The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) is a US think tank, founded in 1991, by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.

It was closely associated with the George W Bush administration, the 911 Twin Towers ritual and the self created problem of Islamic terrorism, war in Iraq and war in Afghanistan. It ended in 2006 and was replaced by the Foreign Policy Initiative in 2009, wich ended in 2017.

William Kristol s the father of Irving Kristol of CIA front Congress for Cultural Freedom and American Committee for Cultural Freedom and member of the NY Intellectuals.

He published the Weekly Standard with Elliot Abrams, Christopher Hitchens (New Atheism with Richard Dawkins), members of the American Enterprise Institute, Zionist lobby Foundation for Defense of Democracies. It is published by the Anschutz Corporation, which also publishes The Washington Examiner (writers of the Washington Times of the Unification Church).

He is a member of the Manhattan Institute of CIA director William Casey, Keep America Safe of Liz Cheney and plays an antagonist of Donald Trump

Robert Kagan was assistant of Elliot Abrams and Jack Kemp and speechwriter of George Schultz (Bohemian Club, Committee on the Present Danger). He served on the Foreign Policy Affairs board under Hilary Clinton and John Kerry.


- Bruce Jackson (Lehman Brothers, CFR)
- Craig Kennedy (German Marshall Fund, Atlantik-Brücke, CFR)
- Danielle Pletka (CPD, American Enterprise Institute)
- David Kramer
- Dick Cheney (American Enterprise Institute)
- Donald Rumsfeld (jesuit, Hoover Institution, CFW, Le Cercle)
- Eliot Cohen (Commentary, American Enterprise Institute, CFR, TC, CPD)
- Elliot Abrams (Gatestone Institute, LSE, Harvard, Commentary, Reagan administration, Iran-Contra affair, Bush administration, war Iraq, Trump administration, jesuit school Georgetown, CFR, married to the daughter of Midge Rosenthal Decter)
- Francis Fukuyuma (CFR, Berggruen Institute, Commentary, RAND, National Endowment for Democracy)
- Frank Gaffney (jesuit, Commentary, Washington Times of Unification Church, Breitbart News)
- Fred Icklé (CSIS, Le Cercle, RAND Corporation)
- Gary Bauer
- Gary Schmitt (American Enterprise Institute)
- George Weigel (National Endowment for Democracy, Commentary, Victims of Communism)
- Henry Rowen (RAND, Stanford University, Hoover Institution)
- Ivo Daalder (jesuit, NATO, CFR, Brookings)
- James Steinberg (CFR, TC)
- Jeb Bush (governor of Florida)
- Jeff Bergner (Le Cercle, Asia Foundation)
- Jeffrey Gedmin (jesuit, CFR, Committee on the Present Danger, Atlantic Council)
- John Bolton (Fox News, advisor of Trump, American Enterprise Institute)
- John Lehman (cousin of Grace Kelly, jesuit, 911 Commission, The Heritage Foundation, Committee on the Present Danger)
- Joshua Muravchik (CFW, CPD, Freedom House, American Enterprise Institute, Commentary, jesuit)
- Max Boot (The Wall Street Journal, CFR)
- Michael O'Hanlon (Brookings, CFR)
- Michèle Fournoy (CSIS, CFR, Aspen Strategy Group)

- Midge Rosenthal Decter
- Norman Podhoretz (NY Intellectuals, married to Midge Rosenthal Decter, Zionist lobby American Jewish Committee, Commentary, father of John Podhoretz)
- Paula Dobriansky (CFR, TC, Victims of Communism, Hudson Institute, WEF, Atlantic Council)
- Paul Wolfowitz (Quill and Dagger, CFR, TC, Le Cercle, World Bank)
- Reuel Marc Gerecht (American Enterprise Institute)
- Richard Perle (CFW, Le Cercle, Project for the New American Century, Hollinger International, American Enterprise Institute)
- Robert Kagan (CFR, Brookings, Commentary, The Washington Post, The NY Times, The New Republic)
- Steve Forbes (Forbes magazine, Israel lobby Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the European Foundation for Democracy, The Heritage Foundation, Fox News)
- Scooter Libby (CFR, CSIS, RAND, Hudson Institute)
- Vin Weber (CFR, National Endowment for Democracy)
- Walter Slocombe (CFR, Atlantic Council)
- William Bennett (jesuit, CFW, CPD, Commentary)
- William Kristol (Fox News, The NY Times, American Enterprise Institute, son of Irving Kristol CCF)
- Zalmay Khalilzad (Atlantic Council, CSIS, RAND, CFR)

At first sight the PNAC seems like a conservative think tank but it has roots in the leftist organisation NY Intellectuals. Richard Perle published in World Affairs of James Denton (Victims of Communism with John Singlaub of World Anti-Communist League, Freedom House, published by Jeane Kirkpatrick, consultant to Viktor Orban and Open Society Foundations). World Affairs also published David Rieff (son of Susan Sontag).

Council on Foreign Relations

Foundations and think tanks
