Ronald Reagan
Ronald Wilson Reagan was a mind controlled Hollywood actor and political puppet of the Right Wing Church, a Knight of Malta and member of the Bohemian Club, who played the role of US president from 1981 to 1989. He played in 'The Killers' (novel of Ernest Hemingway) with John Cassavetes, who makes an Antichrist Moonchild with Mia Farrow (partner of Knight of Malta Frank Sinatra) in Polanski's 'Rosemary's Baby'. He was born in 1911 as son of Knight of Columbus (Colonna) Jack Reagan. |
In Hollywood he led the Screen Actors Guild.
He was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon like Knight of Malta Conrad Hilton, Merv Griffin, Willie Nelson, Marc Benioff, Ron Jeremy, Lawrence Welk, Ed Droste (Hooters with owl logo).
He played in Warner Bros movie Sergeant Murphy (1938) with Mary Maguire (mm=33), who was signed to Warner with help from John Farrow, father of Mia Farrow. Maguire was married to Robert Gordon-Canning, who was present at the wedding of Oswald Mosley and Diana Mitford, with Adolf Hitler and MI5 agent Bill Allen as guest.
He became spokesperson of General Electric, founded by JP Morgan and Thomas Edison (Theosophical Society) with hq in the Rockefeller Center.
His 1st wife was Jane Wyman Mayfield= Whore of Babylon Jayne Mansfield. She played in The Lost Weekend (Paramount Pictures) of Billy Wilder, shot at Bellevue Hospital, where mind control techniques were being developed that were later used in MK Ultra.
He married actress Nancy Davies in 1952, with William Holden (movie the Omen that announced Antichrist William V) as best man. From 1967 to 1975 he was the 33d governor of California.
In 1973 he was a member of the Rockefeller Commission of Nelson Rockefeller who pretended to investigate the mind control research project MK Ultra (History of Mind Control).
He was made US president in 1981, year of wedding Charles and Diana, as replacement of Jimmy Carter.
The Reagan Administration consisted of:
- George
Schultz (CFR,
Bechtel Group, Mont Pelerin
Society, Pilgrims Society,
Bohemian Club, Nuclear Threat
Initiative with Ted Turner of
- Frank Carlucci (CFR,
Order of Malta,
the Carlyle Group)
- George HW Bush (S&B,
Order of Malta)
- William Taft (S&B)
- J Peter Grace (Order of Malta, Operation Paperclip transfer of
nazi's, PRODEMCA, Council
for National Policy)
- Nicholas Brady (Order of Malta, Bohemian Club CFR)
- Alexandre de Merenches (Order of
Malta, Le Cercle)
- Alan Keyes (Knight of Columbus)
- James Watkins (Order of Malta,
Aids scare)
- Richard Allen (Le Cercle, CFR,
- Carl Anderson (Knight of Columbus)
- David Gergen (CFR,
Yale, World Economic Forum,
later CNN, Bohemian
Club, interview with Alex Jones)
- Kenneth Duberstein (Zeta Beta Thau
fraternity of Zionist Richard Gottheil, The
Boeing Company, Fannie Mae)
- Jeane
Kirkpatrick (CFR,
Le Cercle, CPD,
Committee for the
Free World, PRODEMCA)
- Alexander Haig (Pilgrims
Society, CFR, TC)
- Edwin Feulner (The
Heritage Foundation, CSIS, Victims
of Communism, Mont
Pelerin Society)
- Frank Gaffney (Washington Times of Unification
Church, CNP)
- Vernon Walters (CIA)
- Tip O'Neill
- William Bennet (Committee
for the Free World, National Review of Buckley, Claremont
Institute, backed by Irving Kristol
of Congress for
Cultural Freedom, friend of Haight-Ashbury
artist Janis Joplin)
- Nizar Hamdoon
- William F Buckley
- advisor David Abshire (TC)
- Ann McLaughlin (RAND, married to
Nixon's speechwriter jesuit John McLaughlin)
- Gary Bauer (ties to Unification
Edwin Meese (The Heritage Foundation, CNP, Mont Pelerin Society) was also advisor.
Reagan's and Bush's speeches were written by John Podhoretz (National Review of Wiilliam F Buckley Jr), son of Midge Rosenthal Decter (The Heritage Foundation, CPD, Committee for the Free World).
The first media stunt was a fake assassination attempt at the Washington Hilton with John Hinckley Jr (Boston Corbett, who shot Lincoln's assassin, died in Hinckley), born 5/29 like JFK, obsessed with Jodie Foster, the archetype of the lone wolf assassin, announced by Columbia movie Taxi Driver with Robert de Niro. His lawyer was jesuit Edward Bennett. He was treated at St Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, used as programming center (use of electroshocks). Like Mark David Chapman, Hinckley was programmed with JD Salinger's The Catcher in The Rye about Holden Caulfield (=William Holden).
Instead of a Roman Emperor he became the archetype of the president who can fix the economy in an economic crisis, as a scientist-doctor treating a patient (Reagonomics). His economic advisor were Martin Feldstein (Harvard, American Enterprise Institute, CFR, TC, Mont Pelerin Society, Group of Thirty, teacher of Lawrence Summers) and Murray Weidenbaum (American Enterprise Institute).
The Reagan administration funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. After the Left Wing Church had normalised drug abuse (crack epidemic), jesuit William Bennett invented the War on Drugs (thesis-antithesis), monopolising the jesuit drug trade, providing free slave labor in the prison industry. |
The concept of the War on Drugs was introduced by Richard Nixon with help from an advisory council with James Q Wilson (American Enterprise Institute).
1983 (after birth William, the Daemon, Pluto associated with nuclear power) speech that announces the Strategic Defense Initiative, advised by committee of Buzz Aldrin, Larry Niven, Robert Heinlein (Laurel Canyon meetings with Jack Parsons, the Moon is a Harsh Mistress), Daniel O Graham (Unification Church or Moonies, World Anti-Communist League), Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle.
1985 He underwent surgery in Bethesda Maryland, known for its mind control projects (year of release Back to the Future with references to Project Bluebird and Reagan's movie Cattle Queen of Montana).
Ronald and Nancy Reagan hosted a party at the White House with Clint Eastwood and other Hollywood actors, where Diana Spencer performed her famous dance in black velvet dress with John Travolta.
1986 the US bombs Lybia (Lybian terrorists in Back to the Future). Jesuit Fernando Cardenal controlled the Contra's in Nicaragua (christianity with capitalist US as Satan).
Contra media ritual with jesuit John
Forbes Kerry (S&B) and Zionist Elliott Abrams. Time Magazine articles with Oliver North (World
Anti-Communist League, Reagan played in The Killers with John
Cassavetes as Johnny North) of the National Security Council.
1987 speech at the Berlin Wall in Germany on
6/12 date of Rosemary's Baby,
signed a treaty with Mikhail Gurbachev (Giancarlo Pallavicini SMOM as advisor).
Knight of Malta George
HW Bush played the role of peacekeeper at the Malta Summit.
His son Ron Reagan (educated at Yale) promoted Anton LaVey and his daughters in the aftermath of the Satanic Panic media ritual. He co-hosted a show with Monica Crowley (Aleister Crowley).
He lived in Santa Barbara, close to Michael Jackson's Neverland. Nancy Reagan was a guest at Elizabeth Taylor's wedding at Neverland. He had Alzheimer's Disease (memory loss caused by mercury and electroshocks).
Reagan died in 2004. The same year jesuit Steve Bannon produced and directed In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed (Reagan as hero who defeated communism), based on the 2003 book Reagan's War by Peter Schweizer.
Dennis Quaid played Reagan in Reagan (2022) with Mena Suvari as his 1st wife Jane Wyman and Penelope Ann Miller as Nancy Reagan.
Astrological chart
born 2/6/1911, date d George Schultz, Eva Braun, Axl Rose, Bob Marley (died in 1981), Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Asc: Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, mc: Libra. Dom: Capricorn (the Devil), Taurus, Sagittarius - Mars (war), Jupiter, Pluto.
Houses 1, 4, 2. 1: Mars, Mercury and Uranus in Capricorn, 4: Saturn and moon in Taurus, 2: Sun in Aquarius (the Star).
died 6/5/2004, date The Truman Show, Mark Wahlberg, John Keynes.
1937 Love is on the Air (Warner
1937 Hollywood Hotel
1938 Sergeant Murphy Mary Maguire
1938 Swing Your Lady, Accidents Will Happen, Cowboy From Brooklyn, the
Amazing dr Clitterhouse, Boy Meets Girl, Girl on Probation, Brother Rat,
Going Places
1939 Secret Service of the Air, Dark Victory, Code of the Secret
Service, Naughty But Nice, Hell's Kitchen, The Angels Wash Their Faces,
Smashing the Money Ring, Sword Fishing
1940 Brother Rat and a Baby, An Angel From Texas, Murder in the Air (JFK
ritual in Texas), Knute Rockney, All American, Tugboat Annie Sails
Again, Alice in Movieland (Alice
in Wonderland programming), Santa Fe Trail
1941 The Bad Man
1941 Million Dollar Baby as Peter Rowan= Roman in Rosemary's Baby with
Priscilla Lane as Pam McAllister (Aleister
Crowley) (remake with Clint Eastwood, Hilary=Hilarion Swank, Morgan
Freeman), International Squadron
1941 Nine Lives Are Not Enough Joan Perry (married to Harry Cohn of Columbia and Laurence
Harvey of mind control movie The Manchurian
1942 Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter, Kings Row, Juke Girl,
Desperate Journey, Beyond the Line of Duty.
1943 The Rear Gunner, This is the Army (with Rosemary DeCamp, scene in
White House Washington DC)
1945 Target Tokyo, The Fight For The Sky, The Stillwell Road, Wings For
This Man
1947 Stallin Road
1947 That Hagen Girl Shirley Temple
(Order of Malta) Lois Maxwell
1947 The Voice of the Turtle
1949 John Loves Mary with Patricia Neal (married to Roald
Dahl), Night Unto Night, The Girl from Jones Beach, The Hasty
1949 It's a Great Feeling Doris
Day (mother of Terry Melcher,
who lived at the house of Roman
Polanski) Joan Crawford (also Christian
Science) Edward G Robinson Warner
1950 Louisa Hal Norton Piper Laurie
1951 Storm Warning (tempest of Wizard of Oz) Doris
Day. The Last Outpost. Bedtime for Bonzo (monkey named Bonzo).
1952 The Winning Team Doris Day
1953 Tropic Zone with Rhonda Fleming (11
Lust, the Whore of Babylon)
Law and Order (Universal)
1954 Prisoners of War.
1954 Cattle Queen of Montana (Isis, used in Back to the
Future movie with Michael J Fox,
that announced Donald Trump as the
new Reagan).
1955 Tenessee's Partner, co-host Walt Disney's
1957 Hellcats of the Navy, guest star on Lux Video Theatre like Rosemary
Clooney and Audie Murphy (movie Harvey Lee went to see in the JFK
1960 The Dupont Show (Colonna) with June
1961 The Young Doctors (month after birth Diana) with Ben Gazarra
1964 The Killers with John
Cassavetes of Rosemary's
Baby (ladder of the Hanged Man like the 911 Sharon Tate ritual).
1964-1965 host of Death Valley Days (Parsons Babalon Workings), based on
Wizard of Oz, replaced by Rosemary
2006 The Killing of John Lennon (at
the Dakota of Rosemary's Baby)
2015 Pixels