Robert Oppenheimer
Robert Oppenheimer was a jewish theoretical physicist of the Seligman and Oppenheimer elite family who worked at the University of California Berkeley (physicists Edward Teller, Enrico Fermi, Glenn Seaborg) and Caltech in Pasadena and played a role in the Trinity Test of the Manhattan Project (reference to Aleister Crowley's Amalantrah Working in Manhattan). He became director of Los Alamos (ALMA: dark mother, Diana died in the Alma tunnel) Laboratory in New Mexico, linked to University of California in Berkeley. |
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He was a Phi Beta Kappa and educated at Harvard, University of Cambridge (student of JJ Thomson), University of Göttingen, Horace Mann School and Fieldston School (Marvin Minsky, Roy Cohn, Nicholas Meyer, Leon Black, Sophia Coppola, Douglas Dirst, Louise Lasser, Sean Lennon, Douglas Lowenstein, Grace Meyer, Howard Wolfson, Barbara Walters, James Toback, Robert Sherman, Gill Scott-Heron, Edward Pressman, Nicole Seligman of Sony, Jeffrey Katzenberg of Disney, AG Sulzberger of The NY Times).
At the University of Göttingen he studied under Max Born with Wolfgang Pauli, Enrico Fermi, Edward Teller, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg,..
At the Federal Institute of Technology (EHT) in Zurich Switzerland he worked on quantum mechanics with Wolfgang Pauli.
Robert like Robert Francis Kennedy, Robert Thorne in The Omen, Robert Kennedy Runcie (priest at alchemical marriage Charles and Diana), Robert Heinlein, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Robert Gates, Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr, Robert Downey Jr, Rob Lowe, Robert Zemeckis (Contact),..
At the University of California Berkeley he learned Sanskrit from Arthur Ryder (PBK, American Oriental Society).
He married Katherine 'Kitty' Puening (William and Catherine symbolism, kitten programming), a member of the Communist Party, born on 8/8 (Oppenheimer's birth date 4/22=88).
He participated in the Trinity Test in New Mexico (UFO mythology of Roswell crash and Dulce Base) on the 33d parallel on 7/16/1945, with Vannevar Bush, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, John von Neumann, Luis Walter Alvarez, Isidor Isaac Rabi, William Parsons, months after the alchemical marriage of Antichrist Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. In Egypt july 16 was associated with the birth of Set. The bomb, called the Devil's egg, represented the philosophical egg on the Lovers card. The goal of rituals in Jack Parsons' OTO is to create a homunculus ('Little Man', concept of 'Fat Man' Paracelsus). Parsons experimented with nuclear radiation on fetuses to create a Moonchild.
He quoted the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita 'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds' (Apollyon the Destroyer of Revelation 911, Vishnu). There is a Vishnu statue at CERN. He often posed with a cigarette. The cloud of nuclear radiation represented the Shekhinah.
Like Dr Frankenstein (based on Paracelsus) he represented the archetype of Lucifer-Prometheus, the mad scientist playing with forbidden knowledge. It is the goal of the Saturn cult to create an alchemical marriage between Baal (an obelisk was placed at the site) and Joudy to create an even more evil union as child. The Aeon card represents regeneration through integration with the Shadow, the Daemon.
He was a member of CIA front American Committee of Cultural Freedom, the US branch of the CCF, with Sidney Hook, Jackson Pollock, George Schuyler (related to Saxe Coburgs, Marcus Garvey), John Dewey, Irving Kristol, Arthur Schlesinger Jr, James Burnham, Moshe Decter (American Jewish Congress, married to Midge Rosenthal Decter NYU), ...
He was also a member of the Committee on the Present Danger.
He was the teacher of David Bohm and Melba Philips.
He became director of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of Princeton and worked with Freeman Dyson.
He participated in Project Charles of MIT (Charles father of Antichrist William). His successor at Los Alamos Norris Bradbury died 11 days before Diana died in the Alma tunnel.
With Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell he established the World Academy of Art and Science.
He was a member of the Royal Society. JFK awarded him the Enrico Fermi Award.
His brother Frank Oppenheimer was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship.
His friend Linus Pauling worked for Esalen.
John F Kennedy Jr died in a plane crash on 7/16/1999, day of release Eyes Wide Shut. 1999 was the year of release of The Matrix with Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity.
The 911 Twin Towers ritual in Manhattan contained references to the Manhattan Project with ground zero symbolism.
The Trinity Test plays a role in Twin Peaks of David Lynch.
Christopher Nolan (collaborations with Nathan Crowley) made Oppenheimer and released The Dark Knight, Inception and The Dark Knight Rises (James Holmes ritual) on july 16.
Astrological chart
born 4/22/1904, year of start Aeon of Horus, date Vladimir Lenin, Bettie Page, Jack Nicholson, Marilyn Chambers, Donald Tusk, Sheryl Lee, Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook), d Will Geer.
Dom: Taurus (the Hierophant), Cancer, Gemini - Neptune, Uranus, Mercury.
died 2/18/1967 (Diana born on 218th day), year of Sgt Pepper's cover with Crowley, date d HC Agrippa, d Martin Luther, d Michelangelo, Adolphe Menjoe, Milos Forman, Yoko Ono, Cybill Shepherd, John Travolta, Dr Dre, d Frank Costello, the King of Comedy, 8 days after Laura Dern, 2 days before Kurt Cobain, month after Apollo 1 ritual of NASA, month before Ira Levin's novel Rosemary's Baby.
Robert Oppenheimer in pop culture
1980 The Day After Trinity
1980 Oppenheimer BBC Sam Waterston David Suchet Matthew Guinness
1989 Fat Man and Little Boy William Dwight Schultz as Oppenheimer Paul Newman as Leslie Groves John Cusack Laura Dern Natasha Richardson Todd Field (Eyes Wide Shut) Bonnie Bedelia Roland Joffé (University of Manchester) Paramount Pictures Robert Cornog as advisor
2005 American Prometheus The Triumph and Tragedy of J Robert Oppenheimer Kai Bird
2023 Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy Emily Blunt Matt Damon Robert Downey Jr Matthew Modine as Vannevar Bush Gary Oldman as Harry Truman Rami Malek Josh Hartnett Casey Affleck (Interstellar) Kenneth Branagh Jason Clarke (played Ted Kennedy) Tom Conti as Albert Einstein Christopher Nolan