Monte Verità

Monte Verità (mountain of truth) is a site near Ascona Switzerland, used by anarchists like Mikhail Bakunin and Theosophists like Aldred Piod and Franz Hartmann and declared a Ordo Templi Orientis by Theodor Reuss in 1917. Mountains have been used in pagan rituals for thousands of years.  It was a destination for German Wandervogel (=blue bird Horus) youth groups of Hans Bluher. It served to revive the Greek pedophilia religion and as a blueprint for the Green Church, the Beatnik scene of Greenwich Village and the hippie counterculture of the 60's with mind controlled drug addicts (CIA project Laurel Canyon, Haight-Ashbury) as a transition to a Luciferian world religion in the Aeon of Horus (god of truth), the New Age Church.

It became a community of Bohemian lifestyle, visited by politicians, modernists and occultists/secret service agents:

- Alexej von Jewlensky (Expressionism)
- Arnold Ehret (alternative health)
- Annie Besant
- August Bebel (founder of the socialist SDP)
- Carl Jung
- Carlo Mense (New Objectivity)
- DH Lawrence (Bloomsburg Group, affiliated with Cambridge Apostles)
- El Lissitzky (Russian avant-garde)
- Else Lasker-Schüler (married to Georg Lewin of Der Sturm, salon with Martin Buber)
- Else von Richthoven (relationship with Max Weber)
- Erich Mühsam (anarchist)
- Erich Remarque
- Ernst Toller (friend of Max Weber)
- Fanny zu Reventlow (Cosmic Circle of Stefan George)
- Frieda von Richthoven (wife of DH Lawrence, friend of Georgia O'Keeffe)
- Gerhart Hauptmann
- Gustav Streseman
- Hans Arp
- Hans Habe
- Henry van de Velde (Belgian architect, Les XX with Félicien Rops)
- Herman Hesse
- Hugo Ball (Dada with Tristan Tzara)
- Isadora Duncan (muse of Crowley)
- Karl Kautsky (SDP)
- Leon Trotsky
- Marian von Werefkin (German Expressionism)
- Otto Braun
- Otto Gross
- Paul Klee
- Peter Kropotkin
- Raphael Friedeberg (SDP, anarchist)
- Rudolf Laban of OTO Zurich
- Rudolf Steiner of Theosophical Society
- Vladimir Lenin
- Walter Gropius

Hugo Ball and Paul Klee created the Dada movement at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich (death of God, nihilist crisis announced by Friedrich Nietzsche).

The Theosophists had also created a community in Krotona Hollywood with Charlie Chaplin, Mary Astor and from 1917 Alice Bailey.

Lenin and Trotsky were the main actors in the Russian Revolution (start of dialectic game left-right).

Paul Klee, Mies Van Der Rohe, Wassily Kandinsky and Walter Gropius opened the Bauhaus in Weimar in 1919, in alliance with the Russian supremacists.

Otto Braun (SPD) became pm of Prussia. Gustav Streseman shortly became Chancellor of Germany in 1923 and played a role in Germany's admission to League of Nations (UN world empire). The TS collaborated with Guido von List who used the swastika symbol.

Rudolf Laban was the teacher of dancer Maja Kruscek, lover of Tristan Tzara and made dance productions for Joseph Goebbels.

Reuss was in contact with Henry Spencer-Lewis of rosicrucian AMORC in San Jose.

From 1933 (year of rise Antichrist figure Adolf Hitler, Jung Carl and Joseph Campbell=JC like Jesus ChristTheosophist Olga Frödl-Kapteyn organized the Eranos conferences (Greek for 'banquet') at Monte Verità, a discussion group that gathered in a series of conferences on science, religion, history, psychology and yoga,  funded by the Melllon family.

The Theosophical Society did research on yoga to use dissociation techniques in trauma based mind control (used to train Hollywood actors).

Olga Frödl-Kapteyn was influenced by Alice Bailey, who worked for the UN and Lucis/Lucifer Trust. Her mother was a friend of Fabian GB Shaw.


- Adolf Portman (biology)
- Alfons Rosenberg (friend of the daughter of Richard Kalergy)
- Carl Jung and his students Marie-Louise von Franz and Erich Neumann
- Ernst Benz (SturmAbteilung, book on Emanuel Swedenborg)
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Frederick Van Eeden (Dutch writer)
- Friedrich Heiler (connected to OTO)
- Gerard Holton (Harvard, APS)
- Gershom Scholem (Frankfurt School)
- Gilbert Durand (anthropology)
- Giuseppe Tucci (history of Buddhism)
- Gustav Heyer
- Heinrich Zimmer (Indian philology)
- Henri-Charles Puech (historian of religions)
- Henry Corbin (Islamic studies)
- Herbert Read (art history)
- Hermann Weyl
- Jacob Wilhelm Hauer (Hitler Youth, SS, German Faith movement of University of Tubingen, friend of Ernst Graf zu Reventlow)
- Joseph Campbell
- Karl Löwith (student of Heidegger)
- Karoly Kerenyi (Greek mythology)
- Kathleen Raine (scholar of William Blake)
- Louis Massignon (jesuit, islamology)
- Ludwig Derleth (Cosmic Circle of Stefan George)
- Martin Buber (Zionism)
- Max Knoll (Princeton, electrical stimulation of the brain)
- Mircea Eliade
- Pierre Hadot (books on Platonism, friend of Foucault)
- René Huyghe (jesuit, evacuation of the Louvre during WW2)
- Robert Eisler (friend of Aby Warburg)
- Rudolf Otto (historian)

Through the Bollingen Foundation the Mellons published and promoted writers like  WH Auden, Ezra Pound, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, André Malraux, Stephen Spender, David Cecil and Delmore Schwartz (NY Intellectuals, treated at Bellevue). Jung was influenced by Emanuel Swedenborg and contributed to The Trickster of rabbi Paul Radin (CCNY, student of Franz Boas). The Mellons also played a role in the hippie drug culture of CIA agent Timothy Leary.

Herbert Read founded the Institute of Contemporary Art with Roland Penrose, brother of Lionel Penrose and nephew of physicist Roger Penrose.

Kenneth Grant founded the New Isis Lodge, mixed Crowley's Thelema with the theme extraterrestials and the works of HP Lovecraft (imagination and image-making faculty as most important in magic, used in the Hollywood programming of subconscious).

Jean Arp and Hans Habe were transferred through Varian Fry's Emergency Rescue Committee like Lion Feuchtwanger (Die Weltbühne with Else Laske-Schüler and Ernst Toller).

In 1949 Joseph Campbell wrote The Hero With a Thousand Faces (Tarot journey of the Fool), which influenced George Lucas. He was a friend of the daughter of president Woodrow Wilson and Willis Harman of SRI.

It became the model of CIA front Esalen Institute (human potential movement, hippie counter culture, the New Age Church).

Erich Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front was adapted into a Netflix movie with Daniel Brühl.

Ordo Templi Orientis

Theosophical Society
