Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, used in the Art scene, to create the Modernist Art movement in Montparnasse Paris. His patron was Gertrude Stein, student at Harvard of William James (TS, SPR) and Paul Rosenberg.

Stein was also mentored by George Santayana, close friend of Bertrand Russell's brother (S&B family).

Picasso was also funded Edward James Forbes, patron of Salvador Dali.

In Paris he was a member of the art scene of propaganda artists Gertrude Stein, Max Jacob, Guillaume Apolloniaire (coined the term surrealism and cubism), George Braque, Amedeo Modigliani, Henri Matisse, Jean Cocteau (gay agenda), Albert Gleizes,.. He lived at the Rue La Boétie like Eugène Sue.

After his blue and rose period, he made the cubist painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon in 1907 with influences of African masks, bought by Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler.

His wife Olga Khoklava was a Russian dancer of the Ballets Russes (Igor Stravinsky, Léon Bakst Rosenberg) of Sergei Diaghilev, who worked with Edward Bernays. Picasso designed the costumes and set of her piece Parade with dancer Léonide Massine and music of Dadaist Eric Satie. Massine later played in The Red Shoes (ruby slippers, Wizard of Oz programming) of The Rank Organisation.

He had a relationship Marie-Thérèse Walter (17y old), who committed suicide in 1977 and Dora Maar (friend of surrealist Jacqueline Lamba, André Breton's wife).

He also had a relationship with Françoise Gilot, wife of Jonas Salk (NYU, CCNY, Harvard, polio vaccination agenda, funded by the Mellons). He was a friend of Ilya Ehrenburg, a Russian Bolshevik who met Lenin in Paris.

He published in German left wing magazine Die Aktion (Hugo Ball, George Grosz, Ernst Kirchner, André Gide, Peter Kropotkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Egon Schiele, Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin).

In 1937 he made Guernica, promoted by the MoMa.

In 1960 he appeared in The Testament of Orpheus of Jean Cocteau with Brigitte Bardot, Charles Aznavour and Yul Brynner.

His 2nd wife Jacqueline Roque (like Jacqueline Kennedy) committed suicide with a gun in 1986.

He represented the Uranus (eccentric outsider, genius) energy of the new Age of Aquarius.

His daughter Paloma Picasso was a friend of Yves Saint-Laurent and played in Immoral Tales (1973) about incest. She was part of the Studio 54 scene.

Arianna Huffington wrote a Picasso biography in 1996.

He was played by Anthony Hopkins in Surviving Picasso with Natascha McElhone and Julianne Moore.

Astrological chart

born 10/25/1881, date Katy Perry, Mia Wasikowska, death Vito Paulakes.

Asc: Leo, mc: Aries. Dom: Scorpio (Death), Taurus, Leo - Sun, Jupiter, Venus.

Houses 4, 10, 5. 4: Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, 10: Pluto, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn in Taurus, 5: Moon in Sagittarius. 2: Uranus in Virgo.

died 4/8/1973, date Julian Lennon, Patricia Arquette, Sara Northrup Hollister, Twin Peaks, death Margaret Thatcher, 3 days after birth Pharrell Williams, 4 days after opening of the Twin Towers.

the Art Scene

Mind Control
