Quantum computing

Quantum computing is computer technology based on quantum mechanics. It is developed by corporations like Google (Youtube), IBM, MIT, NASA and Jeff Bezos, who also do research on DNA computing (transhumanist dream of creating a mutant race through DNA and gender modification, recreating the days of Genesis, the Luciferian promise of becoming a God). Quantum computers are built as black boxes that operate at 273° below zero temperatures (symbolism of Saturn with rings of ice). Quain=child of Lucifer.  

Quantum computers need helium 3 (isolated by Luis Walter Alvarez, found on the moon). Interdimensionals reside in the empty space of the atom (99% of the atom is empty, atom=Atum=Adam). The term quantum mechanics is deception of the materialist Science Church because energy in an atom does not work like a mechanical device.

IBM was responsible for the administration of the Holocaust. Nazi scientists were transferred to the US to work for NASA.

In 1978 Clifford Cocks (Order of the Bath, Royal Society) who worked for British Intelligence service Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), developed the cryptographic RSA system with integer and prime factorisation.

Peter Shor (MIT) showed in 1994 quantum computers are able to break cryptographic codes and end electronic privacy and security, leading to development of quantum cryptography.
In 1980 Charles Bennett (IBM Research) and Paul Benioff (Argonne National Laboratory, Niels Bohr Institute) announced a quantum version of the Turing machine of Alan Turing, based on the theories of Richard Feynman.

David DiVincenzo  produced the first spin qubit quantum computer in 1997.

In 1999 D-Wave Systems was founded by Geordie Rose in Canada. D-Wave refers to cryptographer and rosicrucian John Dee, the wave of the Abyss, the watery deep. In quantum mechanics light can be both a wave and a particle. It collaborates with NASA, Google, Lockheed Martin (the war industry).

Quantum computers are connected to CERN, which attempts to open a dimensional portal (the Abyss of Revelation 911, the gap between the real and the unreal). Users of the Internet of Things will have digital avatars containing all their data (including DNA) to live in a A.I. generated world simulation (the 'New Earth' of Book of Revelation).

The finger touch technology of silicon smartphones is a form of modern geomancy (divination through sand). Boltzmann machines are modern variations on Ramon Lull's Art of Logic.

John Preskill (Caltech) coined the term 'quantum supremacy' for the exceeding of computing capacity of regular computers (the Quain race as superior).

In 2007 D-Wave demonstrated their Orion system (raising Osiris symbolism).

In 2011 D-Wave One, with a chip produced at JPL (Jack Parsons), based on research of Gabriel Aeppli (London Center for Nanotechnology) and Thomas Rosenbaum. Edward Fahri (MIT, CERN) worked with Leonard Susskind.
In 2017 Rose predicted a 'tsunami of demons' in a speech (symbolism of movies like Resident Evil with Milla Jovovich). He compared quantum computers to summoning the Lovecraftian Old Ones.

In 2019 D-Wave introduced Pegasus (winged horse linked to Enki) and IBM (administration of the Holocaust) launched Q System 1, in collaboration with CERN, Fermilab (Robert Wilson of Manhattan Project), Exxon Mobile and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Quantum computers do calculations in quantum bits or qubits (multiple possibilities, non-binary, ark symbolism), in contrast with regular computers who use bits (binary system 1 and 0). The Qanon psyop was an early Alternate Reality Game. Facebook will add Virtual Reality features through its Oculus company and create a brain net, where thoughts are sent immediately through the brain.

In 2025 quantum computing is expected to reach the computing capacity of the human brain.

In 2050 transhumanists expect to exceed the computing capacity of all human brains (the so-called Singularity).

Quantum mechanics

