Skull and Bones

The Order of Skull & Bones is a secret society of Yale University, founded by William Russell and Alphonso Taft in 1832. S&B is a Saturnian death cult, responsible for the WW1 and WW2 ritual and interchangeable with the jesuits, with who they ruled the slave and opium trade. The nr 322 refers to bible verse in Genesis (the Bible) about immortality and becoming god like.

Yale University in Connecticut was founded by Elihu Yale of the British East India Company that ruled the slave and opium trade with the jesuits. It was funded by William Bennett Forbes (Russell and Company).

The skull is a Saturn symbol, the god of death, the X cross was used by pharao's mimicing Osiris. Jesuit Francis Borgia often posed with a skull, the skull and bones symbol was used by the pirates of Francis Drake, the Black Brunswickers in the army of Frederick the Great, the German Freikorps and nazi's all used the same skull and bones symbol.

Other secret societies at Yale were Linonian Society (Eli Whitney, Frederick Barnard - later president of Columbia University) and Brothers in Unity. In 1856 building the Tomb is inaugurated. S&B is a masonic order with death-rebirth of Osiris/Hiram Abiff, very closely associated with the Georgetown Set and the Wise Men that became the secret service OSS, later CIA.

David Acheson Pierre Jay (Federal Reserve)
Charles Edward Adams Robert William Kagan
Victor Ashe John Forbes Kerry
William F. Buckley Jr. Winston Lord
William P. Bundy Henry Luce (Time Life Magazine)
McGeorge Bundy Archibald MacLeash
Harvey Hollister Bundy H. Neil Mallon
Jonathan James Bush Michael Mann (climate scam)
Prescott Bush (Order of Malta) Steven Mnuchin (GS, Trump, TC)
George H. W. Bush Andrew Downey Orrick
George W. Bush (911 ritual) Harry Payne Whitney jr
Paul Bremer (Iraq war) Raymond Price
John Chafee (Secretary of Navy, CFR) Percy Rockefeller
Brock Chisholm (WHO) Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller
Thomas Cochran Charles Seymour (CFR)
Archibald Coolidge (CFR) Stephen Schwarzman (BlackStone)
Rex William Cowdry Albert DeSilver
Henry Pomeroy Davison (Federal Reserve) William Sloane Coffin
Frederick Trubee Davison (CIA, Time) Frederick Smith (FedEx)
John Dewey (Education Board, New School) Charles Spofford
J Richardson Dilworth (lawyer Rockefeller) Harold Stanley (Morgan Stanley)
Thomas Dodd (Nuremberg trial) Henry Stimson
William Henry Draper III (Harvard, UN) Robert Alphonso Taft
Artemus Gates (Boeing, Time) William Howard Taft
Austan Goolsbee (economic advisor Obama) Alfred Vanderbilt
Briton Hadden (Time) George Herbert Walker III
George Leslie Harrison (Federal Reserve) George Herbert Walker Jr.
W. Averell Harriman (Wise Men, CFR) Andrew Dickson White (Cornell)
E. Roland Harriman William Henry Welch (J. Hopkins)
Arthur David Horn  
H. J. Heinz II  

Burton Harrison, son of anti-slavery lawyer and grandson of Thomas Jefferson's friend Samuel Harrison, was private secretary of Jefferson Davis, one of the main actors of the American Civil War.

S&B members Andrew D. White was made 1st president at Cornell, Daniel Colt Gilman 1st president at Johns Hopkins University, so both universities are S&B affiliated (Cornell has its own secret society Quill and Dagger).

Henry Davison worked for JP Morgan, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Citibank and co-founded the Federal Reserve with Paul Warburg and Nelson Aldrich.

Irving Fisher founded the American Eugenics Society with Madison Grant, Henry Fairfield Osborn (American Museum of Natural History of Roosevelts), Harry Laughlin (Wickliffe Draper's Pioneer Fund) and Charles Davenport.

Henry Stimson and Robert Lovett revived the German economy after WW1 by transforming it into a war industry, preparing for the WW2 ritual.

Felix Frankfurter (CCNY, Harvard), who worked for Stimson, founded the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Jewish Congress. The Russell family, earls of Tavistock, founded the Tavistock Institute in London with Ronald Forbes Adam. Cornell University created Payne Whitney Psychiatry Clinic.

Archibald MacLeish worked for the Morale Operations Branch of William Donovan and the Office of War Information.

Eugene O'Neill Jr, son of Greenwich Village playwright Eugene O'Neill Sr, taught at Fordham University of the jesuits and The New School. His sister married Charlie Chaplin. Henry Stimson was one of the architects of the Nuremberg trial.

Brock Chisholm became the first director-general of the WHO (United Nations, Saturnian World Empire).

James Wadsworth was US ambassador to the UN in the Eisenhower admnistration.

Averell Harriman (CFR, Club of Rome) raised Peter Duchin, orchestra leader at the Truman Capote ball with Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra. He was Secretary of Commerce in the Truman administration with S&B members Henry Stimson and Robert Lovett. He married Pamela Harriman, previously married to Randolph Churchill, son of Winston Churchill.

William F Buckley Jr founded the National Review and Young Americans for Freedom in 1960 (the Right Wing Church, ties to anti-communist network of Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon, also friend of the Bushes). Marcus Raskin, aide of McGeorge Bundy and Richard Barnet, aide of John McCloy, founded the Institute for Policy Studies with Noam Chomsky, funded by James Warburg.

William Sloane Coffin played a role in the fake Civil Rights Movement with Bob Dylan (produced by his cousin John Hammond Sloane).

Godfrey S. Rockefeller founded the WWF with Philip Mountbatten, Bernhard Lippe and Julian Huxley.

Time magazine played a role in the JFK ritual and promoted the Swinging London scene.

Winston Lord (educated at Hotchkiss) attended Le Cercle and was president of the CFR from 1977 to 1985.

Frederick Smith CEO of FedEx in Memphis, associated with the Egyptian cult of Osiris, appeared in movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks. Dave Grohl of Nirvana (Kurt Cobain) came from a S&B family, campaigned for S&B member John Kerry. John Forbes Kerry was presented as JFK (Osiris) reborn, part of the 2012 Aurora phoenix rebirth ritual. Steven Mnuchin and Stephen Schwarzman (BlackStone Group) served in the Trump administration.

In 2021 Kerry was appointed as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.


Skull and Bones members regularly meet at Deer island. Yale is close to the headquarters of the Knights of Columbus of the Colonna's (Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush brother of George W Bush S&B). Other secret societies at Yale are Scroll and Key and Book and Snake.

Scroll and Key 1841 John Porter, William Kingsley , Samuel Perkins, Enos Taft , Dean Acheson (Bretton Woods conference, Truman administration), Benjamin Spock (Payne Whitney Psychiatry Clinic), Lebbeus Chapin, George Jackson, Paul Mellon (OSS, married Rachel Lambert, Warner-Part merged with Pfizer, culprits behind the Covid19-ritual), Robert Wagner (Order of Malta, Columbine Order, mayor NY), Homer Sprague, Charlton Lewis, Calvin Child en Josiah Harmer, Jodie Foster (Columbia Pictures, Silence of the Lambs full of S&B symbolism), Angelo Giamatti (father of Paul Giamatti), Harvey Cushing (neurosurgeon, father of Babe Cushing, married to William Paley president of CBS, present at Truman Capote ball), Alexandra Robbins (author of 'Secrets of the tomb: Skull and Bones, Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power'), Cyrus Vance (Jimmy Carter administration, married to Grace Elsie Sloane).

Book and Snake: Henry Ford II (Hotchkiss, 1001 Club), Les Aspin, Nicolas Brady (CFR), Bob Woodward, Porter Gloss (CIA),..


Cornell (Quill and Dagger)

- André Balazs (André Balazs Properties, married to Katie Ford of Ford Models, daughter of jesuit Gerard Ford, later married to Uma Thurman)
- Barry Weiss
- Henry Williams (Waldorf Astor)
- Jack Sheinkman (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Americans for Democratic Action, CFR)
- Joseph Coors (co-founder of The Heritage Foundation)
- Jolyon West (MK Ultra mind control research)
- Nelson Schaenen (president Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley)
- Oswald Brewster (Project Manhttan development of the atom bomb)
- Patrick Mulcahy (Dr Pepper)
- Paul Wolfowitz (CFR, TC, Le Cercle, World Bank)
- Peter Busch Orthwein (Thor Industries; great-great-grandson of Adolphus Busch)
- Peter S. Knight (Chief of Staff to Al Gore, actor in the climate scam, Campaign Manager of jesuit Bill Clinton, president of Generation Investment Management)
- Rich Isaacson (Loud Records, Hip Hop)
- Robert Harrison (Clinton Foundation)
- Robert Selander (MasterCard)
- Stephen Friedman (Goldman Sachs, CFR, TC, Brookings, Federal Reserve NY, advisor of George W Bush)
- Stuart Loory (vice-president CNN)
- Teh-Chang Koo (son of Wellington Koo, Chinese Minister to the U.S., representative to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, League of Nations-United Nations representative, president of the Republic of China 1926–1927, grandson of Tang Shaoyi, first Premier of the Republic of China)
- Thomas Kelly (Apollo Lunar module in moon landing ritual)
- Walter Teagle (Standard Oil, director of Federal Reserve NY)

Gregory Hayes was trained at Cornell, CEO of Raytheon, company of Vannevar Bush.

George W. Bush administration: Jules Kroll (CFR, TC, Saddam Hussein ritual), Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Friedman (Marsh and McLennan’s), Stephen Krasner, Sandy Berger and Stephen Hadley.

Obama administration: Seth Harris, Gary Suzy, Alison Nathan, Mary Miller.

Barber Conable CFR, World Bank.

S&B is linked to the Bohemian Club in California, controlled by the Bohemian Schwarzenbergs.


Misleading books about Skull & Bones

Kris Millegan 'Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society'.
Alexandra Robbins 'Secrets of the Tombs: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power'.
Anthony Sutton 'America's Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones' (claims S&B is linked to the Illuminati, repeated by Kris Millegan and Alex Jones).

Order of Malta

