Protestant Church
The Protestant Church is an institute of the Draco-Orion Empire, a continuation of the Egyptian, Babylonian and Roman Empire with the Saturnian cult Christianity as foundation, founded by Martin Luther as antagonist of the Catholic Church of Rome. Christianity is a continuation of Aryan solar worship (death and rebirth cycle of the sun, personified as Jesus Christ) and the cult of Baal. It selects men from important elite families to represent the God energy they worship, to rule planet earth. Like the Catholic Church, it upholds a spiritual and conservative Right Wing image, but pushes leftist agenda's and helped creating capitalism. |
The Church of England is led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Saxe-Coburgs (Antichrist William V).
The Roman Empire, ruled by the Julio-Claudian dynasty (later Colonna) had a polytheistic religion and emperors like Nero burned the first Christians in sacrifice rituals. It incorporated Christianity after the conversion of emperor Constantine, rebranded itself as the Holy Roman Empire.
The 'pagan' festivals summer and winter solstice were given a Christian meaning (the pagan sun festival of 25 december became Christ Mass day). The Aryan worship of the trinity Osiris-Isis-Horus became God-Maria-Jesus. The location and architecture of Christian cathedrals is based on sacred geometry.
Domenican Thomas Aquinas wrote Summum Theologica, influenced by the texts of Aristotle and Augustine of Hippo.
In Italy the Guelph and Ghibeline factions represented the papal and military factions. The Dominicans and Knights Templar were used to suppress 'heretic' cults like the Cathars.
1370 John Wycliffe (Oxford) translates the bible into English.
1409 Jan Hus is rector at Charles University in Prague. Followers of Jan Hus (supported by the Bohemian Jagiellonian Dynasty) found the Moravian Church in Bohemia (Czech Republic).
1450 Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press and prints the first bibles, causing the need for a uniform document.
1490 Dominican Giacomo Savonarola as controlled opposition against the Medici's.
1517 Erasmus (Oxford) published his version of the New Testament. 95 Thesis of Augustinian monk Martin Luther, agent of the House of Wettin (University of Wittenberg), on Halloween, printed by Gutenberg. Luther uses the rose cross emblem and translates the bible of Erasmus into German.
1524 German Peasant's War with Thomas Muntzer and John Tyler (masonic title, involvement of Knights Templars).
Henry VIII Tudor and Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand II who issued the Alhambra Decree (causing a diaspora of jews) separate the Church of England from Catholic Church of Rome (pope Clement VII Medici). Archbishop of Canterbury. The Tudors are replaced by the Scottish Stuarts.
Counter-reformation Borgia's and Farnese founded the Jesuit Order to reconquer the education system. protestant University of Prague in Czech Republic.
1562 religious wars in France between Catholics and Protestants (Hugenoths, House of Lorraine).
John Wesley and Charles Wesley founded the Holy Club with George Whitefield and John Gambold (friend of Nicholaus Zinzendorf) at Christ Church Oxford (controlled by Dominicans) and the Methodist Church (emphasis on praying and love feasts, Greek concept of Agape).
1598 Henry IV allows more religious tolerance through Edict of Nantes.
1609 John Smyth founds the Baptist Church in Amsterdam.
French theologian John Calvin founds the Calvinist movement.
Bohemian king Frederick V marries Elizabeth Stuart. Rosicrucian manifesto's.
1618 Thirty Years' War north vs south (Furstenbergs, Cardinal Richelieu, ..) as war between Christ and Antichrist.
1640s Puritan movement.
1650 George Fox founds the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers (movement of crypto-jews to protect mercantile interests). Calvinist John Knox founds the Presbyterian Church.
1688 Glorious Revolution with William III (House of Orange), supported by the Presbyterians to give rise to modern capitalism (Bank of England with jewish Rothschilds).
1730s George Whitefield Great Awakening in US, founding of Princeton University.
Quaker William Penn founds Pennsylvania.
1741 Nicholaus Zinzendorf visited Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia.
1774 John Wesley plays a role in the slavery abolition movement.
1816 Richard Allen (friend of Benjamin Rush) founds the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
After the defeat of Napoleon, the Bourbons are restored and kill protestants through the dragonnades.
1831 founding of Wesleyan University in Connecticut.
1865 William and Catherine Booth found the Salvation Army. John D Rockefeller (Baptist Church) plays a role in the oil industry.
1920 Prohibition (caused by Methodist Church, Southern Baptist and Mormon Church) to create a black market economy for the mafia (Bronfmans). In Chicago alcohol is smuggled through the Chicago Outfit of Al Capone.
1935 Norwegian Methodist Abraham Vereide founds The Family (The Fellowship) in Seattle Washington, funded by William Volker Fund ('Mr Anonymous'), also the patron of the Austrian school of economics.
1945 Southern Baptist Harry Truman plays a role in the Manhattan Project and founds the NSA. Jack Parsons leads the Agape Lodge.
1947 Quakers are awarded the Nobel Prize.
1954 John Wesley movie of Arthur Rank (Rank Organisation). Methodist Bernard Lowell (Royal Society, APS) as director of Jodrell Bank Observatory in Knockin (owned by Barons Strange of Oddfellows).
1958 John Birch Society named after Baptist John Birch.
1963 Martin Luther King Jr, member of the Boulé, as the new Martin Luther. He works with Baptist Billy Graham. Provocateur agent Malcolm X (raised as Baptist to be used in the Black Church). Raytheon CEO Tom Philips funds The Family and serves on the board of Salvation Army.
1967 Southern Baptist Bill Moyers as chairman of the CFR.
1971 Southern Baptist Jerry Falwell Sr founds Liberty University and Moral Majority with Paul Weyrich (The Heritage Foundation).
The Baptist, Southern Baptist and Methodist Church indoctrinates children to be used in politics, the Hollywood film industry and music industry (Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Nelson Rockefellers, Dakota Fanning, Elle Fanning, Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Kevin Costner, Johnny Cash, Al Green, Jamie Foxx, Whitney Houston, Kamala Harris, Clarence Climmons of Bruce Springsteen's band, Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys, Betty Davis, Buddy Holly, Oprah Winfrey, Brittany Murphy, Eddie Murphy, Diana Ross, Jessica Simpson,..).
2000 Southern Baptist Al Gore as presidential candidate and guru in the Climate Church.
2009 Barack Obama as the new Martin Luther King.
2016 Southern Baptist Ted Cruz (Princeton) as presidential candidate.