Odin or Wodan is a father 'god' (the God matrix) in Norse mythology (Poetic Edda) and German paganism, the father of thunder god Thor, Baldr, Vidar and Vali (enemy of trickster Loki). Like solar god Horus who had his eye taken by Set, Odin was depicted with one eye (pineal gland symbolism of spiritual wisdom, also in depictions of the Annunaki). Akhenaten's god Aten became Adonai (YHVH) in Judaism. In Greece the father god of thunder became Zeus, associated with Jupiter, worshiped by elite families who practiced blood sacrifice, incest and pedophilia (symbolism of Zeus and his 'cup-bearer' Ganymede). | ![]() |
With Vili and Ve he wart of a trinity (young-adult-old). His spear was named Gungnir (legends of special spears like Cu Callain, lance of King Arthur's knights). Odin and the Aesirs fought the Vanirs.
Tacitus called Odin Mercury and Thor Hercules.
Wodan's day became Wednesday. Dutch woede=anger, rage. In Christianity the father god became God, Valhalla and Lady Hel (female holistic thought) became Hell.
In the Tarot, The Hermit represents Odin as wanderer, Saturn the gatekeeper and The Hanged Man represents Odin hanging from the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days (nine qlippoth below Malkuth) to attain wisdom and retrieve the runes of the Wells of Wyrd= Dionysus hanging from a pole, Jesus Christ hanging from cross at winter solstice. During the prosecution of the Knights Templar, it was the favorite method of torture of the Catholic Church. They were trialed as heretics and traitors and hanged by rope.
Richard Wagner's Ring cycle was based on Norse mythology.
Agents of the Theosophical Society like Guido von List and the nazi's popularized the study of the rune alphabet.
Odin in pop culture
2011 Thor (Avengers of Marvel Comics) Anthony Hopkins (Saturn as dominant) as Odin (one eye) Natalie Portman Idris Elba Tom Hiddleston as Loki Stellan Skarsgard
2013 Thor the Dark World
2017 Thor: Ragnarok Karl Urban Sam Neill Benedict Cumberbatch Mark Ruffalo Cate Blanchett
2018 Viking Destiny Terence Stamp as Odin