock torture (used in MK Ultra).
Transhumanist prophet Ray Kurzweil works at Google.
It is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. MIT presidenr Susan Hockfield was trained by the jesuits, is associated with the World Economic Forum, American Association for the Advancement of Science of jesuit Margaret Mead and wrote the transhumanist book Living Machines a year before the Corona ritual.