
Propaganda Due or P2 was an Italian masonic lodge used in the Aldo Moro media ritual, the Hanged Man ritual with Vatican banker Roberto Calvi (Opus Dei) and Banco Ambrosiano media ritual as a distraction in the Conspiracy Church (Lucien Gregoire's Murder in the Vatican etc). In 1976 it transformed from a lodge into a Right Wing anti-communist group under Knight of Malta Licio Gelli (also Rite of Mizraim) and Raul Alberto Lastiri (Argentinian interim president in 1973). In 1981 after the kidnapping of Michele Sindona, a list of 550 P2 members was spread.

Famous members

- Antonio Baslini
- Danile De 'Cocci (CD of Aldo Moro)
- Emo Danesi (CD)
- Enrico Manca
- Francesco Pazienza
- Franco Di Bella (Corriera della Sera)
- Franco Ferruti ('terrorism expert' during the Aldo Moro ritual)
- Gian Aldo Arnaud (government of Giulio Andretti)
- Giorgi Mazzanti (ENI)
- Giulio Cesare Graziani
- Giulio Grassini (Italian secret service)
- Licio Gelli (Order of Malta)
- Luigi Mariotti
- Pasquale Bandiera (PRI)
- Pietro Longo (government of Bettino Craxi)
- Roberto Calvi (died in suicide as the Hanged Man, 3 days before the birth of Antichrist figure William V)
- Silvio Berlusconi
- Umberto Ortolani (Vatican Bank, Order of Malta)
- Vito Micelli (coup of Juno Valerio Borghese)
- Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia (House of Savoy)

History of freemasonry

Order of Malta
