
Princeton University is an institute of the education system in New Jersey, founded as the College of New Jersey in 1746, after the 'Great Awakening' in the protestant Presbyterian Church. It played a role in the American Revolution through Princeton alumni Philip Johnston, Nathaniel Scudder and David Matthews and founding of the United States through John Witherspoon, Aaron Burr and James Madison.

It is a member of the Ivy League with Columbia University (founded 8 years later), Dartmouth, Yale, Cornell, Swarthmore College, Brown, Harvard and University of Pennsylvania.

President Woodrow Wilson hired Zionist Horace Kellen who would later found The New School with John Dewey, affiliated with Columbia University and the Frankfurt School. Wilson and Abram Piatt Andrew helped creating the Federal Reserve.

Through the Institute of Advanced Studies with Albert Einstein, Kurt Gödel and John von Neumann, it played a role in the  Manhattan Project.

Hadley Cantril conducted mind control research in the Princeton Radio Project, studying the effects of mass media psyops like War of the Worlds with Orson Welles, Theodor Adorno (Frankfurt School), Knight of Malta Frank Stanton of CBS and Paul Lazarsfeld (teacher of Nathan Glazer CCF, Macy Conferences on cybernetics with Margaret Mead, Kurt Lewin). Cantril was roommate of Nelson Rockefeller at Dartmouth College.

It participated in MK Ultra mind control research with LSD. Princeton published Multiculturalism of Jurgen Habermas and Stephen Rockefeller.

It collaborated with IONS in The Global Consciousness Project.

In 2004 David Tank (BRAIN Initiative) became director of Princeton Neuroscience Institute.

Alumni and teachers

- Alan Turing
- Alan Blinder (Federal Reserve)
- Albert Rees (advisor to Gerald Ford)
- Alonzo Church
- Anne-Marie Slaughter
- Anthony Burgess
- jesuit Arminio Fraga (CFR)
- Arthur Compton
- Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve)
- Brooke Shields
- David Duchovny
- David Petraeus
- Donald Rumsfeld
- Edwin McMillan
- Eric Schmidt (Google)
- Ethan Coen
- F Scott Fitzgerald
- Frank Carlucci
- George Schultz
- Hannah Arendt
- Horace Kallen
- Hugh Everett
- James Aubrey (CBS, MGM)
- James Madison
- Jeff Bezos
- Jerome Powell (Federal Reserve)
- John Archibald Wheeler
- John Forbes Nash
- John von Neumann
- Joseph Henry (Smithsonian)
- Kip Thorne
- Lachlan Murdoch
- Lee Iacocca
- Malcolm Forbes
- Marvin Minsky
- Michelle Obama
- Noor of Jordan
- Norman Finkelstein
- Paul Krugman (The NY Times)
- Pete Conrad (NASA)
- Richard Feynman
- Richard Perle
- Robert Hofstadter
- Sean Stone
- Steve Feinberg (advisor to Donald Trump)
- Steve Forbes
- Steven Weinberg
- Tad Smith (Sotheby's)
- Ted Cruz
- Tim Ferris
- Toni Morrison
- Turki bin Faisal Al Saud
- Wilder Penfield
 - Woodrow Wilson

the Education System
