Open Society Foundations

Open Society Foundations (OSF) is a CIA front group, founded in 1993 by George Soros, located in Manhattan NY. It funds various think tanks of the Left Wing Church.

In 1991 the Soros Foundation merged with Entraite Intellectuelle Européenne, an affiliate of CIA front Congress for Cultural Freedom.

Open society is a term used by Soros' teacher Karl Popper (LSE, Mont Pelerin Society) and Henri Bergson (SPR, brother of Moina Mathers HOGD). It is closely associated with the European Council on Foreign Relations. It funds International Crisis Group, Central European University, Media Matters, Drug Policy Alliance, Roma Education Fund and fake black liberation movement Black Lives Matter (the Black Church).

George Soros is often used as a distraction for controlled opposition Alex Jones (the Right Wing Church), Rebel News and James Corbett.

OSF funds People for the American Way of Hollywood producer Norman Lear with website Right Wing Watch (removal of Alex Jones on Facebook and Youtube). It uses celebrities Alec Baldwin, Jane Lynch (NOH8), Seth MacFarlane, Julian Bond (NAACP) and Tony Podesta.


- Alejandro Gaviria (Minister of Health Colombia)
- Alexander Soros (NYU, Hannah Arendt Center for Politics, The New York Times, The Guardian, WEF)
- Andras Sajo (Facebook Oversight Board)
- Andreas Treichl (ECFR, Chase Manhattan, TC)
- Anthony Richter (CFR, The NY Times)
- Anya Schiffrin (married to Joseph Stiglitz, World Bank, Council of Economic Policy under Bill Clinton)
- Arturo Sarukhan (Inter-American Dialogue, The Brookings Institution)
- Cecilia Munoz (Domestic Policy Council in Obama administration)
- Daniela Schwarzer (German CFR)
- David Rieff (The New School, The NY Times, The Guardian, son of Philip Rieff and Susan Sontag/Rosenblatt)
- Dawn Fitzpatrick (Soros Fund Management, Federal Reserve NY)
- Eli Pariser (
- Emily Bell (Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, The Guardian Media Group)
- Ethan Nadelmann (LSE, Drug Policy Alliance, legalisation of marijuana)
- Federico Fubini (Italian newspaper Corriera della Sierra)
- Ferial Haffajee (journalist South Africa, International Press Institute)
- François Crépeau (jesuit university Georgetown)
- Gay McDougall (LSE, jesuit university Fordham, UN covention International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, outlawing of 'hate speech')
- George Soros (LSE of Fabian Society, Quantum Fund, the Good Club with Bill Gates)
- Ghassan Salamé (jesuit, ECFR, George Soros' International Crisis Group, UN Support Mission in Lybia)
- Gisellle Blanco-Santana (Ford Foundation)
- Goran Buldioski (ECFR)
- Gregory Maniatis (International Migration Initiative, The NY Times)
- Harsh Mander (Indian columnist)
- Heather Grabbe (LSE, Open Society European Policy Institute, The NY Times)
- Heather McGhee (Color of Change, Demos of Barack Obama, NBC News, Real Time with Bill Maher)
- Ibrahim Abukabar (UCL Institute for Global Health)
- Imelda Nicolas (National Anti-Poverty Commission)
- Issandr Amrani (LSE, ECFR, International Crisis Group, The Guardian)
- Istvan Rev (Center for Advances Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford)
- Ivan Krastev (The New York Times, WEF, International Crisis Group, ECFR)
- John Feffer (Institute for Policy Studies, The Huffington Post, The NY Times, Democratic Socialists of America of jesuit Michael Harrington)
- Jose Roberto Alampay (Philippine press)
- Julia Reda (European Parliament, German Pirate Party)
- Kavita Nandini Ramdas (MADRE, Ford Foundation, Aspen Institute, Rockefeller Brothers Fund)
- Kinga Göncz (Hungarian Socialist Party, European Parliament)
- Laurence Parisot (BNP Paribas, ECFR, Le Siècle)
- Luc Athayde-Rizzaro (Ford Foundation, Nation Center on Transgender Equality)
- Mabel Wisse Smith (Order of Malta, ECFR, Shell, UN, married to Goldman Sachs banker Friso of Orange-Nassau)
- Maina Kiai (UN Kenya, Facebook Oversight Board)
- Mariko Silver (Obama administration, daughter of Tony Silver of documentary Style Wars, program Hip Hop)
- Mark Malloch-Brown (International Crisis Group, UN Foundation with Ted Turner of CNN, World Bank)
- Maya Wiley (The New School, council of NY major Bill de Blasio, NAACP, NBC)
- Meredith Woo (CFR, The NY Times)
- Michel Kazatchkine (UN Special Envoy HIV/AIDS, vaccine agenda of the WHO)
- Michèle Pierre-Louis (pm of Haiti, Knowledge and Freedom Foundation funded by Soros)
- Mildred Solomon (The Hastings Center, CRISPR gene editing)
- Monique Goyens (The European Consumer Organisation)
- Morton Halperlin (CFR)
- Naila Kabeer (LSE, International Association for Feminist Economics, UN, World Bank)
- Nicole Wilett (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Security Council)
- Pablo de Greiff (UN, World Bank)
- Patrick Gaspard (Center for American Progress)
- Paul Seabright (consultant European Union, United Nations, World Bank)
- Pedro Abramavay (advisor to Minister of Justice Brazil)
- Ruth Dreifuss (president of Switzerland)
- Sara Hossain (UN Human Rights Council)
- Sean Hinton (Goldman Sachs, Rio Tinto)
- Simon Wooley (Operation Black Vote, worked with The Guardian, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Naomi Campbell)
- Theresia Degener (UN)
- Tom Perriello (Center for American Progress)
- Yasmin Sooka (UN)
- Vera Songwe (World Bank, Economic Commission for Africa of UN)
- Willy Mutunga (Chief of Justice Kenya)
- Yochai Benkler (Sunlight Foundation with Esther Dyson CFR)
- Zeljko Jovanovic (ECFR)

the Left Wing Church
