Macy Conferences


The Macy Conferences were a series of 10 conferences, from 1942 to 1946, organized by the Macy Foundation, on sociology and cybernetics (which later become Dianetics of Ron Hubbard's Scientology).

Josiah Macy played a role in the oil industry of the Rockefellers.


- Arturo Rosenblueth
- Claude Shannon (engineering, student of Vannevar Bush)
- Erik Erikson (psychoanalysis, Committee on National Morale)
- Frank Fremont-Smith (World Federation of Mental Health with Tavistock members)
- Gregory Bateson (OSS, MK Ultra research on LSD with Ken Kesey)
- Harold Abramson (MK Ultra research on LSD)
- Heinrich Klüver (psychology)
- Heinz von Foerster (Biological Computer Laboratory at University of Illinois)
- Heinz Werner (developmental psychology)
- Henry Brosin (psychiatry)
- John von Neumann (mathematics, Manhattan Project, RAND)
- Julian Bigelow (electrical engineering)
- Kurt Lewin (Frankfurt School, Tavistock)
- Lawrence Frank (sociology)
- Leon Festinger (The New School, social psychology, student of Lewin)
- Leonard J Savage (mathematics)
- Margaret Mead (jesuit, Committee on National Morale, Tavistock)
- Max Delbrück (biophysics)
- Max Horkheimer (Frankfurt School)
- Norbert Wiener (student of Bertrand Russell at Cambridge, MIT)
- Paul Lazarsfeld (Columbia University, sociology, Radio Research Project at Princeton with Hadley Cantril, Theodor Adorno of Frankfurt School and Knight of Malta Frank Stanton, teacher of Nathan Glazer CCF)
- Walter Pitts (mathematics)
- Warren McCulloch
- Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (mathematical logic)

Heinz von Foerster's grandmother was Theosophist Marie Lang.


