Mont Pelerin Society

The Mont Pelerin Society is a think tank of economists, founded in 1947 (after the WW1 and WW2 ritual) by Friedrich Hayek (related to Ludwig Wittgenstein, London School of Economics), Milton Friedman and Karl Popper in Geneva Switzerland at a gathering of the International Trade Organization.

Hayek was the teacher of JK Galbraith and David Rockefeller (TC).

It played a role in privatization of state owned companies after the fall of communism (Chile, Russia,..).


- Alan Greenspan (NYU, Federal Reserve, CFR, TC, Atlantic Council, Le Cercle, Group of Thirty, Brown Brothers Harriman, Capital Cities/ABC, JP Morgan)
- Anthony Fisher (Manhattan Institute with jesuit William Casey)
- Alvin Rabushka (Hoover Institution)
- Arthur Burns (TC, US ambassador to Germany)
- Ayaan Hirschi Ali (Gatestone Institute)
- Charles Koch
- Charles Murray (American Enterprise Institute)
- Edward Levi (Gerald Ford administration)
- Edward Meese (US Attorney General, CPD)
- Edwin Feulner (jesuit, Victims of Communism, CIIS)
- Felix Morley (Washington Post)
- Frank Knight (Chicago School)
- Frits Bolkestein (LSE)
- George Hilton
- George Schultz (CFR, Ronald Reagan administration, Bechtel Group, Mont Pelerin Society, Pilgrims Society, Bohemian Club, Nuclear Threat Initiative with Ted Turner of CNN)
- George Stigler (Chicago School)
- Henry Hazlitt (The Nation, The NY Times, The Freeman, ACCF)
- Herbert Stein (Group of Thirty, Committee on the Present Danger)
- Israel Kizner (Austrian School)
- John Brian Taylor (Hoover Institution)
- John Chamberlain (Dewey Commission of John Dewey, The NY Times, Life, The Wall Street Journal, National Review)
- John Exeter (Federal Reserve)
- John O'Sullivan (close to Margaret Thatcher)
- Karl Popper (term Open Society)
- Larry P Arnn (The Heritage Foundation)
- Leo Rosten (LSE, RAND Corporation, married to the sister of Margaret Mead)
- Ljubo Sirc (Centre for Research into Communist Economies)
- Ludwig Erhard (chancellor of West Germany)
- Ludwig von Mises (Austrian School)
- Madsen Pirie (Adam Smith Institute)
- Martin Feldstein (JP Morgan Chase, TC)
- Mats Johansson (Timbro)
- Max Eastman (CIA front ACCF, fellow student of Walter Lippmann, Greenwich Village scene and Harlem Renaissance, artist colony of Huntington Hartford in Rustic Canyon, The Liberator, anti-communism of jesuit Joseph McCarthy,  brother of feminist Crystal Eastman NYU, who co-founded the American Civil Liberties Union)
- Milton Friedman (Chicago School of University of Chicago, Hoover Institution, AEI)
- Niall Ferguson (Hoover Institution, WEF, married to Ayaan Hirsi Ali)
- Otto von Habsburg (Roman Empire, Order of Malta)
- Paul Volcker (Federal Reserve, TC, Atlantic Council, Le Cercle, Group of Thirty, Secretary of Treasury under Richard Nixon)
- Richard W Rahn (Washington Times of Unification Church, Hudson Institute, The Heritage Foundation)
- Robert Bork (Hotchkiss, American Enterprise Institute, Hudson Institute, CFW)
- Vaclav Klaus (president of Czech Republic, Le Cercle)
- Walter Lippmann (coined the term Cold War, CFR)
- William F Buckley Jr (S&B, Order of Malta)
- William Rappard (League of Nations/UN)
- William Simon (CFW)

Foundation and think tanks

Edwin Feulner
