The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is controlled opposition, used in the Black Church, founded in 1909 by W.E.B. Du Bois (The New School, Niagara movement), Ida Wells, Mary White Ovington (early feminist, Socialist Party of America with Jack London and Max Eastman ACCF), Henry Moskowitz (CCNY, wife worked for politician Al Smith), Stephen Wise (CCNY, Zionist), Charles Edward Russell and John Dewey (The New School). |
The Niagara movement was funded by Andrew Carnegie. Charles Edward Russell worked for Cosmopolitan of Hearst and Woodrow Wilson's propaganda office Committee on Public Information, joined a mission to Russia with Carnegie's lawyer Elihu Root, founder of the CFR.
W.E.B. Du Bois was a student of William James (Theosophical Society, SPR) at Harvard like Walter Lippmann, Alan Locke, and Gertrude Stein. He was a member of the Boulé and funded by Julius Rosenwald.
Stephen Samuel Wise was a Bohemian Zionist, educated at CCNY and Columbia, was a student of Zionist Richard Gottheil and a friend of Albert Einstein. He worked with Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter (American Civil Liberties Union, worked for Henry Stimson S&B) to form the American Jewish Congress.
The NAACP was formed as an antithesis to the Springfield race riot of 1908. The NAACP published magazine The Crisis (Oswald Garrison of the NY Evening Post of Dorothy Schiff), which helped promoting Howard University and the Harlem Renaissance poets like Langston Hughes.
Edgor Amos Love (Prince Hall Masonry, Methodist Episcopal Church, Sigma Phi Phi) founded sodomy cult Omega Psi Phi in 1911 (Louis Farrakhan, NAACP members Roy Wilkins, John P Davis, Langston Hughes, Benjamin Hooks).
Langston Hughes was trained at Columbia University, pushed the gay agenda, received a Guggenheim Fellowship, supported Joseph Stalin and met with communist Arthur Koestler (CCF). Nina Simone sung his poem Backlash Blues on her album for RCA Victor Records. She was a friend of Miriam Makeba, married to Stokely Carmichael of the Black Panther Party.
Ida Wells helped publicizing the lynchings of blacks and worked with Quaker Susan B Anthony. She was a member of the National Association of Colored Women with Margaret Murray (wife of Booker T Washington) and Mary Church Terrell.
Jane Addams was a member.
It helped giving Birth of A Nation of DW Griffith (United Artists with Charlie Chaplin) extra publicity. Du Bois endorsed political puppet Woodrow Wilson.
It collaborated with the American Jewish Congress and the American Civil Liberties Union of Crystal Eastman (NYU, sister of Max Eastman of the ACCF with John Dewey).
Roy Wilkins of the NAACP played a role in the fake Civil Rights Movement (March on Washington with Sammy Davis Jr, later member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan). Robert Kennedy was used to promote the NAACP.
Emmit Douglas of the NAACP was a classmate of Andrew Brimmer (Federal Reserve, TC).
Enolia McMillan was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Julian Bond president of the NAACP from 1998 to 2010, was the founder of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, affiliated with the Black Panther Party. He appeared in Greased Lightning (sodomy lightning symbol) with Richard Pryor and Pam Grier, produced by Hanna Weinstein (speechwriter for Orson Welles and Charlie Chaplin, ITC company of The Prisoner).
William Thaddeus Coleman (Harvard, Phi Beta Kappa) served in the Ford administration.
Malcolm X's wife Betty Shabazz was a member of the NAACP.
Carlton Goodlett of the NAACP worked with Jim Jones.
Roslyn Brock is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha like Phylicia Rashad (The Cosby Show), Jada Pinkett Smith and Kamala Harris.
Benjamin Chamis Muhammed (president of NAACP from 1993) was a member of Phi Beta Sigma (like NAACP members Lafayette Hershaw and Thomas Turner) and worked for the campaign of RFK. He founded Hip Hop Summit Action Network with Russell Simmons (Hip Hop with Rick Rubin) and helped organising the Million Man March (mm=33) with Louis Farrakhan.
Benjamin Jealous is a Kappa Alpha Psi like John Singleton, Donald Byrd, MLK's mentor Samuel DeWitt, Joe Clair (BET), Stan Lathan (BET, shows with Dave Chapelle), Kevin Corke (Fox News), Montell Jordan, Lecrae, ..