Ramon Lull

Ramon Lull was a Spanish Franciscan and occultist, who lived from 1232 to 1315. He was affiliated with the Knights Templar, who like the Augustines, studied the memory art of the Romans and calculation theory. Under influence of Persian philosopher Algazel, he developed the Ars, a universal logic and divination system with diagrams and algorithms, which influenced jesuit Athanasius Kircher and John Dee's Enochian cryptography system and early computation theory. He developed the system in a Quaternary and Ternary phase. He also published on alchemy.

In 1295 he wrote the Tree of Science (Kabbalstic Tree of Life) in Rome.

He designed a plan to unite the Templars and Order of St John in one order. Like John Dee, who saw his Enochian system as the start of a global revolution and religion, Lull saw his system as a way to prove the existence of God and to convert the world to Christianity.

He was promoted by German Catholic Nicolas of Cusa, who studied his works in Paris and played a role in spreading Renaissance humanism.

The Franciscans built Silicon Valley in San Francisco.

The concept of Boltzmann machines of Ludwig Boltzmann with random number generators was based on his Ars Magna.


Knights Templar
