Peter Sarsgaard
Peter Sarsgaard is a mind controlled actror, used in the Hollywood film industry, to announce the the James Holmes Phoenix ritual. His father worked for US Air Force, IBM and Monsanto. He was trained by the jesuits at private school Fairfield College Preparatory School and at the Actors Studio. He married Maggie Gyllenhaal in 2009, the daughter of Stephen Gyllenhaal, born 10/4/1949 and sister of Jake Gyllenhaal born 12/19/1980, who sodomised Joker Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain. Leonard Gyllenhaal was a Swedenborgian. He played Frank Olson, Robert Kennedy and Stanley Milgram. |
He dated Dita von Teese (Marilyn Manson). He promoted transgender Chelsea Manning (Wikileaks of Julian Assange).
Astrological chart
born 3/7/1971, date Rachel Weisz, Laura Prepon, Bryan Cranston, Jenna Fisher.
Dom: Sagittarius (Art), Pisces, Cancer - Moon, Jupiter, Neptune.
Moon in Cancer, Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius.
1998 Another Day in Paradise James
Woods Melanie Griffith Natasha Gregson Wagner
1998 The Man in the Iron Mask Leonardo
di Caprio Jeremy Irons
1999 Boys Don't Cry (transgender agenda) Hilary
Swank Chloé Sevigny
2000 The Cell Jennifer Lopez Vincent
2002 Empire John Leguizamo Isabella Rosselini
2002 The Salton Sea Val Kilmer
Vincent D'Onofrio R Lee Ermey Adam Goldberg
2002 K-19: The Widowmaker Liam Neeson
Harrison Ford
2003 Shattered Glass Hayden
Christensen Chloé Sevigny Rosario
2004 Kinsey Liam Neeson as Alfred
Kinsey Laura Linney jesuit
Chris O'Donnell John Lithgow David
Harbour Tim Curry Lynn Redgrave
directed by jesuit Bill Condon
2005 The Skeleton Key John Hurt
2005 Flight Plan Jodie Foster Sean
Bean Erica Christensen (Scientology)
2005 Jarhead Jake Gyllenhaal Jamie
Foxx Chris Cooper Sam Mendes
2007 Year of the Dog Laura Dern
2009 In the Electric Mist Tommy Lee
Jones Mary Steenburgen John
2009 Orphan Vera Farmiga
2012 Robot & Frank Frank Langella
Susan Sarandon James Marsden Liv Tyler
2013 Lovelace James Franco as Hugh
Hefner Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace (Deep Throat) Sharon
Stone Adam Brody Juno Temple Wes
Bentley Eric Roberts
2015 Experimenter the Stanley Milgram Story as Stanley
Milgram Winona Ryder (CIA agent
Timothy Leary as godfather, Stranger
Things) John Leguizamo Ned Eisenberg jesuit Jim Gaffigan Anton
Yilchin Eduardo Ballerini as Peter Hollander Harold Takooshian
(Georgetown University of jesuits) Michael Almereyda (Twister=Wizard
of Oz programming) Uri Singer (producer of Tesla) Magnolia
Pictures of Mark Cuban
2015 Black Mass Johnny Depp
David Harbour Benedict
2016 Jackie (the JFK ritual) as Robert Kennedy Natalie
Portman as Jackie Kennedy John Hurt J Carol Lynch as
Lyndon Johnson
2017 Wormwood Netflix as Frank
Olson (MK Ultra) Tim Blake
Nelson as Sidney Gottlieb Bob Balaban (played in Capote and Altered
States) as Harold Abramson.
2018 The Lie Joey King
2018 The Looming Tower (the Tower)
as CIA agent chasing Osama Jeff Daniels
2019 The Sound of Silence Rashida Jones
2020 Best Summer Ever Maggie
2021 The Survivor (Auschwitz) Ben Foster Danny De Vito
2022 The Batman Robert Pattinson Zoe Kravitz Andy
Serkis Colin Farrell John